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What if ccw and open carry was banned nationwide?

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Feb 26, 2008
What if ccw and open carry was banned nationwide due to obama?
And the only places you can carry is on your private property,hunting,or have it in the car in a holster in a glove box or seat loaded or unloaded.
I guess I'd just have to do my best to not get caught.

Seriously though:
1. The President doesn't have the power to create laws, and I don't see it happening through an executive order.
2. The Federal government doesn't have the authority to do that (unless of course, they can find a way to claim it relates to Interstate commerce).
-Quite a few folks would be totally lost as the only tool they have and rely on for safety is a gun.

-Many folks recall a time when there were no "permission papers" and would do as they did then.
Others would be bugging the fire out of them to learn what was done back then.

-Others are familiar with restrictions that vary from :
_Civilians not being able to have any guns or calibers as the Police/Military do.
_Persons traveling in daily affairs are subject to checkpoints with armed Police/Military at checkpoints.
_Homes and business subject to search and seizure.

History is a great teacher and one is wise to pay attention, lest they make the same mistakes again.
Good question. What are there, 40 or so shall-issue states now?

I've recently seen how MN bars have dealt with the smoking ban. They pretend every night is "play night" or "re-enactment night" and let everyone smoke. It borders on scoffing.

I'm just guessing, but I think a smoking ban has a lot more popular support than a carry ban would. How many states (if any) would openly assert that such a law from the fed would be unenforced? How many individuals would openly scoff a law that banned carry?

I know a few.

We've been gaining ground in recent years, not losing it. Right now I think my town's dogcatcher has a better shot at the Oval Office than BHO.
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So far all they're talking about is guns. Maybe we could just start "carrying" our swords or big bowie knives!
Then most of us would do like we did before CCW became wide spreed, carry anyway. Remember, a lot of laws are morally wrong.
^I guarantee if there was a guy carrying a concealed weapon with no harm intended (if illegal) and an illegal immigrant standing side by side, the guy with the gun would get more attention. And if the illegal attacked the cop, and the carrying gun owner saved the cops life, the gun owner still would do time.
Illegal immigration just isn't an issue for some reason these days. Go USA.

And yes... "What if" works on so many levels with that statement. haha

I carried for 25+ years without a CCW. I did it because I valued my life more than I valued that law.
I obey the law, well most laws. But, I will not allow that to preventing me from stopping someone from taking my life or the life of a loved one.
I hope that does not happen, I pray that does not happen. But if it does I will go back to the thought of being judged by 12 as opposed to be carried by 6.
Very interesting answers
weisse52 I dont ccw illegally because in florida its a 3rd degree felony if caught and I dont want to mess my entire life up just for that and never be able to hold a good job.However I respect your courage to stand up against a immoral law and do whats right for your situation to survive and protect yourself and family.

Now if it was just a small misdeameanor like in California which is ironic then I would do it once in a while but in the state I live in which is pro-gun florida I would be instantly put in jail and have all gun rights taken from me which is not worth it in the long run because I can legally get a ccw in 3 years when I turn 21.Now if they banned ccw outright then I would be more willing to be disobediant and do what is my natural right to carry and to protect myself.In the meantime all I can do is wait until I reach the age where I can carry and hope that I wont have to see Obama or some extreme gun hating president win and ban ccw and open carry outright through Democratic legistlation.

A gun in the car though is better then a gun at home thats my situation for the next three years.
The states would have to whip out the 2nd Amendment and show it to the feds I think.

The other answer to your question is "Criminals would keep doing it, and ex-law abiding citizens who realize this would become criminals due to a paradigm shift."

I think that the general consensus is that a few signatures on a piece of paper in Washington can't make me delete the value that I place on being alive, and on the fact that my friends and family are alive.
Civil disobedience is still alive and well in America, I dearly hope. I further hope that would be the response to such a measure.
What if ccw and open carry was banned nationwide due to obama?
And the only places you can carry is on your private property,hunting,or have it in the car in a holster in a glove box or seat loaded or unloaded.

That is when the armed rebellion should begin.
Hope that scenario doesn't ever play out, but I have carried concealed legally for years, and both legally openly, and/or "otherwise" concealed for many years before that. Guess I'd have to become a "highly decorated, combat wounded veteran former law abiding citizen turned criminal by necessity" ....and trust to be fairly judged by 12,...instead of carried by six,.....
This is an easy one...Carry anyway. Just become a criminal. They seem to get away with everything they do. Too many walking the streets right now. Phila Pa is criminal friendly.
In CA carrying of a loaded Concealed gun is a misdemenor, First offense...If the gun is registered to you and you are not defined as a "gang member". Yes there is a statutory definition of a "gang member, then you will most likely get you gun confiscated and fined.

Carying of a knife with a fixed blade is a Felony.

Go Figure?
What if ccw and open carry was banned nationwide due to obama?
No president of the United States would - or should - be able to have this kind of power. If he did somehow acquire this power, he would no longer be president, but a tyrannical dictator. It would then be time to fully exercise the Second Amendment.
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It would then be time to fully exercise the Second Amendment.

Yes,this is one 'peasant' that would stay armed no matter what the cause or reason!Give me liberty or give me death...honestly now,do they think that millions of armed Americans are going to just 'rollover and give it up'?

This IS the USA...
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