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Why do they DO that?!

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First time I ever heard of something like this was in something Ayoob wrote maybe 20 years ago. I didn't understand the mentality then and I still don't. One of lifes little mysteries.
Maybe it's a call to action to your pro-gun advocates to spread the word a bit better on the local rules related to gun ownership...

So that sheeple could be informed and won't worry at the sight ;)
How about

"Well sir I carry a gun just to show people that *I* personally have the impulse control not to put a round or two into people with big mouth and no brains..... And YOU don't carry beacuse ?_______?"

Naw.. okay bad idea......
Maybe its just the area that i live in but im pretty impressed with the NON sheeple-like behavior of the Blockbuster's manager. Around here most of the retail types would get nuts if i open carried into their establishment.
Amazing What You Can Find Online

Looked it up for you....


"At least 25 years ago, there was a verb "to woof" or "to wolf" (the
pronunciation would have been the same) among black kids in Chicago.
It meant to bluff or challenge. It could be transitive ("Stop woofin'
me, man") or intransitive ("She just woofin'").

ALSO ----

Wolf ticket: To speak aggressively to someone without intending to back it up with violence. "He's selling wolf tickets", meaning he's barking but not going to bite. Also used as street slang.


WARNING - you may want to turn the volume down if you are VERY easily offended by silly songs when loading the above URL.


I don't have the answer to your question ... but reading your post reminded me of something my daughter once said to me ...

She basically told me that whenever there's 2 or more people in a room, there's probably stupid people in there, too ...

I have no idea where she gets that from ...
blades67 -

You handled that well, as did the Blockbuster store manager.

My reply would be - "Why not?" Let him labor over reasons.

That would have been perfect! I have to remember that one.

I lived in Phoenix about 15 years ago, and it was my first experience with open carry. I was just out of college, and still suffering the aftershocks of all that good liberal indoctrination you get at U.T. Austin. (My "business ethics" prof was an avowed Marxist).

When I saw my first open carry, it was at a Denny's counter where my new bride and I were satisfying a late night case of the munchies (legally induced, no worries!) A plain-looking middle-aged man in a short-sleeved button down shirt and a leather shoulder rig with a .357mag sat down next to us. :what: He said something like, "hey there", and then ordered coffee.

Once I realized I was still alive, I said "hey" back. I mean, what do you say to a man with a gun? You gotta be polite, don't you? :p

After that it was plain sailing - open carry was pretty common, and I got used to it quickly. The best part is that it didn't take me long to actually feel *safer* around guys who legally carried guns than otherwise.

She basically told me that whenever there's 2 or more people in a room, there's probably stupid people in there, too ...

:D Now *that* is one to remember! ROFL!
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