NYPD and Mossberg

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Mine has two action arms. I think all of the 500s have been manufactured with two for quite a few years now.

Ditto. Even my .410 bore 500E has twin action arms.

I don't see why they need a 14 inch barrel, us civvies have to do with 18in+.

Cops are "civilians" just the same as the rest of us. They like to throw that word around like it doesn't apply to them, but they are bound by the same laws and answer to the same courts. Until you've gone thorough MEPS and your sworn in, your still a civilian. THEN your held by different laws and answer to a different court. THEN you can can say your not a civilian.
Just to add to some of the information already provided. Shotguns are in use with ESU, OCCB and a few teams that do search warrant entries. Shotguns have always have been authorized for one man radio cars. Patrol is always performed by 2 man radio cars, not one. I have never seen a shotgun on patrol. Slim chance you will see shotguns on patrol unless manpower gets so low that they are forced to put out one man cars. I also agree that they are not likely to put the Ithaca's back in circulation, more likely to destroy them.

Still a decent contract for Mossberg which included bragging rights.
Policemen are civilians. Just like all other citizens who are not members of the military.

Please do not use the term "civilian" to indicate that a person is not a policeman.

When your cop acquaintance uses the term "civilian", it undermines the basic fact that cops must obey all the laws that exist in your area, exactly the same as you.

Policemen do not function under a different penal/legal code from the rest of us.
"Patrol is always performed by 2 man radio cars, not one."

What about the Highway Unit? Most I see are by them selves.
I don't see why they need a 14 inch barrel, us civvies have to do with 18in+.
No, you can own a short-bbld shotgun, you just need a tax stamp, and to register it with the ATF. I owning an unregistered one is a felony, but it doesn't result in the death penalty.
True Speed they are 1 man but they are not patrol units. Some summons auto's in commands are 1 man as well, scooter cops as well as footposts. What I am referring to when I say patrol is the 911 answering cops in the precincts. Highway units can and will be qualified with the shotguns, not sure about the distribution though. By far the bulk of the NYPD are precinct patrol officers in various assignments. Hope this helps, Bill
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