Ruger Mini-14 vs. AR-15 - Which one and why?

Mini-14 or AR?

  • Mini-14

    Votes: 10 18.2%
  • AR

    Votes: 45 81.8%

  • Total voters
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Apr 25, 2017
I've seen a number of posts here about the Mini-14. I don't have one, and I'm curious about the preference over an AR. Is it looks (I can see the appeal of a more traditional style .223 semi over the black rifle), function, nostalgic factor, or something else?

Almost everyone seems to have an AR by now. I don't believe I know anyone with a Mini-14.

Of you that have Mini-14s, do you also enjoy ARs, or tend to gravitate towards the former? ARs can be had for relatively cheap, while boasting impressive accuracy and reliability for the price. PMAGs are affordable and widely available, and the aftermarket for ARs is expansive.

Every time I see a Mini-14 at a show, I handle it and enjoy the feel, but haven't yet wrapped my head around acquiring one when ARs do well in the same caliber, for cheaper (build depending). This is just functionally speaking, in my opinion. The styles are different, and I'm sure you have your own good reasons for going with the Mini. What's the draw?
The nostalgia and design of the Mini-14 has to overcome its deficiencies as compared to the AR15. If it does that then, it’s a viable firearm for the uses that one may need it for.

I have and like both, but if I were to keep just one; it’s no contest. Others would say and feel otherwise, no problem with that. But I’m logical and there is great logical reasons why an AR15 is much more capable, flexible and simply the better choice.
Minis have a market in ban states where you can't get anything but some Frankenstein, neutered AR. You can have a 'normal' looking rifle with detachable mag (may be a 10 rounder). It is accurate enough for the real world - now, someone will have an Internet MOA blather-fest. But they work.

The other issue is 'will it hurt you in court debate' - someone else can go there with their learned legal and criminological/psychological opinion and expertise. If you aren't a lawyer or a researcher or say "Show me case" - please spare us. Sorry to be blunt, been down this road too, too many times on the Internet.

It works if it is the best for your circumstance. I'm going out for popcorn, maybe nachos, maybe toast a bagel. Is there a cold beer around? Haha!
The AR did come out before the Mini….so maybe the AR is what is more traditional.

The easily changed and multitude of available different cartridges available for the AR is one of the reasons I started owning them. I’ve only ever heard of 222 Rem (yes that reads 222), 223/5.56, 300 Blk, and 6.8 SPC are the only ones available in Mini-14 guise both in and out of production.

Anyway that is my reason for liking the AR over the Mini. There are a bunch of other emotional and pragmatic reason others will chime in with.
I have quite a few AR's now in several different calibers, I've had 3 Mini-14's but don't anymore so I guess that shows my answer.

I like the Mini-14 but it's aftermarket support is limited and it's performance is lacking for my usage. The AR is better in both respects and is more comfortable for me to shoot and carry.
I have both, and even though I've thought of selling the mini, I go out and shoot it a time or two and realize I still love it. It doesn't do anything better than an ar15, but it is good in its own right. Being able to fold the stock makes it okay for truck use, but that's not really much of an improvement over an ar15. They're doing the same things very differently. That's about all I can say about it. I know some people talk about accuracy issues, and I suppose I got a good one because they shoot the same for me. I live in a free state, but I just wanted one and I'm glad I did.
Mini-14's are the fun rifles we all like to remember for when Mini's cost $300 and AR's were hamstrung by the Federal AWB and cost $600-1000 - and most had A1 or A2 handles, gas was under a $1/gal, and cheap 223/5.56 ammo was under 20cents/round. Kinda like that cute girl we dated for a few months in high school, but lost touch after graduation... Now in 2024, we see her Facebook profile pop up because of mutual friends and she's 3x heavier than graduation, has 4 kids with 5 different dudes (figure that one out), and her feed is covered with memes of motivational slogans she picked up in rehab... Mini's cost MORE now than AR's, perform worse, and are less adaptable... Why they still exist? Man, I surely cannot say... But I can absolutely say, whatever is the reason, it's anti-Darwinian.
The nostalgia and design of the Mini-14 has to overcome its deficiencies as compared to the AR15. If it does that then, it’s a viable firearm for the uses that one may need it for.

I have and like both, but if I were to keep just one; it’s no contest. Others would say and feel otherwise, no problem with that. But I’m logical and there is great logical reasons why an AR15 is much more capable, flexible and simply the better choice.
This. I have both, I’m newer to the AR, but the AR is so much more refined.
For me it's economics.

I've had 2-3 over the years, but that was back in the day when I could get a new one for $300 and $250 used. At the time Colt was the only option for an AR and the price was closer to $1000.

Today that is reversed. I can get a very nice AR for $700 and many are closer to $500. A Mini is over $1000 now. The Mini comes with a 5 round mag and even those are expensive for spares. Finding anything holding 20+ rounds are hard to find and expensive. You can buy 4-5 AR magazines for what one will cost you for a Mini. It is much easier to mount optics on an AR.

For most people a Mini will do what they need done. And I think they are accurate and reliable enough so if you simply prefer it, and don't mind paying more they aren't a bad gun.
I’ve had multiples of both.

if you want a mini, save up for a M1A

if you want an AR, it will probably function better and be more accurate than the Mini.

if you are in California…. you gots to do what you’ve gots to do.
I have had a Mini since the early 90's. Granted, it's a 30 but I did buy it when I was a big fan of the 30 caliber in it's varieties.
It's a handy rifle and I like the looks of the "mini's" . I have a friend who has one in 223 and he likes his very much. (He also lives in California..)

I was late to get an AR but I have three now in different versions and I like them for their versatility.
Oh and my popcorn was getting cold from the last time we had this discussion. So a fresh bag is being popped. 😁
Microwave popcorn... because this dead horse doesn't deserve the effort of dragging out the popcorn popper.

I don't have an affinity for AR's. I tried to love Mini's back when they were cheap, but never had one shoot to my liking. Gave up, then a couple years ago ran across the Target version Mini. Guaranteed 1" with match ammo out of the box. It was the most accurate Mini I'd ever owned. I still gave up after a while.
If you want different than an AR, get a Mini. If you want better than an AR, keep looking.
I like how the Mini-14 handles and its resemblance to the M1 carbine that I also love. But I own AR-15s and no Mini-14s.

Yet, I suppose.
Mini is cool but not accurate enough for what I use a .223 for. And it is surpassed by the AR for what the AR was designed for. My dad had a Mini and sold it. He would have gave it to me, but I have no use for it.

As far as the ban state thing people throw out, are there any states where a Mini-14 is legal to purchase but an AR-15 is not?
I’m a big Mini 14 fan. But when asked in this context (Mini vs AR)….considering the AR’s numerous advantages, I’m not sure why :thumbdown:
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I had a mini-14 (580 series), a number of ARs, and a Saiga in 7.62X39. I sold the mini-14 because it wasn't nearly as accurate as my Stag 5.56 AR, because it required proprietary mags, and because the AR was repairable with the duplicates I had. I sold the Saiga because it felt cheap, required proprietary mags, and wasn't as accurate as a 7.62X39 Bear Creek upper. I regret neither except for being able to brag that I had one. Accuracy counts, exchangeable parts count.
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