While in Burger King....

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Robert hit it right on the head......

All the meat that you see in the supermarket and in various eating establishments comes entirely from volunteer animals....who were not harmed in any way.

These animals make a generous donation to we human consumers...and then go on lead lead long and happy lives in various petting and public service facilities.

Hunting is cruel and inhumane.......YEAH RIGHT !!!

If meat is murder......are eggs birth control ?
Ya shoulda looked her in the eye and said, " I don't just hunt deer dear, I hunt white tail all year long".

Edit; not sure I would say this in front of Art's Grandma or not I would have needed to know the lady, some yes some no depending on the person.
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:D :D Good one - I'm gonna use that!

Animals making voluntarily donations - tee hee. I can just see the 3-legged farm animals running around, and some contracts held by the farmer, allegedly signed by the animals, proclaiming they're they're glad to do their part to help humans have the tastiest meals possible. Would that make the PETA people happy? :)

"Soylent Green is..... VENISON! The Horror; the horror...."
Tell her to sh_t the FU. To mind her own business and you dont appreciate what she said.
I run into this mentality all the time with the nurses i work with. 1 time i was in the ER and 1 of them was giving me some grief over it, and i saw she was wearing leather shoes. I started to bend down toward her shoes, while looking her right in the eye. I asked her if she minded if i pet that poor cow 1 last time that gave it's life for her to wear designer shoes. Man she was pissed.

Another time i was in Tandy Leather Co. years ago and was buying some cutting needles to sew up coyote hides, and i told the girl behind the counter that i was using them to sew up coyote fur when she asked about it. Man, she about came unglued cursing me for what i was doing to those poor innocents. I was so taken aback by it i couldn't think what to say. Later i called her on the phone and told her i was with the "Save the Cattle Foundation", and wondered why she supported the killing of cows. She got pissed too. Damn hippocrites--they're so self-righteous i often wonder if they're actually members of the same species as the rest of us.
I tend to have a warped sense of humor. Years ago I was at a party and a friend and I were talking about Duck hunting. I slightly drunk girl barged in on the conversation and started haranging us about killing little innocent birds. I replied "Actually I gave up hunting Ducks and no longer kill them". She smiled and said that's good to which I replied "Yes, now I just molest them and let them go"! :what:

She called me several names. :D
I didn't get mad about what she said. I couldn't see myself leaving I think that would show a sign of weakness for my point.
There are so many young people like her who have been conditioned to think this way. I would like to have this conversation a couple of times a week with a young person.
Reminds me of when I was in college, and was in the drive-thru at a McDonalds's behind a compact car with a couple of college girls in it... the car's rear was emblazoned with "Meat is Murder", "PETA", "Vegan is Great", etc. stickers... and what do I hear ordered? "2 Big Macs and fries"....

If you don't eat meat, that's fine... but don't try to tell me how to live. When you are hungry enough, you will eat the meat! Or as Dennis Leary said, "Meat is Murder... and murder tastes good!"
pointing out their hypocrisy...

...Is the best method. Like the leather shoes, and working in a hamburger place, etc.
I point out that they take no personal responsibility for the death of the animal they are wearing or eating, and letting someone else take that responsibility only worsens it. That is not just bad Kharma, it is downright evil, and cowardly.;)
I just spit in my chew cup and say..."whatever"...order my triple whopper and hold the veggies please because I'm a carnivore :)
We were turkey hunting this spring (Full Camo) go into a local place for lunch and the gal asks how the fishing was (opening day of season). We say "Great, they can't see us coming" and proceed to chuckle the rest of the hunt.:D
I've used this argument before too.

I've found that most people somehow disassociate themselves from the animal they're eating because they didn't kill it and therefore feel no guilt. They "feel bad" that they're eating an animal, but yet think that somehow the person who killed it is a worse person than they are.

I used to be one of them.

Nowadays, I am of the impression that it is actually even more cruel to raise an animal in captivity with little room, feeding it a diet formulated to make it tasty, and then slaughtering it. I find it much MORE ethical to eat meat that came from animals that lived a fulfilling life in the wild, free to be the way G-d intended. Therefore, in a way, hunting is more ethical than going to the local supermarket for meat.
I am of the impression that it is actually even more cruel to raise an animal in captivity with little room, feeding it a diet formulated to make it tasty, and then slaughtering it.
If you were given the choice of being raised in captivity, being castrated, and then being slaughtered before reaching your full growth, or living free with a chance of being shot -- which would you take?
If you were given the choice of being raised in captivity, being castrated, and then being slaughtered before reaching your full growth, or living free with a chance of being shot -- which would you take?
Sadly it appears a rather large percentage of the population would rather take the first choice so they can feel safer, from the laws they will support.
...in captivity, being castrated, and then being slaughtered before reaching your full growth....

Wait, are we talking about hunting right now or marriage?
Nevermind that wild game like venison actually has a flavor. Most fast food is heavy with dyes and perfumes to give it a taste and smell because by they time they kill those cows, or whatever they make the ribwich from, and get them processed, the meat either smells and tastes like nothing or is completely disgusting.

Now that I've moved back to the mountains, I'm quickly weeding packaged meat from my diet and am looking forward to stocking back up this fall and spring with wild game.
And, fast food? Give it up for 2 weeks and see if you still like it.
U know what the worst part is?--Those hypocrites make others like them and too many of them vote.
Actually, I've heard that BK and McD serve only organic beef in their burgers . . . meaning the cattle died of natural causes.

Think about it . . .

They must have told her during orientation that all the meat comes from magical burger land.
I want to go to magical burger land. Is that a euphamism for heaven?
LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Just goes to show...

Now if she'd been workin at McDonalds, that'd been a different story... lol
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