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A compeling reason to carry lots of ammo.

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I could not resist replying to this lengthy post. I only carry 46 rounds while on duty. yes that is enough hopefully to fight my way back to my patrol rifle. Even wearing that amount of ammo gets heavy at times, but you get use to it along with all the other gear we wear. 60 plus rounds holly smokes are you carrying a backpack. I don't know how many of the responding individuals to this post have a law enforcement back ground, but when it comes to my off duty time I want to be comfortable and turn the stressers of the job off. That's not to say that I dont carry a gun on my person, but I always have it in the vehicle(where it will do the least good!!) I believe that if every law abiding citizens wants to carry bandelaros of ammo more power to you. When it comes to reality you are probably never going to get attacked by a mob, you are not going to be able to get the jump on the thought out bank robbery, and bad guys rarely die when shot. They are like cockroaches. Gentleman what it comes down to is protection of self and family. The reality is that with modern suburbia the dirt bag probably has no idea how many rds you handgun carrys. They only care about that first round that wizzes by. CCW is for self protection, not to engage a squad. And always remember caliber size and ammo quantity doesn't matter when you shoot them in the eye hole!!!
Great post Hardcore. I agree with you.
I think LEOs should carry quite a bit of ammo but the rest of us ? You are fooling yourself if you think you are going to hold off a mob because you are weighted down with ammo. It's just not going to happen so you might as well just carry a nominal amount and be comfortable.
by my running

Alas, after 60 fun-filled years, using foot speed is not an option. Reckon I'm now a tactical senior citizen. At a minimum I carry 24 -.45 ACPs & occasionally either 8 more in another 1911 or 15 - 9mms or a like number of .40s (don't want the little darlin's living their entire life in a vault or at the range & I can switch handguns quicker than I can reload). If I'm on the road back home to Montana, there likely is a long gun or two, well-supplied with fodder.
Put a bullet in one head and the rest will likely scatter.

ps. You're right though, carry ammo.

Agree completely. I say carry whatever amount makes you comfortable - I do. However, I doubt a mob like that will continue an attack after they hear/see a fellow mobster lose some skull, brains and blood.
If it's 15 people chasing me, I'd be comforted more by my running shoes than any amount of ammo.
Good point. If your loaded down with too much ammo, it might slow you down :D
I am now in the position of carrying 2 handguns when I am out and about:

My S&W 3913 with 1 mag and backup mag for a total of 16 rounds. The spare is in case of a jam, or the need to refill the firearm.

My KT P3AT with 1 mag and backup for a total of 14 rounds. Both mags have the KT mag extension.

The KT is my BUG.

Why two guns and not more ammo? Well, it serves two purposes. If I have someone with me, they get the P3AT and my available firepower has just doubled as the extra set of eyes can now do something other than yell "Look out". The other is if I do get caught in a running gunfight, I have "enough" ammo.
I always carry at least 12 mags, along with 4 pipe bombs and a low yeild nuclear device.:rolleyes:.

Sometimes I wonder where you guys live. If you are actually attacked by 7 perps (and I know in some areas it's possible) and you manage to shoot the first, one of 2 things will happen. The others will scatter, in which case you may have a fighting chance, or the other 6 will push forward the attack. Unless you're Bruce Willis good, you won't be here to tell us about it tomorrow. Of course you could get lucky and the other guys just stand there shooting all around you while you calmly pick them off. Of course then you would be Bruce.
I got a 380 in the console at all times with 13+1 and 13, sawed off 20guage (18" exactly of course) in a overhead rack with no plug, and my CC 45 with 7+1 on my hip.. If thats not enough God help me.. And if things look that bad before i get out i got a 4000 pound SUV bullet that dont run out of ammo til the thing in the cluster reads E
For me, 1 fact stands out above all else. The only gun I feel comfortable with all the time is a 5 shot revolver. I conceal it well even with a T-shirt and shorts on. I carry 1 or 2 speedloaders also. I've tried carrying higher capacity autos and never could find a comfortable way of doing it. So, for me, it's the J frame or nothing.

I also am a firm believer that if attacked by a group, shoot 1 and the rest will scatter. Most of the time, they are in a group for a reason. If they are all armed, run like hell.

If they made a 15 shot J-frame, I'd buy it.
Sometimes I wonder where you guys live

I KNOW where I live . . . unfortunately one never knows when human excrement may show up in those tranquil places . . . predators tend to hunt where the prey is found. God forbid such a situation should occur, but if it does, I'll rely on the Boy Scout motto to "Be prepared." I don't mind the extra baggage . . .
better to have ammo and not need it, than to be in a gunfight, and your gun go CLICK instead of BANG

31 rounds goes for me, thats a glock 30, 11 rounds, and 2 10 round spares in a shoulder holster.

plus, its like blkbrd666 said: put a round into the head honcho, and the rest will scatter like roaches with the lights coming on...
I have never heard of a civilian in a self defense shoot ever needing but a few rounds.The good thing about being a civilian is that nothing is expected of you except survive.You are allowed to flee to avoid being shot.That's my first option.
You are allowed to flee to avoid being shot.

And unfortunately as depicted in post 78 above, age & injuries sometimes compromise one's ability to safely "flee." If I could . . . if I still had the wheels of my youth, I would. That survival option no longer being in the realm of possibility, I'll opt to avail myself of the means to adequately defend me/mine & the necessary equipment & reserves to do so, without fear of "running dry." I envy you your ability to "flee."
I sometimes wonder how many actually have CHL & carry on a regular basis during a typ

And I wonder how many have done so & have been forced to resort to using that option. My personal suspicion is that most folks (thankfully) haven't walked in those shoes . . . and I hope they never do. Run if you can, carry whatever you feel is prudent, and if it isn't sufficient, well, maybe it'll be your lucky day. I'll continue to ensure my own luck.
Hey, if you can carry 2 guns and several reloads on your being day in and day out and keep your pants up, you have to be in pretty good shape. nine outta ten my reload is walking beside me with a 5 shot snubby. But we stay away from downtown Beirut so I don't feel too undergunned.
In such a situation, I'd like 35 rounds available - and any one of you guys on either side of me.

But seriously, the main thing to consider is what you are up against.
How many of the group have guns on them?
How many rounds do you think they have?
How many would they use?
I usually keep 17+1 rounds of 9mm in my pistol, on the occasions I carry a .45 I carry 8+1 + another 8 round mag.

I also keep an AR-15 ready to go in my car with around 100 rounds in loaded magazines, plus a spare pistol magazine.

That feels like a reasonable margin beyond 'enough' to me.

The closest I've ever come to using a firearm in self defense has still only been against wild animals (we've got javelina and coyotes the way big cities have pigeons).
I always carry at least 12 mags, along with 4 pipe bombs and a low yeild nuclear device

ROTFL!!! Well, and don't forget the lead shield that keeps you safe from that last bit of ordnance :D:D:D

Two years ago, my youngest son was in a neighborhood park with his then-hoped-to-be-girlfriend. Just sitting on a balmy "winter" evening. Four thugs (just four, mind you), who had, five minutes before, committed an aggravated robbery of someone else a few blocks away, drove by, saw them, turned around, and piled out of the truck.

They did at least give the girl a chance to run. But the fell upon my son, beating him badly, kicking him, pistol whipped him, robbed him, and when they finally decided they were done and let him wobble away, shot at him as he did so.

He was 17 at the time. No gun. No knife, either.

Had he been an adult and armed, would he have ordered them to stop at further than 21 feet away? Would he have pulled a gun on these people who had not yet done anything but yell "What choo lookin' at?" We won't know. But what he did say, later, was "it was just as well. They would have killed me." As it was he did his best to cover his head with his arms and he lived through it.

Lessons learned:

1) you do not have to live in a war zone to have the war come to you. One could make the argument that being out there at 10 p.m. was not prudent, but there was, before that night, no evidence that that was true.

2) a gang that attacks will not do so until it is close enough to overwhelm you. If you pull a gun too early, it will be you, not them, that goes to jail. Pull it too late and you have other problems.

3) situational awareness, not the number of rounds, will likely determine your outcome. Had his situational awareness been better, he and the girl would have split the moment that truck turned around, and not waited for them to stop, let alone get out. Having made that error, though, his awareness was spot on; he covered up, determined to survive, didn't pull any of his martial arts, just did what it took to survive.

Software, not hardware, will keep you alive.

springmom said:
2) a gang that attacks will not do so until it is close enough to overwhelm you. If you pull a gun too early, it will be you, not them, that goes to jail. Pull it too late and you have other problems.

This is one of those tactical areas where I think open-carry can confer some extra protection. You can have the implicit threat that at last one of your attackers is getting shot, without actually having to draw or brandish your sidearm. It helps make a fine line a little broader.

Of course there are plenty of other valid factors to weigh in the choice to conceal or not.
Usually 25,....with my prefered carry piece,...12+1 ln the spout, (I am NOT superstitious!),...and 12 more in an extra mag on my belt. And if I get to my truck alive,... all H#@!... is gonna break loose. Otherwise,...as much as I can carry without printing or groaning......
gunfight? seriously? How many private citizen gunfights have there been in the past 50 years? Better yet, how many cases have there been where a private citizen needed more than one spare mag? I wonder how woefully unprepared those who only carry snubbie occasionally or a knife feel in this warzone we live in. I mean, it's your right, but what kind of image can carrying 60 rounds of ammo give? Do we need to leave the house everyday prepared for battle?...and I honestly hope the hand grenade comments were jokes...
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