Bill Clinton to Democrats: Don't Trivialize Gun Culture

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Dec 26, 2002
Richmond, Virginia

"...Bill Clinton warned a group of top Democratic donors at a private Saturday meeting not to underestimate the passions that gun control stirs among many Americans."

Somebody needed to talk some sense to them.

Wow. Just wow. I'll have to give this one to Slick Willie. He obviously gets it.

Thanks for posting this most informative link.
Zero needs to listen to Clinton- he speaks from experience. (the loss of both houses of Congress after passage of the 94AWB)
A much smaller number of LGBT's have exerted a lot of power in the Democratic party. Democrats owning guns is a larger number. Riling up the base and the opposition is a formula for electoral disaster.

At least old Bill gets it, even if he is a tad slow about it... I feel though that he isnt saying this just about any gun control legislation alone. Obama, and those who support him need to keep the government as a whole moving forward, and getting bogged down in a sideshow, pandering to one side, alienating the other side, creates nothing but a division that can carry over in to months or years of 2 sides at a stand-off, and there being little common ground on anything. I feel thats what Bill is really getting at...
the problem with many politicians is they think of a gun as just another a TV, a Computer, or a Car.........they dont equate it as a right like being able to speak, or practice religion.

so they feel they can walk all over them without fear of backlash....

i dont know if they realize it, but politicians who wish to strip the rights of gun owners are literally no different than the politicians who prevented women and blacks from having equal rights.

Billy learned that the hard way, and BHO and his ilk would be wise to listen to him.
Clinton plays to what suits him. As ark gov. He signed the ccw law without hesitation......because it suited him. As president he signed the "awb" because it suited him.

He said what he just said now because........thats right, it suited him.
Hard lesson learned

Mr. Clinton acknowledged back in the mid 90's when the Dem's lost the house/senate and WH that the primary cause of that debacle for the Dem's was the 94 AWB....the passing of the 94AWB was far from a slam dunk.....and it made guns and magazines a "toxic" subject for politicians...that is why you are not going to see these Dem's from "red" states fall on their swords for these current proposals. And today's gun culture and the overall opinions toward gun ownership is much different than it was in the 90's... nor did we have the wonderful tools to communicate with that we have today....such as this medium that I am using to post this.
Bill Clinton is an astute politician. The President is planning on getting his campaign group on the Federal dime to sell his gun control legislation. It might work. Communication is a lot faster now and the President used the internet much to his advantage during the last election that Republicans believed was a slam dunk at the start.

Clinton said... “Do not be self-congratulatory about how brave you for being for this” gun control push, he said. “The only brave people are the people who are going to lose their jobs if they vote with you.”

Biden wants to trivialize the impact of gun owners and the National Rifle Association. I suspect Obama believes it too. We'll see, but neither Biden or Obama have jobs to loose in two years. Obama and Nancy Pelosi asked fellow Democrats to fall on their sword knowing full well only about 50% of the people supporte Obams's health care ligislation. We'll see how it goes....
No he didn't. If Clinton were president he would probably do the universal background check and funding to states and school districts for school resource officers. I don't want the universal checks, but it seems that item has significant support.
“A lot of these people … all they’ve got is their hunting and their fishing,” he told the Democratic financiers. “Or they’re living in a place where they don’t have much police presence. Or they’ve been listening to this stuff for so long that they believe it all.”

Or they are highly educated, knowledge workers that UNDERSTAND that the Constitution and the Amendments to the Constitution are the rules that govern the rest of the rules that come after it.

His quote above is a back stabbing complement at best.

I have known Bill for decades. I was there for his inauguration, in the streets of D.C., not because I voted for him, but because I was already there because of other pressing issues.

I predicted the problems that arose. After all, they arose in Arkansas, where he was governor, and he again lost because of doubling vehicle registration costs (and other issues). Integrity always seemed to be an issue, but he came-back to the voters of Arkansas, crawling on his belly, and begged forgiveness, and was given another term.

Bill is intelligent. He knows not to underestimate the will and determination of gun culture in the south. We were raised with firearms. We are not backwoods idiots, despite some very small rural areas of Arkansas, much like rural areas in the East. I went to college in Arkansas, my son went to public school in Annapolis, after 7 years of schooling in Arkansas, and he was so far advanced in his studies, comparatively, he was teaching his schoolmates as a tutor.

Bill is a very well versed, passionate individual. He used to play sax at the Springdale, AR High School, when he was guv. Just drop-in and play. That's the kind of guy he was.

I won't condemn his presidency, as there were some good, and not so good moments.

But when he speaks to Democrats about passionate southerners, they had better listen. This was a political admonishment, a playbook entry, that we are to be feared. It was, if nobody caught it, a call to action to Democrats, if they want to defeat us. Bottom line.
The Clintons are survivors. They adapt like coyotes. They have their ideals, but they know that ideals are useless if you get booted out of office.

Gun issues are just one thing that make me long for the good old Clinton days compared to now.
Clinton is one of the savviest politicians in the last half of the last century. Look where he came from, and look how he still retains significance. That's not an endorsement, but the guy is smart. He's also one of the best networkers alive; I'm told that he can remember every conversation that he's had, and send notes about them to people years after the fact. One of my friends received just such a card.

He's right about this topic, as well.
“A lot of these people … all they’ve got is their hunting and their fishing,” he told the Democratic financiers. “Or they’re living in a place where they don’t have much police presence. Or they’ve been listening to this stuff for so long that they believe it all.”

Read more:

He doesn't really get it. He misses the point.
I have to say I'm envious of your American gun culture.

If we had that sort of spirit here our restrictive gun laws would have never been put into place.
They thought they could talk to governors that way

The quote of someone who obviously thinks elected officials are better than other people

People voting for more gun control are not brave...they are cowards, playing to the cowardly sheep in our country.
Or they’ve been listening to this stuff for so long that they believe it all.
Sounds more like the problem with anti-gun nuts rather than the problem with use pro-gun nuts. Wright & Rossi I believe pointed out that the less a person knows about existing gun laws the more they support more "gun control", the more a person knows about existing gun laws the less they support more of the same.
Beat me to it, that's exactly what I was going to say.

The antis have been listening to the same rhetoric for so long that they believe it despite all of the evidence to the contrary.

You have to remember that a lot of people take it on face value that gun control saves lives.
If you believe that, then you would have to have a pretty hard heart not to want bans.

How many of us would disagree with gun bans if they really genuinely did what the antis claim they would?
We (pro gun and anti gun people) both want the same thing.
We both want ourselves, our families and all good people to be safe.

The difference is that we believe that good guys with guns prevent crimes, whereas the antis believe that gun bans prevent crimes.

Trouble is, they don't.

There is overwhelming evidence to support the fact that gun bans don't stop crime.

I'm positive that if the general public all sat down and looked at the facts before making their minds up, they wouldn't agree so much with the anti gun folk.

Unfortunately, our arguments, while they are demonstrably true, are counterintuitive to the non-enthusiast.
On the other side of the coin, what the gun grabbers are arguing seems to make sense as long as you don't look at it too closely.
Fewer guns means fewer people having access to and misusing guns, right?

What we need to do is drive it home that the basic root of the argument is false.
Gun bans don't save lives. When you understand that, the rest of the argument falls like a house of cards.
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Wow. Just wow. I'll have to give this one to Slick Willie. He obviously gets it.

Well, he got a pretty good lesson in what that specific keg of dynamite can do, in terms of votes.

A much smaller number of LGBT's have exerted a lot of power in the Democratic party. Democrats owning guns is a larger number. Riling up the base and the opposition is a formula for electoral disaster.


LGBTs as in "Lesbians, Gay, Bisexuals, and Transgenders"?

Is the argument here that gun control is basically a homosexual plot?
''I have to say I'm envious of your American gun culture...''

c'mon over, we've plenty of room. If you come across on our southern border, you can probably get into college free as well.
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