Gun myths: Kevlar "bulletproof" vests won't stop .22 LR

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How much of a difference in energy would the five inches of barrel between the Ruger and 10" setup PTK mentioned make?

I posted a test here some time ago about stopping bullets with books. I shot stacked&taped books with a 6" Ruger MkII and a 16" Davey Crickett. The 16" barrel gave me almost twice the penetration than the 6".
Not through Kevlar
Not against a human body
just dry paper wrapped in cardboard covers and duct taped together

Take it for what it's worth.

I also have anecdotal evidence from a sheriff's deputy who used to work in my building. The only time he ever got shot on duty was by a guy with a .22 rifle while he was low crawling through a cemetary. He was crawling because he was using the headstones as cover. The bullet hit him in the back/shoulder, apparently through the vest. Not sure what kind of vest and if it managed to get through the gap or went through the material.
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