England Called: They Want Their Guns Back!

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It is awful. I have had something similiar in my sig-line for a while. Hopefully it really hits home that confiscation can take place in the US and it is a very real future for our country.

I know it is preaching to the choir but you never know. I hope everyone watches these just once.


british citizens have a high respect for law and follow their leaders.americans
are alot more suspicious of leaders.and they dont have the control of gov like we can have.:uhoh::rolleyes::D
This moron said,

The UK has the right to make their own laws, and right or wrong, thousands of people there are in favor of very strict gun laws.

And why should I care what the limeys think, say, or do? You idiots torpedo your own ship, but stay out of my yard.

I love guns. I love shooting guns. I love owning guns. I love cleaning guns. Heck, even if I'm not shooting or cleaning, I love just fiddling with guns.

So again, I could care less what some idiot brit liberal thinks. Just stay away from my freedoms. You people already forfeited yours.
I pity the British, but they share half the blame for letting their government do that. I like to think Americans are too rebellious and uncivilized to let that happen. :)

The greatest threat I see to America's gun ownership is the "globalists" who believe in a one world government and want to use u.n. military power to disarm us. One of our pres. candidates shares this view, guess who.
So again, I could care less what some idiot brit liberal thinks. Just stay away from my freedoms. You people already forfeited yours.

I think you'll find that that 'idoit brit liberal' is actually an American.
So again, I could care less what some idiot brit liberal thinks. Just stay away from my freedoms. You people already forfeited yours.
Keep in mind they also have an equal vote in the U.N. along with other governments that also aim to reduce the number of privately held small arms.
If you took a 'Democratic' vote on international laws regarding firearms in the U.N., the result with be heavily against your ability to keep and bear adequate and capable arms.
Policies, programs and funds are allocated to reducing the "Proliferation of Small Arms" in the hands of non military and LEO around the world and promote legislation to that end.

So you better care what rights others have, because in an increasingly globalized government there is a lot more against you than for you. In fact if you took a 'democratic vote' of the entire world on allowing firearms in the hands of regular 'untrained civilians', I imagine more of the world would vote against the RKBA than for it. So it would just be following the will of the people. :rolleyes:
Got to love democracy. :neener:
I feel for them and hope they can reverse some of the madness. The low-life perp is out after 18 months while the homeowner languishes in prison.

The USA is getting more socialist as time goes by. What big govt. can't do FOR you,they can do TO you,it seems.
I think you'll find that that 'idoit brit liberal' is actually an American.

It's absolutely immaterial and beside the point. Liberalism is an insanity that knows no borders. Why should I care what any idiot liberal thinks........about anything?
So it would just be following the will of the people.

We've got something in the neighborhood of 200 million firearms in private ownership in the US. National level politicians, with few exceptions, now recognize a gun control platform is a career killer.

For us to descend to the level of Britain might be more difficult than you realize.
God almighty. I've personally seen that video on here at least three times.:rolleyes:

Shooters in this country - and there's a lot of us - are mostly pretty patriotic people, and we will fight our goverment's new laws about guns as best we can.

But you should care about what idiot liberals (as you call them) think, becuase they are the ones who end up making the rules. Things are very different in our two countrys. Gun ownership in the States is widespread, per capita. This isnt the case in our country. Although there are plenty of shooters, there's nothing like the amount in yours. You need to fight to keep it that way.

None of this means that the Liberals wont get control of your government, and then your country. They might do. To say "I dont care what they think" is a mistake. DO care. LISTEN to what they say. Then you are better armed to fight them.
Just because you know your enemy is wrong does not mean that you should ignore them. Quite the opposite actually. Leftists, as I like to call them because they are more often the least liberal and most restrictive, must constantly be kept in check. It is an ongoing battle, like the battle between good and evil.

It's only when people stop caring about politics that you know what hits the fan and our glorious leaders and lawmakers are free to do what they want instead of representing us.
Yet just look at many gun owners in this nation, and even on this site...that will be them one day! Wont fight till its too late and just keep accepting BS law upon law and see where it gets you! :fire:
The people must vote for Democratic Socialism. It can not be forced upon them. The EU-style paternalistic, overregulated welfare state must be sold and purchased in America and so far, the sale is going just fine.
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