Hasta la vista AWB!

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Na, I think it is dead. Everyone knows it won't pass and the dems do not want to have to go on the record and vote for it with electrions coming up if they know it will not pass. Just my opinion.

I agree. As it played out with the 2A proponents getting motivated and vocal, the moderate dems had far more to lose than the liberal dems had to gain... especially for a bill that was never going to pass the House anyway.

Of course they'll position this as shedding the more controversial legislation so they can try to pass more "common sense" BS-legislation such as UBC's and a mag ban.
Until S. 150: Assault Weapons Ban of 2013 is formally withdrawn nothing anyone reports can be trusted and celebration is terribly misplaced.

ALSO, until each and every draconian proposed piece of legislation that would restrict purchase/possession of firearms, magazines, or ammunition dies none of us can rest.

Further, until each and every proposed piece of legislation at the state level that restricts purchase/possession of firearms, magazines, or ammunition (remember NY and CO) is smashed and the legislators that supported them removed from office we have a long way to go before partying like it's 2004.
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I'm a big fan of "the five" where this was a discussion topic today. They agreed with some here about the awb being dead but if the mag ban gets attached to the background check bill they may have a real chance at getting it pushed through. Don't let your guard down.
The good news, here, is that this development means the "sea change" that was the result of a "swell of public support for gun control after Newtown" was largely a wishful figment of the imaginations of gun control supporters.

Although the RKBA is certainly under attack more now than it has been in a decade, this is a signal that it certainly is not as bad as some had hoped and many of us had feared.
Per hso's post, States are a total nightmare IMHO. Federal is in the weeds for now, but State proposals are in full-swing "chuck a ton at the wall" mode. Even here in my beloved Florida oven, there is ZERO room for complacency.

I will keep at the letters, calls, emails, etc. but the list is horrifying (and this isn't all of them, just the most offensive):

SB-136 Self-defense (Castle Doctrine/Stand Your Ground)
SB-314 Repeal Privacy of Firearm Owners/Doctors
SB-344 Assault or Battery on a Utility Worker
SB-362 Use of Deadly Force (Castle Doctrine/Stand Your Ground)
SB-374 Authority for Gun Control by Local Governments
SB-622 Repeal of Castle Doctrine
SB-1000 Regulation of Firearms
SB-1018 To Allow Local Governments to Adopt Gun
SB-1208 Taxes on Guns & Ammunition
SB-1234 Special 4% Tax on Firearms And Ammunition
SB-1272 Prohibit Firearms Sales at Gun Shows
SB-1426 Trespassing on Railroad Property
SB-1488 Licensure to Carry a Concealed Weapon or Firearm
SB-1582 Assault Weapons/Culpable Negligence
SB-1640 Firearms "Universal Background Check Act"
SB-1670 Assault Weapons and Magazine Ban
SB 1678 Anger Management/Sale of Ammunition
Please do not take this as a sign to let our guards down, but last night, on News 12 Long Island, they reported that interest in gun control is waning as people turn to other more pressing issues.
From my impression of News 12, they probably reported on it hoping to get people fired up again, but what I took away from it is that if we KEEP PUSHING we'll beat this thing.

APart from the extremist antis, we simply care about this issue more than anti gun folk do.

Also, tonight they were reporting on tougher restrictions on violent video games, and said that it was part of the gun control debate!
It was never their plan to get the Feinstein plan passed. It's simply a red herring that they knew had no chance of getting passed. They can now come out with all sorts of other ways to "infringe" and talk about how reasonable they are compared to the Feinstein plan.
Everyone knows it won't pass and the dems do not want to have to go on the record and vote for it with elections coming up if they know it will not pass.

I agree that it won't pass -- this time. But I disagree about the Dems not wanting a record vote. This is all about the 2014 elections, and in many marginal districts now held by Republicans, the Democrats figure (rightly or wrongly) that a pro-gun vote by the Republican incumbent can be held against him/her. (In lots of suburban districts gun control is polling better than Democratic issues generally.) Meanwhile, in red states and districts now represented by Democrats, those Democrats can be given a pass to vote pro-gun this year in order to preserve their 2nd Amendment bona fides. If and when the Democrats gain control of both houses of Congress, the wavering Democrats (Manchin, Baucus, Landrieu, etc.) can be whipped into toeing the party line.
Fienstein was on cnn earlier saying that it is not dead, and Harry Ried has promissed her a vote on an ammendment. I didn't catch the whole thing as they were talking about chemica weapons and Lybia, and potential U.S. intervention
This simply a tactical choice by Reid: put a "clean" bill on the Senate floor (including only the trafficking provision and school security), and then open it to amendments such as the AWB and background checks. The AWB has not been "dropped."

Concur. The AWB may be out down...but it aint out for the count. We need to be watching for sneak plays very closely. Like veritable hawks. A disguised AWB could be 'snuck' through as a amendment to a bill....much like the way guaranteed student loan reform was taken over by the feds in the health care reform bill.

Reid will push the UBC hard. It's what they really want. Anything else they may tack-on and sneak through, they will.

We have to look at every piece closeup. It was Reid's intention to let the AWB languish and weaken, pick-up the pieces, and go about business making everyone criminals with UBC.

We have to watch that snake in the grass like a hawk. This is only the beginning.
Keep up the pressure. There are Democrat senators from lots of very pro-gun states (Alaska, Arkansas, Louisiana, Montana, South Dakota, West Virginia) up for reelection in 2014 who need to be told that no new gun control is acceptable to their constituents.
This is a diversionary tactic, taking this "off the table" for us to let our guards down while they flank us. This isn't the time to even exhale a sigh of relief.
Lots of Doomsters here. Need to take deep breaths. May help. Then again,may not. C'est la vie. You only die once.

I wouldnt call those of us not willing to let our guard down "doomsters". A calvalier attitude like yours is more detrimental than helpful. Perhaps "cautiously optimistic" is a better phrase....
HSO is right on, I live in Illinois, the fight is still on, and far from done. We face the loss of basic 2A rights. We must NOT slow or stop our work. Please support the NRA, your state rifle associations, and pro 2A legislators.
Please do not think this is over, just because the feds are so called backing down it is now time to watch what will play out in the states. Keep calling and wrighting so your law makers know that we will not give in, and that their job IS on the line!
Dems couldn't even get 40 votes for Feinstein.'s AWB. Reid didn't want the loss of face a down vote would mean, so killed it.

This is not a true victory, they merely made a tactical retreat. Expect them to regroup and make the press again.
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