Why are Americans So angry? (speech-long)

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Waitone said:
Patriot Act didn't just grow up out the the dirt just a few weeks after 9-11. Provisions that magically appeared in the act were on the shelf for decades waiting for the right time to be codified.
Conspiracy theories are a dime a dozen...

"My God! How little do my countrymen know what precious blessings they are in possession of, and which no other people on earth enjoy!"
-- Thomas Jefferson
M'kay CD, do you have an explanation that would account for how a 1000 page (plus or minus) document such as the PA was written in just a few weeks?
Love ta hear it...

Conspiracy theories are a dime a dozen...

A dime was a lot back in Washington's day:

George Washington to Joseph Reed

December 12, 1778

It gives me sincere pleasure to find that
there is likely to be a coalition of the
Whigs in your State, a few only excepted,
and that the assembly is so well disposed
to second your endeavors in bringing those
murderers of our cause, the monopolizers,
forestallers, and engrossers, to condign
punishment. It is much to be lamented that
each State, long ere this, has not hunted
them down as pests to society and the greatest
enemies we have to the happiness of America.
I would to God that some one of the most
atrocious in each State was hung in gibbets
upon a gallows five times as high as the one
prepared by Haman. No punishment, in my opinion,
is too great for the man who can build his
greatness upon his country's ruin.

Don't forget:

Isn't it fitting to use these Musket Balls of Wisdom from
the Founding Fathers to shoot holes in today's Royals :cool:
Like it or not there exists a shadow government operating on its own agenda and it has nothing to do with constitutional government and the maintenance of liberty. The government has gained access to the levers of power and is in the process of transforming the US into a marxist enterprise. Chasing the rabbit of Jeorge Bush as source of evil is to miss the target. Our entire government has turned predator and has been such for several decades. Jeorge is merely a red herring useful is distracting us from the real problem.

Unfortunately, I agree with you.

As many of us realize, this "marxist enterprise" extends far beyond the halls of government and is very comfortably ensconced in media, entertainment, the law, and especially education.

There is only one answer to this and it entails a massive and aggressive refusal to play along.
Biker said:
M'kay CD, do you have an explanation that would account for how a 1000 page (plus or minus) document such as the PA was written in just a few weeks? Love ta hear it...

Ever been to Washington? Go to any Congressional office - any one - and take a gander at the staff size... At the stroke of a pen, or a well-directed e-mail, Congress members could authorize the development and publication of a Bible-size document overnight.... I know... I worked on one for DoD on a Joint Service standards guide that was litterally pulled together in 24-48 hours that was well in excess of 1000 pages with authoritative references... That Patriot Act stuff was pulled together on the fly AFTER not BEFORE passage of the Act...
Ever been to Washington? Go to any Congressional office - any one - and take a gander at the staff size... At the stroke of a pen, or a well-directed e-mail, Congress members could authorize the development and publication of a Bible-size document overnight.... I know... I worked on one for DoD on a Joint Service standards guide that was litterally pulled together in 24-48 hours that was well in excess of 1000 pages with authoritative references... That Patriot Act stuff was pulled together on the fly AFTER not BEFORE passage of the Act...

Well, good to know that Government is no different from an all-nighter term paper.

Why am I not comforted by that?
You betcha CD, and say hi to the Easter Bunny for me.
A document as important as this was thrown together in such a short period of time and presented at a fortuitous moment in our nation's history (for those who wanted it passed) to a bunch of Pols who hadn't had a chance to read it and *had* to pass it or be crucified. Goebel would have been proud.

plug out the old, plug in the new

Ever been to Washington? Go to any Congressional office - any one - and take a gander at the staff size... At the stroke of a pen, or a well-directed e-mail, Congress members could authorize the development and publication of a Bible-size document overnight.... I know... I worked on one for DoD on a Joint Service standards guide that was litterally pulled together in 24-48 hours that was well in excess of 1000 pages with authoritative references... That Patriot Act stuff was pulled together on the fly AFTER not BEFORE passage of the Act...

And the beauty of these modern team-generated documents is that they are template-driven, which means when the New Boss comes on-board they can be re-worked and re-written with some digital legerdemain on demand.

I think we know these are "documents" that are written not to be read and not to be understood.
Biker said:
You betcha CD, and say hi to the Easter Bunny for me.
A document as important as this was thrown together in such a short period of time and presented at a fortuitous moment in our nation's history (for those who wanted it passed) to a bunch of Pols who hadn't had a chance to read it and *had* to pass it or be crucified. Goebel would have been proud.

I'm not a supporter of conspiracy theories; the gravity of the Patriot Act caused heavy staff focus upon it, resulting in an authoritative report in a relatively quick amount of time... if you wish to see Easter Bunnies in something perfectly and easily explained that be your business...

I defer to the cause of liberty and security under which the Patriot Act protects; some wish that protection marginalized by neutralizing the Patriot Act and that is where I see problems.

Take off your Party tinted glasses. In the case of the Patriot Act, Liberty and security are mutually exclusive.

Biker said:
Take off your Party tinted glasses. In the case of the Patriot Act, Liberty and security are mutually exclusive.

If I asked you for a specific liberty or right denied to you, as a direct result of the Patriot Act, would I get an answer or some posturing that perhaps something might happen?
One source of anger is the impression that abuses cannot be resolved though the regular channels...one of my friends just returned to the US through Detroit and TSA there stole several hundred dollars' worth of jewelry samples from her luggage. My friend is understandably angry, in part because she feels she has no recourse.
oleg's comment also explains 95% of the cop-bashing on this forum.
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