Video shows man with concealed carry permit using gun to subdue suspect in Seattle fatal stabbing

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Oct 24, 2015
Great video of a CCW doing it right, stopping the threat and not even firing a shot. The good samaritan showed a lot of restraint in not shooting the bad guy when the bad guy kept telling him to shoot him.

A lot of people think that permit holders only solve the problem when they shoot and kill someone and that just isn't true. A lot of permit stories are victim's being saved without a shot ever being fired.

Video shows man with concealed carry permit using gun to subdue suspect in Seattle fatal stabbing


An armed bystander with a concealed carry permit was able to subdue a suspect in a fatal domestic violence stabbing at Seattle Center, a building complex in Seattle, Washington.

What happened?
The suspect, identified as David Lee Morris, 30, was held at bay at gunpoint while another bystander pepper
The article quoting the armed citizen, ''He also said he was getting concerned because it seemed as if it was taking “way too long” for emergency crews to arrive.''

When seconds count the authorities are minutes away. This old saying is a reality unless a (real) officer is standing close by, patrolling within the block, etc.
A few seconds into the video, a couple strolls past completely oblivious to what's happening in the middle of the street.

Pepper spray didn't appear to have much effect.
Rentacop was worthless. He became a bystander. He was a liability. Had rentacop had a pistol then the guy with the knife could have stabbed him and had his pistol and his getaway Segway.

Yes. Getaway Segway. It could be a real thing.

If I was an $8 an hour rentacop without a firearm and I saw a guy with a gun and one with a knife I wouldn't have done anything heroic either. Never bring a knife to a gun fight and never get into a knife or gun fight with only your barehands.
Very sad. So you're telling me that VPOs don't do a thing to stop violent obsessive nutbags? Mama's in the graveyard, papa's in the pen.

Gotta admit, I wish the perp had died. But I guess it's good that the good Samaritan does not have to deal with having killed someone.

Maybe the scumbag can produce some level of child support through prison wages.
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