Creating new gun owners out of many anti-Gun folks?

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Most people who claim to be anti gun are not hard core socialists that want to install an authoritarian government to control how people think and live.

They simply want less violence in society and they think if there are less guns then there will be less shootings, therefore, guns are the cause of the violence. This means that guns are evil and gun owners are perpetuating that evil.

Obviously these people haven’t invested serious study or thought into the subject matter. They’re too busy going to work, paying the rent and buying food. Explaining to them the need for an armed citizenry to oppose tyranny will likely fall on deaf ears.

The best way to show these people that guns are actually fun and useful for self defense and not evil is to get them to shoot and become gun owners. This way they can reach their own conclusions based on their personal experience.

Of course this won’t convince all to become 2A advocates but if we can just show these people that guns and gun owners are not evil then we go a long way towards changing the way people think. It may even be a necessary first step in ultimately protecting our rights.

So yes I do think it is good sign that more people are becoming gun owners.
Most people who claim to be anti gun are not hard core socialists that want to install an authoritarian government to control how people think and live.

They simply want less violence in society and they think if there are less guns then there will be less shootings
I would go even further and say that "hard core socialists" tend to be pro-gun, at least for themselves. In my experience, the antigunners are rather naive middle-class centrists. They think social problems can be solved with a wave of the magic wand. In reality, the "gun problem" is simply intractable.

It is not true that gun control is the first step in some vast conspiracy to impose a left-wing dictatorship. Saying so lessens our credibility.

The wave of people buying guns in the last couple of years doesn't consist of former antigunners. These people, like most Americans, are neutral on guns. Owning guns, now, will at least make them more sympathetic to the pro-gun cause -- but it won't turn them into 2nd Amendment activists. Now that they have their guns, they might be content to "slam the door behind them."
I would go even further and say that "hard core socialists" tend to be pro-gun, at least for themselves. In my experience, the antigunners are rather naive middle-class centrists. They think social problems can be solved with a wave of the magic wand. In reality, the "gun problem" is simply intractable.

It is not true that gun control is the first step in some vast conspiracy to impose a left-wing dictatorship. Saying so lessens our credibility.

The wave of people buying guns in the last couple of years doesn't consist of former antigunners. These people, like most Americans, are neutral on guns. Owning guns, now, will at least make them more sympathetic to the pro-gun cause -- but it won't turn them into 2nd Amendment activists. Now that they have their guns, they might be content to "slam the door behind them."

Actually, it's the last step. Once that's gone, and the left gains full control of the military, (which is happening now; on the plus side, they are ruining it as a fighting force, so it will be less effective if they decide to use it against us. The effective fighters have mostly been rooted out, and they tended to be pro 2A) nothing will be in the way of stopping them. They of course won't start immediately; read Unintended Consequences. They'll wait until our generation has passed on, (I'm 58) or are sitting in nursing homes. And it won't be a dictatorship, they're not stupid. It will be socialism by committee. They might put a puppet as a figurehead (Hmmmmm......) but that person will not have any power. Sounds familiar.

Your first paragraph is right on, though I would replace the word 'think' with wish.
I would go even further and say that "hard core socialists" tend to be pro-gun, at least for themselves. In my experience, the antigunners are rather naive middle-class centrists. They think social problems can be solved with a wave of the magic wand. In reality, the "gun problem" is simply intractable.

It is not true that gun control is the first step in some vast conspiracy to impose a left-wing dictatorship. Saying so lessens our credibility.

The wave of people buying guns in the last couple of years doesn't consist of former antigunners. These people, like most Americans, are neutral on guns. Owning guns, now, will at least make them more sympathetic to the pro-gun cause -- but it won't turn them into 2nd Amendment activists. Now that they have their guns, they might be content to "slam the door behind them."

Agree totally with the first two comments. It's the Nationalist/Authoritarians that overthrow governments. Then after it's all said and done they confiscate and say, well now the bad guys are gone so you should give up your guns.
But first they use their rhetoric and call the opposing party bad guys, get the people riled up and then call election fraud, even before the elections. Just happened. It's the history of many other nations.
What might that mean?
Back to beating the gun control drum. If they have the all guns they think they'll ever need,there will be no reason for them to oppose future restrictions on buying them.
Yes. To some people, gun ownership is a "zero-sum game." They feel stronger if they have a gun, but nobody else does. If everybody was armed, they would have no advantage. Therefore, once they have their gun(s), they would support strong controls to prevent anyone else from doing likewise. What they are overlooking is that the restrictive gun laws will eventually come back to bite them.

BTW, this attitude is different from that of the classic antigunner. The classic antigunner cloaks his antipathy to guns in altruism. To the "slam the door after me" types, it's all strictly about self-interest.
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"Power grows out of the barrel of the gun."

- Mao Tse-Tung, Problems of War and Strategy

The meaning is that if you don't want the people to overthrow the government, then keep the guns out of the hands of the people and in the hands of the Party.

And, if that wasn't plain enough:

"The communist party must control the guns."

- Mao Tse-Tung

The universal power of the gun has long ben recognized, and feared, by those who would oppress others. The reason why is this is the ONLY weapon in human history which places the weak on equal footing with the strong when it comes to the ability to project power and use weapons in fights.

All other weapons in the past favored the strong, whether that be stones, clubs, swords, pikes, spears, bows, etc.

Those types of weapons gave the strong an even greater advantage, because their effectiveness and range far outstripped the weaker.

But a gun...a gun has the same range and terminal effects in the hands of the weaker as it does in the hands of the stronger. Suddenly, for the first time in history, the weaker had a tool which placed them on more level ground with the stronger. And that's a huge threat to those who would seek to oppress and rule over the weaker.
That's funny... my vehemently anti-gun Chicago area Democrat father in law now owns a shotgun with a slug barrel and a .308 rifle just from getting used to meals of molasses cured venison ham. Perhaps the way around the problem is to concentrate on the stomach and attempt to (as my uncle would say) reach hearts and minds later.
It is not true that gun control is the first step in some vast conspiracy to impose a left-wing dictatorship. Saying so lessens our credibility.
Maybe not the very first step; I would say the first is to gather as many to your side as possible, but......

The most foolish mistake we could possibly make would be to allow the subjected people to carry arms; history shows that all conquerors who have allowed their subjected people to carry arms have prepared their own fall.......Adolf Hitler
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