U.S. legislator warns of Bush plot to merge Canada, the U.S. and Mexico

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Rolling Stone magazine - paragons of political leadership. :barf:

Who *do* they want as a Congressman, Mick Jagger?
Anybody that Rolling Stone magazine doesn't like can't be all bad.

Just about what I was thinking. I can't stand Rolling Stone.

Anyway, talk of this unholy NAU is chilling. You think the 2ndA is under attack now? I suspect the entire Constitution would have all the value of toilet paper.
think for a moment, if Canada, the USA and Mexico all merge into a single country, the Slimeballs can and quite likely will just do away with the "US Constitution" and Bill of Rights as they only apply the "The USA" and not to a Newly created "North American Union".

Clearly, the Constitution does not permit a merger, so the Constitution must go into the dumper. I doubt either Canada, or Mexico wants to be admitted as new States under the Constitution.

And yes, it is real, as real as any other existing law, regulation, or treaty. It just has not made it in completeness to the books quite yet. But, they're working on it.

As a result their may quite likely be a 2nd Revolution/Civil War over it and quite frankly I would prefer if that never had to happen, and I am sure all or at least most of us here on THR would agree on that last point.

If you are a dedicated believer and Patriotic to the Constitution, a successful end in this effort will require War. No ifs about it, Treason must be fought.

I will think of the concept of a North American Union as an RKBA issue when the alarm is sounded by a credibly large group of Congressmen, and they openly discuss its implications. Meanwhile, I will be very reserved about Tancredo as a presidential prospect. The limitations of the current crop of prospects are pretty disturbing. Each seems to have baggage I seriously don't want, making Bush look pretty good. I am not opposed to changes in the economy that would limit inflation. What I don't want is more crime or higher taxes to pay someone else's way. I also don't want a lack of cultural focus. Speak English dammit. Dress like Americans. Work and pay your taxes. I might not be able to justify wanting control, but I know what I like.
Any story link or other verification to that initial post? Or is it meerly opinion?

I don't think Tom's telling Bush anything he does not know already. Problem is, I suspect he already knows because he's all for it - full steam ahead!

I could be wrong about this, and DO hope I am....:uhoh:

Naturally the MSM is not only ignoring it, they're pressing the attack on people that want to protect American jobs and interests as "protectionist paranoid xenophobes" :barf:

And the attack I saw (Morton Kondrake's "Roll Call" in the Johnson City (TN) Press) was in response to the Democrats winning Congress.

Well, well, well....maybe the Dem takeover is for the better after all? I suppose it's better (and EASIER) to fight bad legislation when it's comes from people WE elect as opposed to trying to fight it from a "co-opted" Mexican/American/Canadian "Supergovernment" that will toss out the whole Constitution! :what:
Some of y'all are awful fast and loose with that "tinfoil hat" stuff. I'd suggest maybe waking up and sniffing the coffee might be a helpful pursuit for you to take up. The slope is indeed both slippery and steepening rapidly...

Texicans and old-timer libertarians here are likely familiar with Dr. Ron Paul already. The rest of you will please be sure and note the URL I have appended with his column of 30 October 2006, below. Dr. Paul represents Texas in the US House of Representatives, if you can't figure out the URL.

You won't hear this from most Congresscritters precisely because they DO support it, and it is being done in extra-legislative fashion.

Read on, skeptics, the Folger's is brewing... and we have enough tinfoil to go around.


The NAFTA Superhighway

October 30, 2006

By now many Texans have heard about the proposed “NAFTA Superhighway,” which is also referred to as the trans-Texas corridor. What you may not know is the extent to which plans for such a superhighway are moving forward without congressional oversight or media attention.

This superhighway would connect Mexico, the United States, and Canada, cutting a wide swath through the middle of Texas and up through Kansas City. Offshoots would connect the main artery to the west coast, Florida, and northeast. Proponents envision a ten-lane colossus the width of several football fields, with freight and rail lines, fiber-optic cable lines, and oil and natural gas pipelines running alongside.

This will require coordinated federal and state eminent domain actions on an unprecedented scale, as literally millions of people and businesses could be displaced. The loss of whole communities is almost certain, as planners cannot wind the highway around every quaint town, historic building, or senior citizen apartment for thousands of miles.

Governor Perry is a supporter of the superhighway project, and Congress has provided small amounts of money to study the proposal. Since this money was just one item in an enormous transportation appropriations bill, however, most members of Congress were not aware of it.

The proposed highway is part of a broader plan advanced by a quasi-government organization called the “Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America,” or SPP.

The SPP was first launched in 2005 by the heads of state of Canada, Mexico, and the United States at a summit in Waco.

The SPP was not created by a treaty between the nations involved, nor was Congress involved in any way. Instead, the SPP is an unholy alliance of foreign consortiums and officials from several governments. One principal player is a Spanish construction company, which plans to build the highway and operate it as a toll road. But don’t be fooled: the superhighway proposal is not the result of free market demand, but rather an extension of government-managed trade schemes like NAFTA that benefit politically-connected interests.

The real issue is national sovereignty. Once again, decisions that affect millions of Americans are not being made by those Americans themselves, or even by their elected representatives in Congress. Instead, a handful of elites use their government connections to bypass national legislatures and ignore our Constitution-- which expressly grants Congress the sole authority to regulate international trade.

The ultimate goal is not simply a superhighway, but an integrated North American Union--complete with a currency, a cross-national bureaucracy, and virtually borderless travel within the Union. Like the European Union, a North American Union would represent another step toward the abolition of national sovereignty altogether.

A new resolution, introduced by Representative Virgil Goode of Virginia, expresses the sense of Congress that the United States should not engage in the construction of a NAFTA superhighway, or enter into any agreement that advances the concept of a North American Union. I wholeheartedly support this legislation, and predict that the superhighway will become a sleeper issue in the 2008 election.

Any movement toward a North American Union diminishes the ability of average Americans to influence the laws under which they must live. The SPP agreement, including the plan for a major transnational superhighway through Texas, is moving forward without congressional oversight-- and that is an outrage. The administration needs a strong message from Congress that the American people will not tolerate backroom deals that threaten our sovereignty.

It's a know fact that the Western provences of Canada would like to join the U.S. but not sure about Mexico.
I'll check that first link out for information.

But come on - wikipedia? That's like relying on Dan Rather for accurate reporting.

A lot of the incredulous are fighting really hard to NOT see The Bull in the China Shop.

Lala-la lala-dee, Nope I don't see it, it ain't th,,,,,,,,,,

Yeah, and there is no gun control ANYWHERE,, too!

Gotta wonder why the average American is so PO'd about border security, but politicians absolutely refuse to do anything. Maybe it makes more sense now.


back a year or so ago, I posted some stuff about NWO. Got told I was some kind of wacko.

European Union. North American Union. Muslims are trying to unite their region.

Pretty soon, there's going to be about 3 or 4 total Union States.

Anybody here ever read Orwell's 1984??

Government spying on individuals. Thought police.

Anybody that thinks it's just George Bush gives him way too much credit
This is going to get out of hand. It is going to get out of hand and we will be lucky to live through it. I didn't used to believe that an NAU was something anyone in Canada or Mexico would want, until I studied the issue in depth. The parallels to the EU are alarming.

You see, no one in Europe wanted the EU before the EU went online. Europeans for the most part liked their sovreignty, and ability to act independent of foreign intervention. The Euro, common trade zones, and Brussels bureacrats were something many Europeans warned everyone about, but it fell on deaf ears.

Since the EU went online, it has been a disaster to virtually everyone there that isn't involved either in a corporation bedded down with the EU bigwigs, or those bigwigs themselves (or the many countries who sold out their independence leaders). In countries with bad currency exchange rates, the higher valued Euro wiped out life savings. In the countries with higher valued currencies (comparatively) they began to lose jobs to countries with lower valued currencies.

Without the social welfare nets in place throughout Europe, the suffering would be much worse than it currently is. But ultimately (as socialism normally will cause), ultimately, it is simply a hold off.

Because the Europeans still have "stuff" many don't even realize they are on borrowed time.

We would quickly be in the same position. The great irony of it (and who I think is encouraging both the elites of Europe and the US, Canada and Mexico in this) is that the #1 country who benefits by the EU and NAU is China. They are the ones who will provide the goods, they are the ones who will have the brains supplying the whole thing, and they are the ones in a position to make sure their designs on East Asia wouldn't be compromised by either an EU or an NAU dependant upon them for everything.

Meanwhile, only our corporate leaders, and politicians would stand to benefit on this. So, we are advised by the media that protectionist measures against a quasi-fascist China are bad for the economy. And that opposition to illegal immigration from south of the border=racism. And also that the Constitution is an antiquated "quaint" document (especially that 2nd Amendment everyone here loves). Why?

Because, an unarmed population can be controlled, an armed one cannot.

Call me a tinfoil hat wearer, but my theory is that they will begin to build this road in Texas. The land seizures will be immense. It will make people mad, and it will lead to "domestic terrorism" which the government will seek to quell with gun bans, "continental ID," and suspension of the COTUS.

That will be the spark for the Second American Revolution.

The only way to stop this future?

Stand against the NAU, whatever it takes.
I just wanna know WHY we are giving credence to the "vote for anyone but an evil republican" crowd... Oh yeah... We hear the stuff all day long on the media... I guess it's better to vote for someone who'll go after our 2nd amendment rights than it is to vote for someone who'll leave 'em alone.

Yeah, makes perfect sense to me.
Thirty Thirty

When I first saw this thread I thought about your New World Order Glock post and was going to pass on by. I'm glad I didn't because this is an excellent topic for L&P. I have a little more faith in the American "sheeple" than a lot of others on here and I think (or hope) we are seeing the start of us taking back our borders, our rights, and our lives from the criminals that have been in office for the last 40 years. If you look a few days back on MSNBC there is an article about James Webb. Charles Schumer, in that article, was quoted as saying "He is not like most politicians, he is a man of deeply held convictions" or words to that effect. That is the whole problem with our elected officials. For most of them their only deeply held conviction is to lining their pockets.
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