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U.S. legislator warns of Bush plot to merge Canada, the U.S. and Mexico

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Apr 4, 2006
U.S. legislator warns of Bush plot to merge Canada, the U.S. and Mexico


A U.S. legislator who backs tough anti-immigrant measures and more security at the Canada-U.S. border is warning Americans that President George W. Bush is plotting to integrate the continent.

And he says Prime Minister Stephen Harper “buys into it.”

Colorado Republican Tom Tancredo, revered by some U.S. conservatives for his efforts to staunch the flow of illegal immigrants from Mexico, said this week that Bush is a dangerous internationalist.

“He is going to do what he can to create a place where the idea of America is just that, it’s an idea. It’s not an actual place defined by borders. I mean this is where the guy is really going,” he told WorldNetDaily, a controversial conservative website.

“I know this is dramatic, or maybe somebody would say overly dramatic.

But I’m telling you that everything I see leads me to believe that this whole idea of the North American union, it’s not something that’s just written about by right-wing fringe kooks,” said Tancredo, who is considering a run at the presidency.

“It is something in the head of the president of the United States, the president of Mexico, I think the prime minister of Canada buys into it...”

Tancredo followed up with an interview on the conservative Fox News network, where he said the borders will lose all their significance, serving merely as “speed bumps” in the flow of goods, services and people.

In October, Tancredo demanded the United States suspend work on the Security and Prosperity Partnership (SPP) signed last year by Canada, Mexico and The United States until Congress examines its goals and agreements, which include standardizing regulations and dismantling other barriers to trade.

The deal to collaborate on a wide range of trade and security issues is part of a larger plot to merge the countries in a European Union-like arrangement using a common currency, he said, with no oversight from legislators.

The congressman, who wrote a book on the border security issue called “In Mortal Danger,” is one of four members of Congress who’ve signed a resolution opposed to a union or a free trade “superhighway system.”
They’re not the only ones worried about closer ties between the three countries.

A coalition of American conservatives is organizing a grassroots effort to make it an issue in the 2008 presidential race and vow to campaign against any candidate, Republican or Democrat, who won’t side with them.

The movement was spearheaded in October by Howard Phillips, chairman of the public policy group Conservative Caucus, anti-feminist activist Phyllis Schlafly and author Jerome Corsi.

The group is calling for a congressional investigation into the SPP and full disclosure of all documents when the new Congress run by Democrats begins in January. They’re getting support from the Minuteman Project that monitors the borders to deter illegal crossings, a group Bush has called vigilantes.

Supporters of the anti-union stand point out that a prominent three-country task force backed by Canada’s business elite has promoted an elaborate vision of a common economy and security perimeter.

The plan, released last year, drew fire from some Canadians who saw it as a dangerous surrender of sovereignty designed to benefit big business.

Tancredo, who has often talked about the “porous” Canada-U.S. border, stirred up controversy last year when he mused on a Florida radio show that America could destroy Islamic holy sites like Mecca if there’s another terrorist attack on U.S. soil.

While beloved by many right-wingers and immigration hawks, Tancredo was recently labelled one of the 10 worst congressmen by Rolling Stone magazine.

The publication noted he wants to deport every undocumented worker in the United States, a proposal that would cost at least US$200 billion, and has called for halting all immigration, legal or otherwise.
I don't know about this whole thing you talk about, but I am totally for declaring Mexico a US territory. If they can't fix their own problems and won't even attempt to stop their people from flooding us, then we might as well take over. I just don't want it as a state.

Canada on the other hand...they are fine the way they are.
Great post, thirty-thirty, but guaranteed the mods will close this thread as OT, even though it'e relevant to our cause on a number of levels.

Has anyone ever checked immigration laws from Mexico? WOW talk about restrictive. I can see the dangers of uniting the three countries. There are going to be those like Manedwolf who just dismiss this as a bogus conspiracy theory. I think it's entirely possible, such proposals if I remember correctly have been brought forth publicly before, but it was shot down(don't quote me on that one though). Also just because it may be a conspiracy doesn't mean it isn't true. Just because a person is paranoid doesn't mean there is nobody out to get that person. We need to stop thinking that government is just trying to look out for our best interests even while believing that their idea of our best interest is completely wrong. Simple fact, we keep viewing the government as having rights, quite simply the government has no rights, the purpose of government is to ENFORCE our rights, instead of making deals with other countries to strip us of our rights, that people in other countries don't have therefore we shouldn't have them either. America is built on rights, not privileges that other countries are built on.

Rev. Michael
This isn't tinfoil hat stuff.

There is a segment of American political, coporate, and even military elements that would like to see a merging of the three countries. Now, will it happen? Hard to say. But dismissing it isn't constructive. The NAFTA superhighway, and the agreements on trade under NAFTA both are eerily similar to what preceded the EU. Now, Europe is effectively a confederacy, with each EU member state being subject to the edicts of the master bureacrats in Brussels. While member nations can still pull out of it, to say that all of Europe in the EU is truly sovreign would not be true.

Would you like to see a North American Union where we were subject to the edicts of Canadians and Mexicans? Especially when it comes to our 2nd Amendment?
I think the guy has been using a bit too much of a popular Mexican product, and I don't mean Corona Light.

Even if Bush were to want to do something that idiotic, how would he hope to do it in two years and get it through Congess and the courts?

Nonsense, and it is from the tinfoil hat crowd. I thought Tancredo had more sense.

Bush won't be able to pull something like that off in 2 years, but Clinton would love to do that with the UN.

So Bush wants a 3 party union, but the other side wants 1 world union. Its just two roads to the same place.
But I’m telling you that everything I see leads me to believe that this whole idea of the North American union, it’s not something that’s just written about by right-wing fringe kooks,” said Tancredo
I like Tancredo, but what he should have said, if he were a humbler man, is that "The people we used to call right wing kooks turn out to have been correct all this time, and we, the ones who called them that, were the ignorant ones with our eyes tightly closed all these years." But no, those who have been right on this question for years are still, in his assessment, right wing Kooks. They have to be, because that's what everyone calls people who believe in a conspiracy directed from the top to merge the US with Mexico and Canada, right? :banghead:
I am researching this very topic

and there is a lot of evidence it is true. Anyone heard of the NAFTA highway being built to merge the three countries? I am open to other information and don't claim this as gospel, but there is a lot going into this mechanism of North American Union unity. Don't knock it without some more looking. It is OT, but if there were yet another reason why the Exremist American Patriot Kooks would want weapons it might be. . . to keep America?

"The American public is largely asleep to this key piece of the coming North Amerian Union that government planner in the new trilateral region of the United States, Canada, and Mexico are about to drive into reality." - Human Events, June 12, 2006

The 1994 NAFTA agreement already calls for a massive transnational shipping corridor run through the heartland of America working on the "Smart" or 'Sentri' electronic system of lane checking. No searches or border hindrance, too long.

The TTC - 35 texas highway soon to begin construction will connect with a CANA-MEX corridor, TTC-69, through the east to Michigan and Ontario (Toronto).

eventually there may be as many 80 corridors planned for bringing in imports of various sorts and ease trade between nations.

But what have we to lose about merging with two ever increasing socialist nations?

PRNA ALL THE WAY! (see link below)
It's bunk--exactly the way it was bunk that Bush was okay with foreign control of our ports and bunk that he wants to increase foreign ownership of our airlines to 49 per cent. Not to worry. All is well. Go back to sleep.

In 10 years America will be a brand name, not a country.
Yeah I have heard of this before. The NAFTA super highway is real they started construction in Texas this summer. The idea is the highway will start on the west coast of Mexico, have a main hub in Kansas, and north to Canada from there. So we will have lots of cheap crap from China, unloaded by Mexican dock workers, driven by Mexican truckers, running up a highway you paid for. But the cheap goods will help the economy ;) . Yes we will need those low prices with all the American jobs lost on this deal. To stay on topic it is a step towards the NAU (North American Union) for sure. Expect gun control to be modified to match Mexicos taste :barf: .
And the Eloi welcome the Morlocks with open arms and wallets...

And the Eloi welcome the Morlocks with open arms and wallets...


Sadly Biker couldnt be more right what a perfect parody. For an NAU to work we most all be on even ground, and play by the same rules. Mexican gun control, and Mexican wages for all. Bringing Mexico up to American, or Canadian standards would not be practical. Much more practical to bring us down to their level. I fear what the future holds for my children :( . As for the people who call it all tin foil nonsense, they will keep doing so even as they reach into their wallets to pull out Ameros to pay their Confederate tax.
As for the people who call it all tin foil nonsense, they will keep doing so even as they reach into their wallets to pull out Ameros to pay their Confederate tax.
You are not exaggerating one bit. That's exactly what they'll do.
And the plutocrats would love to have Mexican job security for most and income and wealth distributions that look like Guatemala.

NAFTA was a wonderful free trade deal. It managed to lower wages on both sides of the border.
It would be easy to call it a Conspiracy Theory, Exept that the plans are in place, publicly.
It is hard to blame it on Bush though, as it started before him and will continue after he is gone.
It is not a theory when construction begins.
while beloved by many right-wingers and immigration hawks, Tancredo was recently labelled one of the 10 worst congressmen by Rolling Stone magazine.

Basicly sums up my opinion. Tancredo is about as creditable on immigration as Bush is on Iraq. He just likes quick soundbites, that right wingers eat up as the gospel truth.
while beloved by many right-wingers and immigration hawks, Tancredo was recently labelled one of the 10 worst congressmen by Rolling Stone magazine.
Anybody that Rolling Stone magazine doesn't like can't be all bad.

guaranteed the mods will close this thread as OT, even though it'e relevant to our cause on a number of levels.


Maybe not, This does apply to the 2A & RKBA more than many realize.
What am I getting at?

think for a moment, if Canada, the USA and Mexico all merge into a single country, the Slimeballs can and quite likely will just do away with the "US Constitution" and Bill of Rights as they only apply the "The USA" and not to a Newly created "North American Union".

this is Incredibly Dangerous for not only our Freedoms and National Sovereignty but also all Rights secured in the Constitution and Bill of Rights, Including RKBA.

Think I'm full of it or just a nut worrying about what "will never happen"?
then think of this, Under Such an arrangement it is only am matter of time until the wrong person gets into Office and with the stroke of a pen flushes the USA and everything it ever stood for down the toilet.

As a result their may quite likely be a 2nd Revolution/Civil War over it and quite frankly I would prefer if that never had to happen, and I am sure all or at least most of us here on THR would agree on that last point.

Still think this is Tinfoil Hat Material?
If so, Take an hour or so off of your normal routine and research it yourself, this is real.
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