"Gun nuts" as a derrogative term

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Dec 24, 2002
Bakersfield, California
For some reason, I can never have a civil discussion about firearms with a gun control supporter without the term "gun nut" coming up. I consider it to be derrogative, due to several political cartoons and the stereotypes it conjures up- of a man wearing a 10 gallon hat, spurs, belts of ammo, an "I AM the NRA" pin, a rifle, and spanking a Democrat with a bullwhip (yes, this was in an actual newspaper). Do you consider it to be offensive? I think it just degrades the anti-gunners position, because they have to resort to ad hominem attacks.
I think it depends on the context and who is using the term.

When Chuckie Schumer or Michael Moore uses it its clearly derogatory ... but when I use it its meant as a badge of honor.

I think we as gun owners have to take the term "Gun Nut" back ... much like Jeff Foxworthy has taken the term "Redneck" away from elitist urbanites.

But I can tell you this ... I see it used in a positive way here in Colorado Springs a LOT more then you'll ever see it used that way in the PRK :neener:
Depends who's saying it. Like racial slurs, if the other guy is one as well, it's different than an someone using it to diss you.
But I can tell you this ... I see it used in a positive way here in Colorado Springs a LOT more then you'll ever see it used that way in the PRK

Never been to Colorado Springs, but out here in the PRK at least, I'm noticing less derogatory use of the phrase, and more people proudly 'fessing-up'. But it will be a long and slow recovery, or just stale mate.

I'd like to take back the term. In the form of "Yes, I'm a lesbian feminist gun-nut!" "I'm a well respected doctor, and a gun-nut!" "I'm a gay, married, gun-nut!"

When someone calls me one, I say "Thanks!" and smile. Takes all the power out of the word, and of their argument.
I won't use it. It's not even funny.

I detest the term 'gun violence' even more. Guns aren't violent. Use this term, and you're implying that a problem exists with guns, not violent people.
In truth, I don't think the words ''nut'' or even ''fanatic'' do us any favors these days. Sure, between ourselves - light-hearted banter ... no problem but ... it has now become a ''word weapon'' for anti's IMO. In the same way as ''assault'' and ''arsenal'' have achieved high profile (abuse) status .. so too I think has ''nut''.

To me it is derogatory .. I am a self-confessed ''enthusiast'' ... but I won't give those anti's the satisfaction of being able to label me ''nut'' with my approval.

Words change in meaning and emphasis over time ... much is down to media high profiling .... and once things become all but set in stone and the meaning bastardized ... that's it ..... it now means or seems to mean ''maladjusted'', or ''looney'' ... and that I am not!!:p

The anti's seem to think otherwise and I won't give them that satisfaction.
Personally, I think it's high time we "gentrified" the term by varying it according to the subject. For example:

1. Redneck gun nut = "Gun Pecan".

2. Aspen, CO gun nut = "Gun Almond (Chocolate-Covered)".

3. Hawaii gun nut = "Gun Macadamia".

4. Gun owner in Brazil... need I go on?

:D :D :D
Preacherman, I'm in the South, I head into the local Mom&Pop diner and declare "Gun Pecan".

Mable brought me coffee and a slice of Pecan pie :D

"Gun Nut"...perhaps it again depends on "how said and by whom" and NOT what said that matters.

Being Friday and all maybe I'll try "Gun Catfish"... Mabel will just bring catfish fillets, hushpuppies, purple onion and iced tea...
Being from the Cornhusker State, I suppose I'm now a gun hominy.

I have proudly declared myself to be a gun nut for many decades. Political correctness doesn't mean much to me.
Ya look them squarely in the eye and say, "You say GUN Nut like its a BAD Thing. I wonder why? We Gun Nuts don't call you anti-gun nuts "Anti Gun Nuts". Mostly we call you sheep. Were the Founding Fathers of this nation gun nuts or sheep? When you're in a fight for your freedom would you want a bag of wool in your hands or ... a gun? You do know that 'Freedom' isn't a door prize, and yes, sometimes wack jobs get their hands on a gun and wreak havoc. So pardon me while I repeat myself here, if ever confronted by that wack job, would you want a bag of wool in your hands or ... a gun?"

"GUN Nut. I like that. It's... original."

Then listen to them rant on with an amused smile on your face, knowing all the while that their argument, while interesting, proves nothing and know that you could kick their butt with facts and figures all day long.. and it wouldn't make one Iota of difference, because they're sheep who bleat emotionally and refuse to think at the same time, all the while depending on others for their self preservation.

I hereby publicly apologize to the genus Ovis... some of those Rams can be pretty bad boys when they want to butt heads or climb cliffs. A very handsome species as well.
To me it is derogatory .. I am a self-confessed ''enthusiast'' ... but I won't give those anti's the satisfaction of being able to label me ''nut'' with my approval.
I agree with P95Carry. Although in most contexts the word "nut" is harmless (golf nut, football nut, skiing nut), the anti's have consciously and deliberately attempted to portray gun enthusiasts as delusional, mentally unstable, and/or about to go off the deep end. (Anyone remember USA Today saying in 1994 that self-loaders are "the weapons of the disgruntled and disturbed"?)

You can't take back a term like that unless you can develop a consensus among the major media that it is inappropriate, and that's not going to happen as long as they are consciously using it to castigate their political opponents.
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