WATCH: Prank backfires as disguised 'Borat' star gets run out of gun shop

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Oct 24, 2015
Gun shops should be on the look out for stuff like this. Gun owners and gun shops can be made to look very bad with harmful editing.

Sacha Baron Cohen called out by gun store owner for trying to trick him for a 'Who Is America?' sketch

Sacha Baron Cohen has been making headlines for his pranks on his Showtime series “Who Is America?” However, in February 2017, a gun store owner wasn’t fooled by the actor’s antics.

A Riverside, Calif., gun store, Warrior One Guns & Ammo, agreed to participate in a documentary about a Hungarian immigrant wanting to buy a gun in the United States. But when the store’s owner, Norris Sweidan, finally saw the film's subject in question, he quickly realized he was getting duped.

Wow! One out of 20 something people interviewed for the show finally realized how Sacha mocked them with no mercy. Ummm, success? I don't think so...

P.S. But if we blame Sacha Cohen for this it will be fine I guess...
Cohen and his production team went to great lengths to deceive lots of notable people in the 2nd Amendment community in order to get them on film so the victims words could be twisted through editing. Sarah Palin and a firearms trainer from the East Coast were lured into this same kind of ambush by Cohen's team after an elaborate ruse was pulled on them in order to get them to appear on film. I think this goes way beyond the silliness of Borat and seems to be pushing an agenda more like Michael Moore.
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Maybe we should stop giving this moron "lip service" by talking about his BS.

Yes and no.....we need to be aware of this kind of thing, and it is not new. The word need to get out on this and other people that pull this kind of thing. As gun owners we need to the the calm cool and collected ones.....the store owners comments could have carried much more weight without the bleeping of the "bad" language. Come across as calm cool and collected it works each and every time, they have no idea how to respond to that.
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On the up side, his career tanked a long time ago, and it's not going to revive. He didn't do the new show because it was a good idea. He did it because he had no other options. He can't think of anything else, and no one wants to hire him.

He doesn't want to do TV. He wants to do movies. He's doing TV. That tells you all you need to know. He's the Kevin Smith of sting movies. He knows how to do one thing, and the public doesn't want to see it any more. Two years from now, he'll probably have a podcast. His filmography has huge gaps in it.

Cohen is lacking normal human traits like mercy and empathy. He treats innocent people like crap and doesn't care what happens to them. Read up on what he and his crew did to the eastern European town where they filmed.

He isn't normal, so he doesn't understand that audiences don't like it when you abuse decent people who haven't done anything wrong. If he goes after us, most people will probably take our side.

I'm not sure why people are so eager to appear on camera, and that goes double for 2A types. What are the odds that a liberal-controlled industry is going to give you helpful exposure? "No" should be the default answer. Anyone who wants to put you on video should have ample proof that you will not be tricked, you should be allowed to have a copy of the raw footage, and you should never sign a waiver.
I am disappointed that the gun shop owner did not call the Police and have him questioned.

Someone wearing a obvious disguise with fake accent asking about guns is a RED Flag for me and I am calling the Cops. It would be fun to watch him explain to the Police that it is only a publicity stunt and he was not trying to buy a gun illegally. (On camera of course).
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I'm glad there is pushback for Cohen's skits from those in the firearms community.

Having said that.... I'm gonna get flack for this, but I think the skit was hilarious. Comedy is subjective, but I can appreciate a good set-up. Both sides of politics do it. Cohen might have had to swing alot, but he connected eventually.

Do I think Cohen is an idiot, yeah. Do I think the people he tricks can be idiots, yeah. But I can also laugh and shake my head and go about my day. In the end, any kind of media normally doesn't change minds, it just reinforces feelings. This "skits" will not affect very much in my opinion.
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