What is a Trophy Deer?

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That's my girlfriend...

But yeah, she enjoys hunting and fishing as much as I do.

Ever heard people talk about women being better shots than men? Trust me...they're right. :D
That one "hit home" for me too bang bang, for deerhunter61's reasons.
When that's what's involved,it's ALL good!
How many of you would consider an 8 point with a seventeen inch spread a trophy worthy of a shoulder mount?

The definition of a "trophy" will probably be different depending on where you are as a hunter. When I was younger and less experienced, I mounted a 115" eight point and was proud of it, but this past season, I only skull mounted a 150" buck and have been given a hard time by family and friends for not mounting it. For me "trophy" IS about size, and if a buck doesn't top 180 inches, it will not be going on my wall.
Bang Bang...... I am ashamed to admit I too have shot a dog sized deer. I told my friends "It looked bigger in the scope, I swear!" But it was the best tasting deer ever! To me a trophy is one you worked long and hard to get regardless of size.
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