Renew an old subject:Remington R 51

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Hooray for the doom and gloom boys, they rarely have a great deal positive to say on any subject. I did not purchase one of the original r 51 pistols as they went South before I was ready, I would love to see/shoot one now as I would indeed purchase the pistol if all went well.
I did shoot a couple of boxes of 380 through the RM 380, it ran flawlessly however is definitely a "close in" pistol. Does not hold a candle to my Sig P 238 or P 938 but would make a nice pocket carry or truck pistol. I guess all I need to say now is "Hey Remington get that pistol on the market!"
"The design mechanic's of the R51 was great when we built guns by hand, but today it's not profitable and the design has to be too refined to work properly"
I'm not convinced; a 1911 made as shoddily as the R51 would probably either explode or run away on full auto, or at best jam constantly. Made as well as the RM380 appears to be, it should be entirely reliable (hell, mine has always been about 3/4 of what I consider reliable, despite its many workmanship issues).

It's the same story as the Rogak (a POS) vs. the Steyr GB (a quality gun that does what it is supposed to), only without shady front-company stuff going on --oh wait, I forgot about the holding company; it's exactly the same :D (and should mean my two mags should each be worth about 200$ + inflation in about a decade...)


Long as you disregard the takedown pin being able to fall out on it's own, it sounds like a par excellence pistol.
As in tipping the gun on its side so its pointing straight down and slowly retracting the slide until the hole and the pin match up exactly? And then the barrel pin falls out?

When I start hearing users report that the barrel pin came out on its own during carrying or firing - I'll believe it. Until then, this is just a lot of hyperbole.

Correct, that is what I'm referring to.

Granted, I'm a simpleton when it comes to firearms, a meeter of Murphy, and when I wore a uniform the very sort of person to raise an eyebrow when a new piece of idiot-proof gear came out.

Others mileage can and does vary. It's a good thing to have options for all of us. For me, when there are options at the same or better price point, without the characteristic in question, and from companies whose QC has not been in anecdotal decline for years, I'll gravitate toward other options first.
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