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What is the answer to "why you have so many guns"

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Feb 10, 2004
Ok I work for cleaning service and during break a coworker seen me reading shotgun news, and ask me what kind of guns I had. I rolled off the five guns I had and she ask me why I had so many... I responed with "why does stamp collector have so many stamps" etc.

The client we work for most of the employees there own way more then me. And since when was five guns a lot?

Anyway how does someone answer this sort of question without sounding like an smartass or defencive?

Q:Why do you have so many guns?

My answer:

Q:Why do [gross generalization] women need to have 30 pairs of shoes [/gross generalization]?
A: Because I/We like them and because we can. :neener:
Well, that question is a lot better than "Why do you NEED so many guns?".....to which I reply, "It's not about need".

If you think about it....5 guns is darn few if you enjoy shooting clay sports, rifles and handguns.
I only own two guns ( :( ), so I don't have this "problem" :D

If it's a woman I would say: "Why do you have so many shoes?" :D

Or if it's someone who doesn't know anything about guns, I would just tell them that different kinds are for different things.
Why does a golfer

have 15 different clubs...and carry them all at once???

I've got more than 15 guns but I usually only carry one

Most people are good at making fun of things they don't like or understand and spending as much as possible on their desires
Off hand I would say have more guns then you can shoot is better then 30 pairs of shoes or a bunch of golf clubs. If I ever need to, I can always sell a gun. Try selling use shoes or golf clubs.

Suggested dialogue:

blissninny: Why do you have so many guns?

whm1974: That's an interesting question; why do you ask?

blissninny: Well, five seems like a lot to me; I mean, you can only shoot one at a time, right?

whm1974: Yes, but the same is true of hand tools. I can only use one at a time. But I have different tools for different jobs. If you're interested, I'd be willing to show you the different guns I have and explain the different jobs they were designed for.

blissninny with dawning awareness: Hmmm. How about Saturday?

... and come Sunday, a new convert! :D
Because they each have their own unique little personalities...


Only 5 guns?? Are you sure you have enough?!??!

... and come Sunday, a new convert!

She did mention something like wanting a handgun for protection... Dpn't know if she is seriours though.

I have also used the individuals own hobbies as a reference point. If they play golf, or collect stamps, or whatever the hobbie is, getting them to understand that this just my version of a hobby usually works, and sometimes sparks interest so they want to go shooting.

I have never used the tool analogy, but I think I might borrow that one, as it seems like a good analogy.
"They're spares, in case I break one."
"Spares? Do you keep a spare motor for your car too?"
"Yes. I used to have two, but I had to use one."
I don't have "so" many, and I've literally got 20 times what you've got.... :neener:

Actually, my reply depends on who is asking the question
Since I started shooting seriously in high school I have tried eight or 10 different shooting sports. I bought guns to fit each of them and guns to hunt with.
When I stopped shooting one type of match, I generally held on to the guns I bought for it. That built the total count fairly quickly.

I have also bought guns just because I thought they were neat. That adds up too.
I just tell my wife that I ran across a great deal on ammo at the store/gun show. Now I have to buy a few guns to shoot the ammo.

Not much different than her spending $1200 in accessories (drapes, carpet, wall paper) to match the comforter set she found on sale.

Oh...and the guns will last longer than the bedroom frillies.
Well to start with many sheeple are unhappy if someone else owns ONE gun. If this is the case telling them you have more is likely to cause alarm rather then gain a convert. Anti-gunners seldom yield to logic - their position is solidly based on pure emotionalism. Unless you know the person well, the best answer is "oh, I'm just looking at the book (or whatever). Discussing exact details with a stranger can lead to big problems, such as a B&E if the word gets around. Why make yourself a target?
She did mention something like wanting a handgun for protection... Dpn't know if she is seriours though.
Ummm. My experience only. Very few women will admit to wanting a handgun for protection even if they do want one. The odds of running across someone who says she does, but doesn't really, are pretty slim.

If she'd said that to me, I'd've invited her to the range, posthaste!

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