Why are Americans So angry? (speech-long)

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1. Uncertainty. Even though the economy is strong and unemployment is low, most people have high debt and know that they are just one paycheck away from serious trouble. And they also know that there is no job security any more - a company will fire a long term, loyal employee in a minute to get earnings up a little this quarter.

Dang! I hear this all the time from people everywhere I go. Is it really that bad? Some of these people have good jobs that I can't even get!:confused:

I know alot of people have huge debts on there houses. I guess the banks are doing OK.:(
Think about the debt in this country. The government is currently is currently funding this war by debt as opposed to higher taxes. Normally when one engages in wars, they raise the tax. But when one thinks about that, the people will only support that if the country is actually being threatened. Most of us wanted Afghanistan invaded, and most of us probably would of paid the tax for it, but Iraq. No. So the war was funded by offshoring the cost of it to China and Japan, who are more than willing to take on that debt in order to collect "interest."

The major diff between governments and people in the U.S. is that we have payments due every month, and we cannot run away from our debts. And declaring bankruptcy means our home, and whatever other movable capital will be taken.

With the government, they can take out loan after loan, after loan, and the only payees are the same citizens who have their own debts. We, and our children, and our children's children will pay for this debt for years to come, and all so that a handfull of companies, who couldn't cut it in the free market, could profit.

It does come tumbling down though. It tumbles when we cannot pay our debts anymore. It comes when the people are too overburdened paying their interest, government's interest, and for everyday life that they cannot cope. Tasked to pay for some things they never actually signed for, they cannot buy anything newly produced. Then, the economy crashes.

Maybe a segment of America feels it around the corner.
'They hate us for mixing up with their affairs' (paraphrased)

But if their affair is conquering us, we need to get in their face in a serious manner. Sept 11, 2001 was a first strike in their intended conquest of us.

Americans may be angry that President Bush has left our borders undefended in this time of peril. Of course, a President Kerry would have also done that, plus been much less effective in fighting jihadis in the middle east. So maybe Americans are angry in frustration that we don't yet have a really great leader.
What WMDs? Five hundred moldering rusting artillery shells buried in the ground (and likely lost to the previous regime) don't constitute WMDs by the wildest stretch of the imagination unless your name is Dubya.
Additionally, they were found in 2s and 3s over a few years. No stockpiles, just junk laying around. Another attempt at justification.

What WMDs? Five hundred moldering rusting artillery shells

Since they are so harmless you won't mind if we store them in you garage.
Switzerland ignores the Middle East, and they're doing OK.

+1. After serving in Iraq, I'd like to see us return to the original model and
intent of the Founding Fathers. This would be closer to what the Swiss
have now, but what we use to have: strong borders, no long foreign military
escapades, strong service AND manufacturing base, politicians who put their
own people first. And, if I recall correctly, we were the world's biggest
banker at one time --not its biggest debt slave.

It's unfortunate that the globalist neo-cons won out over the Fortress
America neo-cons in the current administration, but this is the direct result
of the mentality that was complained about by the FF's in the two letters I
already posted in this thread. Many Americans see this SELL-OUT and are

Could not agree with you more. The GOP might as well be a political party of Iraq. They are blowing all of thier collective wad on this conflict with no direction AT ALL about issue at home.

I Hear on these boards and else where that the troops are protecting my freedoms here at home...........:what: I am not one that thinks my freedom is being protected by the soliders/Govt. Sorry IMHO they protect something else. I PROTECT MY FREEDOMS. The FF would role in thier collective graves on that crap mindset: That Govt protects your/our freedoms. My God how far we have drifted from 1776.

We need to get back to strong borders, armed to the teeth neutrality, gun clubs and the Bills of Rights being taught in our schools......the list could go on and on. Limited Govt, pro private property (reguardless of the endanger red-a$$ fly that farts on your property) Eminent domain abuse

WE SHOULD BE WORKING TOWARDS LIMITING THIS GOVT (and letting the free market kick A$$)

But no let increase powers, new branches of govt, and maybe get surprised that New Orleans has billions in waste.

If we could just find that room in Washington DC where all of the true Conservatives are and cut the ropes and let them run free again.....:D
After serving in Iraq, I'd like to see us return to the original model and
intent of the Founding Fathers. This would be closer to what the Swiss
have now, but what we use to have: strong borders, no long foreign military
escapades, strong service AND manufacturing base, politicians who put their
own people first. And, if I recall correctly, we were the world's biggest
banker at one time --not its biggest debt slave.

I repeat: the Swiss are NOT ignoring the Middle East, they are serving it and profiting from it. While they hide behind their mountains, happy in the possession of their assault rifles, they are enabling and empowering terrorism around the world, some of which will lead to the deaths of Americans. No country is an island, and no country should pretend to be one whille trafficking with the forces of darkness. Let's not fall in love with the land of cuckoo clocks because they happen to share some notions of RKBA with us. There's more to real freedom than that.
The determined effort of the authors of our Constitution to firmly place the power to declare war in the legislative branch has been ignored in the decades following WWII.

Many members have confided in me that they are quite comfortable with this arrangement. They flatly do not expect, in this modern age, to formally declare war ever again. Yet no one predicts there will be fewer wars fought. It is instead assumed they will be ordered by the executive branch or the United Nations-- a rather sad commentary.

The worry I hear most often from the Joe and Joanie Sixpack in I-10 Waffle Shops is about the ever-rising cost of living, which is rising much faster than their paychecks. Inflation, whether or not they use that specific word.

From the Internet, I gather that many people regard Congress' posturing about gay marriage and flag burning are merely smokescreens to hide the fact that little of real value is being done about any serious domestic problems.

Personally, I certainly agree with those who believe that government has become too meddlesome in our daily lives. It's too much Big Nanny, yet impersonal and without means for accountability for errors.

Stevelyn, remember that the "freedoms" that we have that are anathema to the Jihadists include the freedom of your mother/girlfriend/wife/daughter to drive a car, dance, wear a bikini bathing suit, go unveiled, have her own bank account, and become a movie actress. And many others. Heck, the right to use your left hand, for that matter. :D Forget our Bill of Rights; the Jihadists don't have a clue as to what they mean.

The overwhelming majority of people I know are not angry. They're concerned about their lawns, fixing up their homes, and getting new cars or motorcycles.

Those who are angry are those who follow politics. They're angry with Bush, angry with the people who are angry with Bush, angry about taxes, angry about societal issues (guns, abortion, religion, welfare), angry with our elected officials at every level, angry about how far our country has strayed from the Constitution, and more.

I'm angriest with those who don't pay attention to what's going on, because it is they who return their legislators to office again and again when the SOB's should be run out of town.

It doesn't require x-ray vision to see that the governor of Wisconsin is selling our state for millions of dollars in campaign contributions from road building companies, indian casinos, travel companies, building contractors, computer software companies, utility companies, and people who stand to make a tidy return on their campaign contributions. There's a secret federal grand jury investigating all of this.

And there's also a good chance that the governor will be returned to office in the fall, all because of those people who aren't paying attention.
Analysis of the problem D+
Solutions offered F

Paul Craig Roberts does a much better job of analyzing the current situation and as a bonus does a much better job of looking at the economic terrain.

IMNSHO the big problem is the disconnect between Joe and Martha Sixpack and their respective handlers and elected officials. We've just been granted a ringside seat in the immigration circus were we witnessed a complete and total disconnect between the expectations of those ruled from those doing the ruling. If our elected officials are that far out of touch on a fairly simple issue what else are they out of touch on? I think part of the unease is the divergence between one's gut and government statistics.
From the speech:
We repeatedly use military force against former allies, thugs we helped empower—like Saddam Hussein and Osama bin Laden—even when they pose no danger to us.
Is the Honorable Ron Paul saying Osama bin Laden poses no danger to us? I thought he was behind 9/11. How could he not be a danger to us?
You all have it wrong.
Americans are angry all the time always have been and always will be, no matter the topic.

For 500 years we have been taking in all the folks in the world who couldn't or wouldn't get along or follow the status quo. For 500 years we have been selectively breeding people who can't or won't get along or go along.
That's whay we are angry all the time. Iraq, politics and crooks are just the latest targets.:evil:

Sam I will disagree, something is different this time.
-Here we have a President that continues to pi$$ off his base.

-The GOP have the 3 branches of Govt and they are wimps at best, nothing is getting done( Newt is right, the GOP went from a reform party to just another pro-governence party in just 10 short years after the 94 revolution)

-Fiscal Conservative are livid with this president, no vetos, the new drug plan. The GOP thinks its OK to grow Govt....but just as long as we throw out some tax cuts and we'll make the base happy. (thats not being conservative/limited Govt)

- the Border and the double standard rule of law, and pathetic Govt feet dragging and "response".

-Conservatives feel they truly have no where to go, are looking at other options, or they are not voting in protest.....and some are party sheeple and will vote for the party reguardless if its the modern day version of the Titannic change may not happen.

-the kelo case is huge, ticked off many many americans.(GOP picked judges in on that one)

-Iraq, plus or minus, its just another undeclared war, the current GOP should just be a politicial party for Iraq because they are blowing their collective wad on this issue and throwing ALL of their energy at this one issue. The domestic agenda is DOA. "its for your security" is not enough.

-post 9/11 and the borders...seem not to be a security threat to this administration.

-each year bring more crap from the liberals that destory americas traditions and values with no honest to goodness kick a$$ fight from the Right. The neo-cons just want to be liked.

But whats amazing in all of this is that the other pro-Govt party has NOTHING to offer NO PLAN(like they ever did) they are just the anti-bush crowd and are out of control, wackos.

some of you may laugh at this but I'm not a wack-job and I left the GOP after being a "lifer" because I truly feel like they left me first. I just cant bring myself to reward that party with another vote given all this crap.

I voted for Jesse for Governor in Minnesota. I remember the feeling about the state politics then.

It feels like that again but who knows........ in the end The Bill of Rights will be my guide....its the only hope I have(besides family,friends and God, of coarse)
I'm angry because my government


It's run by a bunch of people who have used our tax money to provide themselves with lifetime financial security for doing a job whose minimum tenure is what, only 4 to 6 years? And they don't ever have to contribute to the social security system again. Yet, these very people who have been keen enough to insure their personal future well being on our dime can't even wage a war against a bunch of misfit terrorists with any effectiveness. They can't balance any budget effectively, they don't mind driving us into debt so far that our grandchildren will still be paying our bills.

If our government was a business, it would fail....period. It would be bankrupt and working for someone who can balance the books like Bill Gates or Steve Forbes.

Americans are screaming for alternative energy sources, but we're inextricably "in bed" with the oil industry that dictates our foreign policy. Oil subsidies never dry up, but alternative energy subsidies never last more than a year or two.

We can solve the transportation energy issue with roughly 100mile x 100mile array of solar panels. Not augment our use of oil, but completely eliminate our dependence on it....completely!!:cuss: The SouthWest has vast amounts of desert that this infrastructure could be placed in with little to no impact on most populations. We have vast amounts of wind energy to tap into, but it doesn't get government backing. Why, our government is run by special interests, not our interests.

Our government is every bit as corrupt as any third world nation, our representatives are just head and shoulders above the others in deceptive skills in my opinion. I hate what Bush and Cheney have done for this country and the fact that the GOP has really just let it all happen. Don't get me wrong, the liberals aren't far behind in corruption and deceit, I just don't think they are as well organized as the GOP.

Sam, I assume you're a Native American, with such sentiments dating back 500 years. I don't agree. I'm grateful that my ancestors came here from Sweden 113 years back, and every one of us except full-blood Native Americans have ancestors who came here at some point in the past 500 years.

If I was Native American, I'd be angry too.

I'm angry enough now. My biggest beef isn't even the Iraq war, ultimate boner though it is; my biggest complaint is the Big Brother nanny state encroaching on our freedoms "for our own good," led by an imperial executive branch boldly claiming dictatorial powers.
Is the Honorable Ron Paul saying Osama bin Laden poses no danger to us? I thought he was behind 9/11. How could he not be a danger to us?

"I don't know where he is.You know, I just don't spend that much time on him... I truly am not that concerned about him."[President Bush, Press Conference,3/13/02]
I'm angry enough now. My biggest beef isn't even the Iraq war, ultimate boner though it is;

You may think it is politically correct to knock the Iraq war, but I and many others are firmly behind it.

my biggest complaint is the Big Brother nanny state encroaching on our freedoms "for our own good,"

We don't have a Big Brother nanny state. What we have is a government doing its best to address international terrorism.

led by an imperial executive branch boldly claiming dictatorial powers.

We have an assertive and decisive administration. Imperial or dictatorial are words that might be used by those who resist authority in all forms but who don't have better and practical ideas to effectively address problems.
The President and others did have a lot they were "concerned" about that
day (March 13, 2002) so let's add some more context:

I am deeply concerned about Iraq. And so should the American people
be concerned about Iraq. And so should people who love freedom be
concerned about Iraq....But we're concerned about the Middle East...
I certainly hope that Prime Minister Sharon is concerned about the
loss of innocent life. We certainly -- I certainly am. It breaks
my heart and I know it breaks the heart of a lot of people around the
world to see young children lose their life as a result of violence
-- young children on both sides of this issue....Well, as I say, we
haven't heard much from him. And I wouldn't necessarily say he's at
the center of any command structure. And, again, I don't know where
he is. I -- I'll repeat what I said. I truly am not that concerned
about him. I know he is on the run. I was concerned about him, when
he had taken over a country. I was concerned about the fact that he
was basically running Afghanistan and calling the shots for the Taliban.

Yes, as the President said, the American people remained deeply "concerned"
about things.....
I'm angry enough now. My biggest beef isn't even the Iraq war, ultimate boner though it is; my biggest complaint is the Big Brother nanny state encroaching on our freedoms "for our own good," led by an imperial executive branch boldly claiming dictatorial powers.
I address my 2 cents to the underlined portion. What we are seeing with Bush is merely the visible manifestation of a process developing over the last 60 or so years. All presidents since Roosevelt have gathered executive power to themselves. Unfortunately the check on executive power, SCOTUS, has merely encouraged the trend. What we see this day and time is merely the visible evidence of unconstitutional efforts over years.

Two examples I think make the point. Patriot Act didn't just grow up out the the dirt just a few weeks after 9-11. Provisions that magically appeared in the act were on the shelf for decades waiting for the right time to be codified. Fact is some of the provisions were given a test drive earlier and voted down by congress. After 9-11 the political climate had changed enough to permit public acceptance of arguably unconstitutional and anti-freedom provisions.

Second example is the senate's solution to the manufactured immigration crisis. After decades of doing nothing suddenly the senate comes forth with a truly breathtaking bill. 600+ pages finely crafted in a matter of weeks, right? Not hardly. The senate's bill has been written over a period of years with carefully crafted provisions and language. The senate did not write the bill; various staffers wrote the bill. Think tanks ponied up the dollars for research and help in writing legislation. Senators didn't even read the thing, just like the Patriots Act.

Like it or not there exists a shadow government operating on its own agenda and it has nothing to do with constitutional government and the maintenance of liberty. The government has gained access to the levers of power and is in the process of transforming the US into a marxist enterprise. Chasing the rabbit of Jeorge Bush as source of evil is to miss the target. Our entire government has turned predator and has been such for several decades. Jeorge is merely a red herring useful is distracting us from the real problem.
Senators didn't even read the thing, just like the Patriots Act.

Wasn't some new text inserted into the Patriot Act right before it was
signed as well without most even knowing it had been? You have to love
the magician's sleight of hand on that one ;)

Politician: "Wait a second, that was NOT what we had just talked
about! WHO put THAT in there?!"

Lobbyist: "Sir, relax....remember the photos we have?"

Politician: "Um......"

Lobbyist: "Now be quiet, go sit down, and collect your check. You and
your family will be just fine as long as you remember the photos. Understand?"

Politician: "Yeah, ok."

Lobbyist: "See? That wasn't so hard? I'll see you at the big camp out
next week. Drinks are on me."
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