Olympic Arms AR quality?

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Jun 12, 2005
Phoenix Az
Im looking into an AR for plinking and SD and have run into the Olympic Arms rifles. They are about 200 dollars less than a Bushmaster or DPMS but they dont look as high quality. How are they?
The quality is generally fine. My first AR ever was an Olympic... the only thing I would say is that while they offer a lifetime warranty, there are a LOT of caveats to that warranty.
They do have some parts that are a bit cheesier than you will find on a Bushmaster or DPMS.
They aren't bad starter rifles and will get an interested shooter into the pleasure of AR type rifles.
You can always upgrade later if you decide AR type rifles are for you and you will be able to sell an Olympic rifle fairly easy and without a great loss of initial investment.

As a side bar, I have always had good luck with Olympic barrels for use on general purpose upper builds.
Last week I received an Olympic 20" service type barrel that was supposed to have a full finished and headspaced chamber but came in with the chamber only roughed out.
I sent it back and am waiting for a replacement.

I guess I should buy a Clymer pull through finish reamer but can't justify the expense for an item that would be rarely used.
Plus since you can find the 20" plinker between $550-$600 it is about as inexpensive as you'll ever find a assembled AR-15
I've got an Oly K4B (20" A2 Duty/Match) that I bought just after the AWB went away. I've also got 2 other AR's built on Stag lowers, one with an RRA upper, Oly B/BC/CH, Oly FIRSH railed handguards and Oly fiberite telestock, and the other built from a J&T CAR kit.

The Oly is the equal of the others and is the most accurate. A couple of thousand rounds so far without a single hiccup. All the Oly products I own are excellent. My contacts I've had with Oly's reps have been excellent as well.

Oly also makes all the parts in the rifles they build, including the upper and lower receivers and the barrels. I don't believe any other company producing AR's can still say that.
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