The most accurate small pistol you have fired?

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Beretta 84 and HK P7M10 (which actually isn't a small pistol at all, given how much more steel it uses that its 9mm brethren), no doubt owing to the fixed barrels. I've yet to take my new Makarovs and Mauser 1910/14 to the range (and my Savage 1917 is unfired, which I'm not going to change), so I can't comment on these other fixed-barrel guns yet.

For locked-breech guns, I shoot my Walther PPS as well as a full-size pistol inside of 20 yards. No problem getting quarter- to half-dollar-size groups at 15 yards. Once Kahr replaced my P380's defective barrel, I've found it to be very accurate as well (even if incredibly problematic in other ways).

In any case, I imagine that all or almost all of the pistols listed in this thread will perform very similarly out of a rest, with a likely advantage to the fixed-barrel guns. Some are just easier for the shooter (by far the limiting factor) to shoot accurately. With any high-quality gun, 1" groups at 7 yards is shooter-limited performance.
My old P7M8 would do easy head shots at 25 yards from the standing Weaver position. Of course now I can't find another one that cost less than a used car.

How does your PPS do when shooting out at the 20-25 yard ranges?
Best: Glock 19 shooting 124 gr Gold Dot bullets on top of VV N330 powder in Remington factory-primed +P brass.

Close second: SIG 225 with same ammo.
My Russian Makarov in .380 might be my most accurate small pistol but I have a CZ 83 that is very close and several Mauser HSc pistols that shoot very well.
9 fingers
I would have to say probably a Ruger Single-Six 22lr.with a six inch barrel comes to mind first.Really!they are very accurate guns as far as handguns go.As for rifles my Henry lever action 22 is impressive due to the way the sites set up high.I can aim it at tiny targets at all different distances and send what I'm aiming at flying.It's right on.I think a Ruger Mark II might be just a little better than the Single-Six in my opinion though.
I was looking at a Polish P-64 they are going now at 200-260 they are supposed to be accurate some one stated harsh recoil....But my Ruger sr9c shoots pretty good
1. P-64. I shoot it more accurately than some of my full size guns. First time I shot it, I made only 3 holes on the paper. Shots 2-5 all went through the same hole. I have a bigger, longer barreled PA63, as well, and it is not at all in the same league, even though it also has an excellent SA trigger. But FTR, I shoot a G26 way worse than either of these guns, and I have no problem with the G26 accuracy for SD purposes. I mean, I feel find when armed with a G26. But I could hunt small game with a P64.

2. Bersa Thunder was also pretty darn accurate to me.

TBH, first time I shot an LCP, I made a really nice group. But I was shooting for absolute accuracy, the trigger was new to me, and I let the break surprise me. And wow, what a surprise it is for the shot to finally go off. With the crazy long, stacking trigger pull, it felt like it took 5 minutes to make a 6 shot group. The gun can shoot straight, if you have the time on your hands! Without supreme, all-day patience, my groups quintupled in size. Even with practice, I don't think I could shoot an LCP very well under duress, in any situation where speed is important and/or moving targets are involved. If ever called to use one in SD, I would hope I'm wearing good running shoes.
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CZ82. I have many pistols and that little, fixed barrel CZ makes people take notice at the range.
LCP, surprisingly for having a heavy DA trigger and near invisible sights, can blast away crab apples without a hitch at 25yds. Not sure I would be able to on the first outing with it, but after knowing how it shoots, it's pretty accurate.

SR9c, Surprised the crap out of me. With the extended mag I could replace the center red with a ragged hole at 20-25 yds. The mag did not provide any extra accuracy, ten just wasnt enough to make the bullseye disappear completely.
It may not be more mechanically accurate than any other, but has been one of the easiest to just pick up and start hitting bull without prior practice.

The M11A1, aka Sig 228. Bulky for a sub-compact but carry-able.
Very comfortable to shoot. But the factory fixed combat sight picture isn't great for shooting tight groups. Not for me any how. The gun is still very accurate and fits like a glove, but I could shoot it much better with a center mass, or 6-oclock sight picture. Groups are very tight, just hard to fine tune a hold when you cover the target.
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