Just out of curiosity

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Ted Nugent proudly proclaims that the Second Amendment is his concealed carry permit, but I'm sure he has a couple of state-issued permits anyway.

Terrible Ted is a reserve deputy sherrif, so he probably gets around it that way. As for who ap[pointed me spokeman for the Founding Fathers, they NEED no spokesman - their thoughts are available for even the most casual of researchers

If these folks think that the law is improper, there are both political and judicial avenues of redress.

There were both judicial and political avenues of redress tothe Founding Fathers as well: when the "system" gets enough out of kilter, one must resort to gunpowder and steel, as they did. Kinda hard to do that when you don't have any....
He was a deputy sheriff in Michigan. He said he was moving to TX. I STILL think he has a couple of permits.

So, are you ready to start a revolution then? I'm still sticking with the model provided by The Constitution in which we follow the law, and use legislative process to change the laws we don't like.
richyoung said:
...As for who ap[pointed me spokeman for the Founding Fathers, they NEED no spokesman - their thoughts are available for even the most casual of researchers..
And therefore you should not presume to speak for them and try to tell us what they would do.

richyoung said:
...when the "system" gets enough out of kilter, one must resort to gunpowder and steel, as they did....
And that's your solution? Preposterous! I hope you enjoy your alternate reality.
$ < X? :
I've never had the permit and know almost zero about it, but there reportedly is a lower-cost method to earn it.

A buddy who lives in Panama City (instructed years ago in Army helos), told me that with a generic military DD 214 (?) form, you only pay about $35 for the entire class, unless I'm mistaken.
Our local left-wing pulp rag magazine (music/food...Molotov cocktails, the usual) just published an interesting, factual article on the process, which involved a reporter for "The Memphis Flyer".

The writer is a civilian, but the article described how thorough the training is etc, and had no typical left-wing slant. None that I could easily recognize.

If this price is accurate for veterans, hope that it helps somebody out there.
He was a deputy sheriff in Michigan. He said he was moving to TX. I STILL think he has a couple of permits.

So, are you ready to start a revolution then? I'm still sticking with the model provided by The Constitution in which we follow the law, and use legislative process to change the laws we don't like.

What to do when the judicial branch usurps the legislative power, as in Roe V Wade? Or fails to limit emminent domain to truely public works? At what point do you judge that the process YOU are following is not working? And then what?
And therefore you should not presume to speak for them and try to tell us what they would do.

Seeing as how they kicked the biggest m,ilitary machine in the world out of their country, I certainly feel free, by way of the First Amm. they wrote, to point out that they would not take lightly their progeny selling off their birthright for the proverbial bowl of pottage.

And that's your solution? Preposterous! I hope you enjoy your alternate reality.

Lets see what the Founding Fathers though of such a preposterous idea:

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. — That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, — That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security. "

Ring any bells?
richyoung said:
...What to do when the judicial branch usurps the legislative power, as in Roe V Wade? Or fails to limit emminent domain to truely public works? At what point do you judge that the process YOU are following is not working? And then what?...
First of all, maybe you're wrong. Who appointed you arbiter of these questions?

richyoung said:
Seeing as how they kicked the biggest m,ilitary machine in the world out of their country, I certainly feel free, by way of the First Amm. they wrote, to point out that they would not take lightly their progeny selling off their birthright for the proverbial bowl of pottage.
Now there's a non sequitur. I'm sure you don't know what the word means, so look it up. I'm not going to waste my time explaining it to you.

richyoung said:
Lets see what the Founding Fathers though of such a preposterous idea:

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal,...
Another huge non sequitur that has absolutely nothing to do with the topic under discussion.
First of all, maybe you're wrong. Who appointed you arbiter of these questions?

Its my duty, as a citizen, to at least attempt to pass down to those that follow me, the freedom that so many have paid for in blood before I ever made the scene. See all those white markers, bleaching in the sun at Normandy, Arlington, Lorraine, Luxembourg, etc? I owe them. The least I can do is sing out, and so I have appointed myself.

Now there's a non sequitur. I'm sure you don't know what the word means, so look it up. I'm not going to waste my time explaining it to you.

If I've said or done anything that you regard as a personal insult, please let me know, in order that I may render a suitable apology. Something I've written seems to have rubbed you the wrong way, and this is not what I intended. If nine Supreme Court justices can disagree about what the Constitution means, surely we can, civily.
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richyoung said:
Its my duty, as a citizen, to at least attempt to pass down to those that follow me, the freedom that so many have paid for in blood before I ever made the scene. See all those white markers, bleaching in the sun at Normandy, Arlington, Lorraine, Luxembourg, etc? I owe them. The least I can do is sing out, and so I have appointed myself.
Wow, from non sequitur to hyperbole to grandiosity -- and all over shall issue concealed weapons permits.

richyoung said:
Nice personal insult....
You're welcome. It was my pleasure.

richyoung said:
...Alas, I fear our positions are unreconcilable,...
Yes they are, so with your permission, I'll just ignore you in the future. Have a nice revolution.
so... anyone keep up with what happened to plaxico burress.. seems related to me, much more than a fine!!! and he had a permit... for florida, that was expired.. it you are too cheap to purchase a permit, you deserve whatever penalty they can throw at you. it is only adding to the idea that gun owners are brutes rather than law abiding citizens and guns must be taken away to protect us all...
PT1911 said:
...so... anyone keep up with what happened to plaxico burress.. ...it is only adding to the idea that gun owners are brutes rather than law abiding citizens...
I haven't heard where this stands. It sure didn't help the Giants much. And I agree that it makes us look bad. After it happened there was a lot of the usual "people who carry guns are nuts" garbage on some of our local sports shows here, and I know there was some on the national news.

Some of us try hard to promote the "gun owner as solid, responsible citizen" image, and guys like him can undo a lot of that effort in a moment.
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Some of us try hard to promote the "gun owner as solid, responsible citizen" image, and guys like him can undo a lot of that effort in a moment.

very sad and very true... and I think the same is true of anyone else who thinks they are above the law and do not require a permit to carry their gun... the way things stand in most states, a law abiding citizen can easily carry his/her gun (following certain specifications) with a permit. those who refuse to follow this usually maneagable rule only fuel the anti-gun movement. I cannot see any responsible gun owner/carrier, that isnt frustrated greatly by this sort of thing.
CCW permits are not that difficult nor expensive to get. Most states are shall issue, so unless there's reason you shouldn't be allowed to (felony, etc) you'll get a permit if you apply.
The 2A is my permit? Come on, that is not the way to fight this battle. Get a CCW. Prove that gun owners follow the law, criminals don't.
You shouldn't need a PERMIT to exercise a RIGHT. Imagine the fuss if the New York Times had to get permission for everything they print, or you had to get permission to vote for a particular candidate.
PT1911 said:
... and I think the same is true of anyone else who thinks they are above the law and do not require a permit to carry their gun... the way things stand in most states, a law abiding citizen can easily carry his/her gun (following certain specifications) with a permit. those who refuse to follow this usually maneagable rule only fuel the anti-gun movement. I cannot see any responsible gun owner/carrier, that isnt frustrated greatly by this sort of thing....
I agree. I sure wish it was "shall issue" in California. As it is, with my Utah, Florida and Arizona permits, I'm good in 30+ states. But having to deal with the situation in my home state, I tend to be short on sympathy for folks who can easily get a permit and don't want to bother.
I agree. I sure wish it was "shall issue" in California. As it is, with my Utah, Florida and Arizona permits, I'm good in 30+ states. But having to deal with the situation in my home state, I tend to be short on sympathy for folks who can easily get a permit and don't want to bother.

I can sympathize with you. I live in Maryland and have two non-resident permits from other states, and it irks me that I have to stop at the border of my state of residence and disarm and disassemble before proceeding home. Our attempts at shall issue CCL never even get out of committee here! :fire:
I can sympathize with you. I live in Maryland and have two non-resident permits from other states, and it irks me that I have to stop at the border of my state of residence and disarm and disassemble before proceeding home. Our attempts at shall issue CCL never even get out of committee here!

that is a new argument that frustrates me as well... I will never understand why some states refuse honor reciprocity of permits.

You shouldn't need a PERMIT to exercise a RIGHT. Imagine the fuss if the New York Times had to get permission for everything they print, or you had to get permission to vote for a particular candidate.

sure is a hassle waking up every morning, calling my local official, and asking for permission to carry my gun... i wish there was a solution to that...:D.

I wonder how much it costs to run the New York Times... more than 10 bucks I bet.
In Illinois it's a class 3 felony to carry, period. Doesn't matter if it's concealed or not. Doesn't matter if you have a FOID or not. So, get over it, appreciate your freedom, get your permit, and think about those of us who can't.
sure is a hassle waking up every morning, calling my local official, and asking for permission to carry my gun... i wish there was a solution to that....

In some places, like Plaxico's New York City, or even some parts of fiddletown's slice of paradise, California, the authorities simply refuse to issue the permit. We aren't free until we are ALL free, everywhere.
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