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Does anyone really like Pit Bulls?

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Jan 3, 2006
The Dark Side of the Moon
Is it just me, or have there been a ton of Pit Bull attacks in the press this past year? Like the one where two kids selling magazines for school were badly mauled by three Pit Bulls, who also turned on their owner and a neighbor who tried to intervene.

It seems to me like there are certain "dogs from hell" out there and they are especially vicious when in groups.

One of the personal defense strategies I'm contemplating is dog attack scenarios.

Any ideas? True stories of intervention?
My concern is the owners who think it is 'cool' to have a dog that is built like a linebacker and comes with matching disposition. Said owners have very little experience with dogs and don't know how to recognize signs of impending doom with their dog(s).

i have a friend who has a pit bull named gabriel that is about 8 years old. he seriously is the cuddliest bear in the world. though he does get snarly when people wear hoods on their heads in his area. i think it's all about being extremely territorial with some breeds. and of course, they are only dogs, so if someone raises them to be really aggressive, then they are not smart enough to realise that not EVERYWHERE is their territory.
I know one family with a pitpull that's a great pet.

However, my neighbors are the opposite. They have two pitbulls that they breed. The male is calm enough to bring out front and play with the puppies but the female is, to use the owner's words, "To crazy to bring out."

Why would you even want a dog that you couldn't interact with?
When not owned by gang bangers they are one of the goofiest cuddliest breeds out there. I like most of the ones I have met.
20 some odd years ago, it was all about Dobermans...combination of the individual dog's pedigree and owner upbringing.

Or maybe it's something in the dog food...:)

On the SD angle, my son an I carry "arnis" sticks when walking around the neigborhood...make them look like "short" walking sticks! Back-up is a J-Frame in a pocket holster.
I'm willing to bet this thread doesn't go three days before it is closed.

But yes, I happen to like pit bulldogs. I have two dogs that are from the breeds typically identified as pit bulldogs. I have an American Staffordshire Terrier (altered male, brown brindle) and I have an American Pit Bull Terrier/Labrador retriever mix (altered female, black and white).

For the record I am a network engineer by trade and I earn a decent living without breaking the law.

I got my dogs after working with one of them as a volunteer at an animal shelter. He does not mind other dogs, very friendly, but plays very rough with them. Some dogs don't like that and it has caused problems in the past. I got my second dog by chance and I wouldn't have considered taking her if she was not the opposite gender from my first dog.

We conscientiously separate these dogs when we are not there to monitor their behavior. This is a requirement for being responsible owners of pit bulldogs. Our back yard has a 6 foot stockade fence as much to protect the dogs as to prevent them running loose in the neighborhood. Although we have a secure yard the only time the dogs are outside is when we are with them or when we let them into the yard to do their business. Yes, we leash walk at all times outside the yard.

The thing you have to remember when owning these dogs is no matter what happens your dog will be blamed. There was a dog running loose in the neighborhood and a child was bitten. Animal control pounded on my door to confiscate my animal. I told him, in very unkind words, to come back with a warrant. Turns out the biting dog was a yellow lab.

Another time while walking both of my dogs at the same time they were attacked by a fox terrier running off leash. In order to prevent the fox terrier from starting a fight that could well end its life I had to pick up a struggling pit bulldog in each arm and walk back to my house. At one point I had a fox terrier hanging from my pants leg, having bitten too near the crotch for my comfort. I swear to G*d that I would have shot that little yaphound right then if I'd have had the means. :cuss: That poor little dog eventually got done in by a car, a victim of a bad owner.

Do a search on pit bulls and you'll find several threads where I and other responsible owners have suggested different strategies for dealing with aggressive dogs. Or, if you have a specific scenario in mind, ask away.
I like them, too. They're very loyal, very human-friendly, stick to you like velcro.

Unfortunately, people who I can't describe accurately without violating the TOS think of them as thug fashion accessories and abuse them until they are vicious.
I like pit bulls, have had them, and used to be part of a pit bull rescue society.

One of their strongest traits as fighting dogs is that they are not naturally human agressive. Handlers could go into the "pits" with their dogs with little fear of being attacked. A properly raised pit bull is a pathetic guard dog, the biggest threat that pose to someone breaking into the home faces is death by licking. A human aggressive pitbull is a threat to people, regardless of who they are, same applies to most breeds.

Unfortunately too many people do not understand that the proper way to raise a pit bull, or any dog for that matter, is not to beat it into "obedience", or use violence to establish a position of dominance.

Prince George's County, Maryland established a Pit Bull in 1996. Attacks by pit bulls have dropped, in their absence, other breed of perceived "fighting/attack" dogs have picked up the slack. An improperly raised pit bull is a dangerous dog, but negligent owners who consistently raise dangerous dogs are the problem.
Not me. I loved my chow-chow mix with all my heart.:) She was a good friend & watchdog. The day I found her half-dead under my trailer, I cried.:( I had no gun so I called the vet for her. As we were trying to get her out from under the trailer she made the worst sound I've ever heard. Here's to you Bear. Sorry to bring down the topic.:(
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