any THRers into ham radio?

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Me too since 1988. I haven't been very active in recent years though. I'm what they used to call a "Technician Plus," never got into HF.
i'm definitely up for a ham get together. (it's why i started the tread)

somebody pick a freq and a time
Tech here, though I passed the General written at the same time last December. Just haven't gone back to upgrade since I don't have an HF rig yet. Working on Extra :)
Yep... I'm a General Class. Only have HF antenna for 10 meters right now. Have 2 meter rig too. I haven't been very active the last few years either.
I have been licensed over 25 years i currently hold an advanced class but i havent been active for awhile either "well some 2 meter for skywarn". I have been thinking about throwing my G5RV back up for my set of Drake twins.
Since the sunspot cycle is starting to coming back, last time it was high i really liked to work the 10 meter repeaters down in the carib basin, I got a yaesu 901DM with 10 meter FM.
WB8YYG General class

Let it lapse, as I hadn't been on for years. When it got to be too much like CB way back when, I lost interest. BTW, N5RKE, an aspiring tech won't know what you said! I was devastated when I learned that there are no more Coast Guard Radiomen...and no more code, no more SOS's...ah, what's the point? I feel so obsolete!

All my cash is going into reloading equipment and components now, and I still NEED a good 1911, another nice revolver, a better spotting scope, maybe another nice revolver, maybe put together an AR15...I also really NEED a gun safe,

maybe ham has to continue to take a back seat!

de N5QNS

Advanced class. Not too active in radio, but do keep a dual band going in the vehicle. Occasionally do a little HF. Most $ and effort goes into firearms. Hope to get grandsons interested in radio and firearms a few years down the road. Meet a lot of great people that way!
I am thinking about getting into ham this fall. I used to install 2-way radio equipment and some ham gear but never got licensed.

Are there some good ham forums or websites that I can get some more info?

Correct me if I am wrong but ham uses wavelength(meters) and 2-way uses frequencies(Mhz) ?

There are a number of sources out there. One is Another is
The first will answer a lot of your questions regarding licensing.

As to wavelength v frequencies, it is just a way that we express a range of frequencies. For example, the 2 meter band includes frequencies between 144.000 MHz and 148.000 MHz. When we say 2 meter, we are referring to the approximate wavelength of a signal on a given frequency. Mainly, it's just a lingo that most hams use.

Hope that helps and good luck. Hope to catch you on the airwaves for a QSO (conversation) one day. N5QNS
I just passed my Tech on Saturday. I'm as confused as can be about what gear to get for my first rig, so I'm waiting to go to a local Field Day on June 23 to see what all is out there.

I'm more interested in long-distance contacts, so I hope to get the General very soon. Hence the confusion on what to start out with.
mean streaker, dayton is home to one of the largest hamfests in teh country, so you're probably in luck there.

for those of you in TN, there's a very small hamfest on the western edge of putnam county this saturday. probably 50 minutes from nashville.
I never got too far into it. I used to use 11 meters alot on the road.
I had an Rci 2950 and used to talk all over the place on 10m. Lots of fun.

Then I picked up an Rci 2995 I think it covers 10, 11, 12 meters, but haven't heard any skip anywhere for some time. I don't mess with it much anymore also because it's just gotten too much like the radio rambo hour, and no courtesy is left like the older days.
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