Hasta la vista AWB!

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The so-called "Universal Background Check" is far worse than a toothless assault weapons ban. It is the big fight, for all the marbles, don't let up.
This was a tactical move by H. Reid. He didn't want the whole bill to die and it would have with the AWB still part of it. He's hoping the more 'reasonable' UBC and school security portions will pass, and Feinstein will get her precious AWB as an amendment. I certainly hope that she has totally wasted 40 years of her life trying to ban guns but I am not letting my guard down. We've got some real knuckleheaded legislation to deal with here at the local level and I intend to do all I can to ensure my voice is heard. I am hopefully about to win a personal 2A fight at the local level here, after 18 months of letter writing I expect a CCW permit by the end of this week. If not, the local PD and my town will have to explain things to a judge...
"Tactical retreat" is exactly what Reid did. There is no "this bill is better than that bill". They asked for everything they could, and if they wind up with half of what they ask for, it's still a gain for them, and a loss for us.

We cannot ever let up, or let our guard down. Sure, this is good news. Winning a battle in a war is always good, but remember that the war is not over, and all we've really been doing lately is performing a 'holding action', trying to preserve what we have, let alone take back what we've lost.

We have to keep pressure up on our policitians. The anti's keep talking about a 'sea change' about 'guns'. I believe the sea change is truly in the opposite direction of what they believe. And it's not about 'guns' per se, it's about our rights, and personal responsibility, and how we don't want those things taken away.

I don't think they expected the wave of backlash that we generated. Even though they controlled the mass media, the internet and it's tools allowed us to push back very hard. Whether it's flooding politicians inboxes, to hitting polls, to bringing other 'fresh faces' to the forefront (ie: Colion Noir, Star Parker...). Those two didn't hit the mass media, because of course, the mass media is biased, but I guarantee that many people have watched them on the internet, and that MUST have an effect on attitudes.

When I would read some related story on Yahoo or something, with an obvious anti bias, I read the comments, and an overwhelming number of them are against that very article. That's a real 'sea change'.

Of course, tragedies happen, and the anti's will jump on every opportunity to capitalize on them. We must keep up the pressure, because they certainly will do so. Make no mistake, if the votes were there in the Senate, this stuff would be passed. We have to continue to make sure those votes don't exist. We have to make sure this junk doesn't even make it out of committee, if we can. We have to continue to fight this stuff on all fronts, because they will never stop pushing it.

Wouldn't it be great if we could gain back the ground that we've lost, incrementally, since the early 1900's?
This only means you need to double down your efforts Gentlemen. This Bill was never a threat and everyone knew it. (Even Frankenstein)

This was ONLY put forward to establish a baseline of unacceptability from which to seek some compromise legislation that the Republicans will be all too willing to concede to if you do not speak up.
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HSO is right on, I live in Illinois, the fight is still on, and far from done. We face the loss of basic 2A rights. We must NOT slow or stop our work. Please support the NRA, your state rifle associations, and pro 2A legislators.
Heck, Here in Illinois today they tried to push our carry law out another 2 1/2 years to give the State Police time to get things ready,,, CC to have $1,000,000 in insurance,,, training on the actual gun you would carry,,,, and a back door gun registration, and that was just todays games! Everytime they meet its just more and more BS!
Feinstein's AWB was a sideshow. It was doomed from the start, and both sides knew it. The real battle begins now - Lautenberg's proposed magazine restrictions, universal background checks, etc., etc.

The AWB was an easy balloon to pop. It was too radical, too aggressive, and by comparison some are hoping other proposals will look more reasonable by comparison.

Don't underestimate the pressures to do "something" ...
Michael Moore was talking of organizing an antiGun campaign when interviewed by Morgan. YEp, we have to keep up for they are relentless.
...am I missing something? Last I heard the AWB could be added as an amendment at a later time. If anyone remembers the passage process for socialized medicine, the same thing happened concerning a number of proposals.

If we can relax now, that was too easy. What makes us think that by sacrificing any less than our founding fathers were willing to that somehow we'll end up with the same hard-earned results? Remember that when considering how much time you're willing to devote to the 2A cause. We can't afford a sigh of relief. We must be eternally vigilant or every state will end up looking just like Colorado. Now go write some emails, make some phonecalls, get another gun owner involved, convert an anti, and take someone shooting.
Feinsteins Assault Weapons bill announced dead yesterday.

This morning I get an E-mail from Stag Arms "AR-15 Lower Receivers Back In Stock". (Must have had a lot of backorders cancelled yesterday, or they finally got caught up)

I'll take that as a positive sign that the Great Run On Guns of 2013 is in the process of ending.
I'll take that as a positive sign that the Great Run On Guns of 2013 is in the process of ending.

Trent, as vocal and active as you've been here on the boards lately I'll take your opinion as a positive sign. I'm still not changing my legislative contact schedule in the least.

It would be nice to see 5.56 and .223 come down in price though. :D
Well done, everybody! That's the kind of turnout and activism I like to see. We must be forever vigilant. More importantly, we sent a message that we will not be ignored or trivialized.
If we stop now, they'll still get UBC's through, and who know what else they'll slip in there.

I am beginning to think that I made a poor choice when I wrote the title of this thread.
I called it 'Hasta la vista AWB!' because that was the headline of the news story I was bringing to everyone's attention, NOT because I think it's dead.

Believe me guys, the fight is nowhere near over yet.
The AWB may not even really be dead, for reasons explained by several posters in this thread.

This is a good sign, because I think we all know that they would have put the AWB through if they thought they would have got away with it, but there is no cause for rejoicing yet.

Let them know that, not only does the AWB not have a hope in hell of passing, but neither do any of the other 'common sense' proposals that they are pushing.

Don't get complacent, don't stop writing and calling, don't stop attending rallies, continue to take non-gun folk to the range.

If we win this one, that's still not a cause to give up the fight. Maintaining the status quo is not our goal. We want all of our rights restored. We want national right to carry reciprocity. We want to see the end of 'may issue' permits.

I think it's beginning to dawn on them now that they have bitten off more than they can chew, now let's make them choke on it.

We need a complete scorched earth policy on this one, or they'll never give up.
Like much of the garbage they have passed in the last few years they start with the most controversial stuff then strip it out before the vote. They end up passing a watered down version, but they still strip us of our rights. Just because they took the AR/AK line out of the bill doesn't mean they won't go for 30 round magazines. That is the way the liberals plan their agenda. Don't go for the jugular the people will defend that, just start with the arm and when the people shake their arm free, the liberals will bite a finger off. So we lost a finger and call it a win? Never let them have an inch. If they start calling for a ban we need to start calling for lifting all bans. If they want semi-auto to be illegal then we call for making full auto legal again. Never give up, never surrender. This is far from over.
We must all get to the polls when election time comes and make sure that another "anti" never gets into office again. If they all lose their jobs they will think twice before proposing anti gun anything, and oh yeah keep the letters and calls going, never let up or give up. This is not over by a long shot.
One page at a time and you'll eventually finish the book.

It's not over, it'll never be over. Agenda 21 and the NWO says so.
This is a diversionary tactic, taking this "off the table" for us to let our guards down while they flank us. This isn't the time to even exhale a sigh of relief.

I agree. We all need to stand firm and keep up the pressure.
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