An everyday incident....

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macho crap gets you a toe tag. no matter how big you are or how much training you have. avoid fighting at ALL COSTS, armed or not. im not saying let people walk all over you, because im a very assertive(spelling?) person and no one should be other's doormats. i'd also like to point out that this peaceful avoidance plan i keep suggesting is coming from the mouth of a very agressive person (me) with a famously brutal temper and a non-existant fuse. (dont worry, over the years i've gained control of my "impulses" and learned to keep from hitting people until i get home to my boxing bag) avoid conflict, and everyone goes home safe (hopefully happy too)
You never had to block one... They're big ol' boys, and when they stop being peaceful, they just sorta explode.

Being capable of extreme violence = ability to tell the world that you would like to be peaceful, thankyouverymuchnowleavemealone.
Not at all costs

In most circumstances, better to avoid conflict, but not all. If you keep avoiding conflict, your window of opportunity to effectively defend yourself may be gone before you realize this person means to kill you.

The problem is being trained to avoid fighting "at all costs". On a personal level, it freezes you, leaving you unable to respond to a threat. On a national level, it leads to disarmament. If you're never going to fight, what do you need a weapon for?:banghead:
I feel the need for revenge -- lawful or otherwise.
Well, me being a Christian I can't condone any kind of revenge.

Speaking strictly of guns and the THR crowd, no one here will ever encourage any sort of revenge with a gun. The people that seek revenge with a gun are the examples politicians use to take guns away from law abiding (i.e. non revenge seeking) citizens. Feeling like taking revenge on someone is normal, actually doing it is foolish.

If you had a gun at your disposal in your road rage incident you might have felt differently because responsible gun owners will only draw their weapon if their is an immediate and imminent threat. Now, obviously you can't start firing at the guy if he starts swerving at you in get my drift. My point is, a weapon in the situation you described is meant to protect life, not serve pride.

Okay...gonna read the rest of the thread now :)

I recently spent 40 days in the deep south of Texas. Maybe just wishful thinking, but everyone is surprisingly polite in traffic there.
It's like the old saying, "An armed society is a polite society" If psycho boy that thinks he's invincible and wants to show you how 'manly' he is; if he thinks you MIGHT have a gun, that affects his decision to either rant and rave and drive away, or, use your head as a basketball; we carry guns here in Texas, sometimes a long gun in plain view.

Kinda like the old west...or the old anything really. People tread lightly around other people's property and kin back then because they knew just about everyone was armed and if they messed with someone else's, they may catch a bullet, and they knew that their would be victim was NOT afraid of getting arrested either....different times.
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