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  1. L

    Omaha Doctor calls for assault weapons ban

    ...message board a new gun owner looking to get information about shooting, defense tactics. What I got on a regular basis was the same anti-liberal **** that I as a Texas Democrat have had to live with for the last 20 years. You think you've been dumped on, try saying you think it's time for...
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    Omaha Doctor calls for assault weapons ban

    You'll notice that's the first time I'd used it in several posts; I agree, it's misleading. I used "military-design rifles" quite a bit in earlier posts but it sounded too much like a euphemism, and it's also too specific. The antis want to ban "assault weapons". Whatever "assault weapons" are...
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    Omaha Doctor calls for assault weapons ban

    K. 1.) The "existential ends" (scope and nature) of the RKBA are basically twofold; to provide for yourself (hunting) and to protect yourself and those around you (personal defense). I understand the presence of entertainment value, but the Founders did not give you the fundamental right to...
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    Omaha Doctor calls for assault weapons ban

    Really? It happened in Israel; civilians started carrying weapons to protect against Islamic Jihad and Hezbollah gunmen, and so those groups started employing suicide bombers. If a guy wants to kill a bunch of people and doesn't care what happens afterward, a gun is only one tool. That was my...
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    Home Invasion Defense: Slim bullet vs. Fat bullet

    Where you live also makes a difference in whether overpenetration is a concern to those around you. BGs kick in your door, and you fire FMJs. They're not wearing body armor. Tweedledee and Tweedledum are going to crumple to the floor, but your bullets are going to to into or through the wall...
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    NICS accessible by non-LEOs, non-FFLs?

    I'm not sure if that would be true. The record that the search had been done probably has to be purged, but the information in the database, of course, must persist, and also, to satisfy some states' requirements of "only 1 firearm per 30 days", so must the fact that you bought a weapon in the...
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    Question about powder charge for light vs. heavier bullet

    In projectile physics, F=ma. Rearranging that, F/m=a. The force of the burning powder divided by the mass of the bullet equals the acceleration of the bullet. Let's assume force is constant (the two cartridges have the same measure of the same powder); a lighter and heavier bullet both are given...
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    NICS accessible by non-LEOs, non-FFLs?

    I was, for the better part of this year, not speaking to my parents for reasons which I shall not disclose :mad:. They got seriously worried that something was wrong :fire::fire: and tried to make sure they had all of my correct information. Apparently, one of the resources available to my...
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    I'm really getting nervous about this New Legislation

    It's good both ways. NICS will be more complete, more accurate, faster, and cheaper. It will reduce the occurrence both of incorrect denials and incorrect approvals, meaning lawful citizens can buy guns, criminals can not. That was after all the purpose, and both the NRA and the Brady Campaign...
  10. L

    Dichotomy in gun friendly states..

    Yeah, but do you REALLY want to put up with Alaskan winters just to have permitless carry? Texas is generally a pretty good place to own firearms. There's no state pre-emption for open carry, and in fact State law is what forbids it, but I've found they don't tend to worry too much when you...
  11. L

    Omaha Doctor calls for assault weapons ban

    Suit yourself. Advocate violent overthrow of the Bush Administration. Yell fire in a crowded theater. Invoke Satan or the Spirits of the Wood in a Catholic church. Call me the N-word (I dare you). It's your right under the First Amendment to freely express yourself with any word, anywhere...
  12. L

    Omaha Doctor calls for assault weapons ban

    No. Quite the contrary, if you'll read the post and not just look for ways to chip away. I'm saying you SHOULD care, very deeply, that the majority does not hold your opinion, if you as a gun owner want decisions made by that majority to benefit you. But the arguments I hear in response to a gun...
  13. L

    Omaha Doctor calls for assault weapons ban

    Nor do I. Yet when someone says something on the news that I, until very recently, would have agreed with, and in some cases as I have demonstrated still do, and the very next post calls him/her, The Brady Bunch, and everyone who thinks that way by association fascist, unintelligent, appeasing...
  14. L

    Omaha Doctor calls for assault weapons ban

    ...lords, dictators, and the forces loyal to the above. When an M4 or an AK-47 appears on the streets of a U.S. city, no matter whose hands it is in, s*** is hitting the fan. They are icons of all that is hated by peaceful law-abiding citizens. To defend them sounds to an anti a lot like...
  15. L

    Non tactical handgunning relevance?

    They may have accuracy under rapid fire with a .22, but I'll tell ya a .22 is not a 9mm or a .45. I definitely agree that they are better able to handle themselves in a real fight than someone who takes their gun to the range once a month and puts a few downrange to make sure he can still...
  16. L

    Omaha Doctor calls for assault weapons ban

    Spoken like a man who has absolutely no clue what it takes to get through medical school. It's not all money and determination. You can't learn all that is required to get your M.D. without a serious head on your shoulders. My dad has a Ph.D from MIT in Inorganic Chemistry. His undergrad was...
  17. L

    Mossberg 500 series - to get or not to get...

    Really? My local Academy has a new Persuader for $250. That includes the pistol grip (not sure if it can be used with the stock) and it's a 6+1 with 2 3/4 ammo. They may be calling an ordinary 500 a Persuader, but it's still one heck of an HD gun.
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    How Well Would Tracers Work As Signal Devices?

    They work. However a tracer is a fast-moving, small object best visible when you are close to its line of travel or in extremely low light. Definitely better than nothing, and easier to carry than a seperate flare gun, smoke pots or other signals, but those other signals are visible for miles in...
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    Omaha Doctor calls for assault weapons ban

    Probably, but it's not his intelligence you should question, but his wisdom. Intelligence is book smarts; knowing that you know stuff. Wisdom is world-smarts, which includes knowing that you DON'T know stuff. And why would a very in-depth personal knowledge of what a bullet does to a human...
  20. L

    What is your perfect Christmas present?

    For me it would probably be a CO2 BB/pellet pistol (maybe a pump), so I could plink in the comfort of my own apartment. Not airsoft; .177 copper BBs or lead wadcutters. I already have an air rifle (Crosman Pumpmaster 764S) but I mostly shoot pistol firearms so something that approximates the...