The most accurate small pistol you have fired?

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22 caliber ruger with heavy barrel. Any fixed barrel high quality revolver or pistol, depending of the day,

These hardly qualify as "small pistols". I though the OP was asking about sub-compact or perhaps compact pistols with a CCW orientation.
Most small pistols are capable of extremely good accuracy, it's the short sight radius and light weight that make them just difficult to master.

This is the first 7 rounds out of my new LCP at 7 yards.
I have been very surprised at how accurate my Kel-Tec P11 9x19mm pistol is out to ten yards. It has been consistently accurate on slow, deliberate fire, but not much fun to shoot.

I believe a CZ82 in 9x18mm counts as a compact sized pistol - it is easily the most accurate small handgun I have shot.
I shot my buddy's LCP a few times.... I agree that it is not bad for being so small and having a crappy trigger. I can make descent head shots at 10-12 yards with an LCP. Although,,,I find I have to shoot it one handed because my big hands almost causes me to shoot my support hand if I try it two-handed.

Back in the mid-1970s I had a Lama 380 that was basically a mini 1911. It was surprisingly accurate. Unfortunately I blew that gun apart with extremely hot 380 hand-loads.
One more here for the Glock 42...unbelievable accuracy and controlled rapid fire in my Wife's hands as well as mine. And I didn't even want it in the house until we bought it for my Wife.

Surprisingly outstanding....

I got my wife an LC380 and have been amazed at it's accuracy. With such a long trigger pull, I can still put a magazine inside a tennis ball sized group at ten yards.
What is the most accurate small ( compact or sub compact) auto pistol you have fired?

I'd rank the HK P2000sk as the most accurate small pistol I own.
The Beretta 84 is also a superlative pistol, easy to shoot well.
CZ 83 is also good.
+1 for the Kahr CW380. I purchased one last week and have found it to be one of my favorite small guns that I have owned. Real sights and a pleasant trigger. Just a hair larger than the Ruger LCP/Kel-TecP3ATs. Fun gun to take to the range and that's saying something for a gun that small.
I know this may sound strange but I have a SIG P250 compact 2nd Gen that will outshoot all my other handguns consistently.
The best my Wife and I, have found for us, is our KAHR CW-9. We shoot them alot and carry them most every day. Not one single problem with either of them. And we have shot them and carried them for our CCW`s for the last 3 to 4 years.
Taurus PT-145 Millennium Pro. It shoots about a 1" group at 20 yards. Yeah it surprised me too. Believe it or not my Raven P-25 was also very accurate for a while. For several years it would shoot a gallon jug size pattern at 50 yards. I actually sank a leaf in a pond with one shot from 65 yards with it once. My dad was laughing at my little gun and the way I was shooting it. I had been just emptying the mag as fast as possible for fun. I took aim at that leaf and sank it the first try. My dad about had a heart attack. :) Me too actually and I knew it was pretty accurate.

My friend's CZ 83 is very accurate. It rivals my Taurus. I've shot several of the newer pocket guns and none of the others are as accurate including the Ruger LCP I carry sometimes and my daughter's S&W BodyGuard .38.
Well Glock classifies the G30 as a subcompact and it's the most accurate subcompact I've ever shot. That's probably cheating so the G26 is the second most accurate subcompact I have shot.
I have several "smallish" guns. A S&W Model 60, Ruger LC9, Sig 938, Glock 26 and a Glock 42. Sig 938 is by far the best of the bunch IMO. The S&W is awesome but 357 Mags get tiresome, lol. I bought the Sig after spending some time with the Ruger and hating the long trigger pull. Fixed that with a JP Precision trigger and spring upgrade, but the Ruger is a range gun now. I really enjoyed shooting the G42 the only time I had it out at the range, but would never carry it having better options at my disposal. Winter's coming and it might be time to revert back to the G23...
Bersa 383
Star M45 Firestar
If we're including revolving pistols, S&W 31-1.
I have to say the G42. I had a chance to try one at the range a couple of weeks ago. I did better with it than I did with my Sig P238, and that is an accurate gun too.
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