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Why do people... (not post with clear titles in THR)?

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Dec 28, 2002
Just had to do a mini-rant here on THR customs and courtesies.

I can sort of understand why people new to online forums (not just new to THR) would post new threads with titles like "Need help" or "Gun spare parts", when it'd be far more descriptive to post with "Where can I find pistol classes in Portland, OR" or "Need new grips for SiG 210".

However, many members with 1,000+ posts continue to post "Need help" or "Rifle ideas?". Why?

Worse, people that do it deliberately to be cute. Entitle "What do you think of...", and then the first words in the thread are "the quality of the MagPul M93 collapsible stock?"

Would it really kill someone to make the full title "What do you think of the Magpul 93 stock?" ? Why the teaser, are you trying to lure in people that would otherwise not vist your thread?

A clear title would make it easier for folks who are interested in the topic to find good threads, which is the entire point of having a thread title. Plus, if someone is looking for M93 info with a "titles only" search, they'll miss whatever good stuff came up in that thread.

I'd say this is more important than arguments over apostrophes, or even "muzzlebrake" vs "muzzlebreak". It just seems a lapse of common courtesy to not help keep the board running smoothly.

If they have clear titles, it makes it easier for all parties involved. If the shoe fits...

That aside, this is the best forum of any type which I have ever been on. Kudos to mods, thanks for all the folks who continue to help me, and very glad that Mr Volk is hooking us up.

yes people are unclear

But, if it's a thread you want to check out, just run the cursor over the thread name and you'll get the first part of the thread and can decide if it's something you want to read or not.

Not really a big deal.

hook/cliffhanger. You get curious to the title and click the link.

For example: this thread. You posted "Why do people", and when I saw it I thought "why do people WHAT?!??! Ahh, I have to find out!!!"

Not when we can preview the thread by leaving our mouse over the thread title. :evil:

MV, honestly it bugs me too. For those threads, I just simply skip it unless it has a lot of replies. Usually it doesn't, and I won't bother checking it.

"Anyone have an answer to my...."

Have you every met some of these online people before in person?
Some are not the smartest critters around?



It really does not bother me. If a person does not have the intelligence/common sense to thoughfully ask a question, why should I bother to answer it or read it.
I feel your pain

It used to irritate me too, until I discovered BlackMajik's secret..

I would come across a thread titled
"What do you think" and it would be about something I had absolutely no thoughts on, but then I did look
I completely agree with the original poster. A concise title offering a clear idea as to what the thread is about helps out everyone.

Also, the best way to get an answer to your question (which has a clearly worded title, right?) is to post it in the appropriate forum.

Got a question about a revolver? We've got a forum for that.
Got a question about a rifle? Forum for that.
Autoloading handgun? Yep.
Can't decide between a S&W 686 and a Sig P226? We've got a handgun forum that covers both.
Question about reloading? Forum for that.

And on and on.
I agree with the original poster, but at least you can hold the cursor over the title and get the preview. There are boards where you can't, and it's more of an issue. Of course, if there is no subject clue in the preview either, then you're right back to square one.

If anything, it helps from an archiving/search function standpoint to use clear titles. I'm sure I'm not the only one to ever search and come up with a lot of "Has anybody ever....?" or something similarly vague. At least for searches, 'show results as posts' can help more often than not.
This is a discussion forum. Its made to be the internet equivalent of a bunch of guys chin wagging at the general store. While it can be an excellent source of information it is not, and should not, be an encyclopedia.
Justin said:
C&R what? Rifle? Pistol? Shotgun? We've got forums for those.

Question about C&R legalities, we've got the Legal & Political forums, too.
and the same problem applies as the OP's comments. People will put "question about..." and not indicate in the title that it's C&R related, so if you try to search for anything C&R all you get are the posts by people asking what C&R is about.

(I'll just keep my C&R posts to surplusrifle.com ...)
I used to feel the same way...I am probably also one of the biggest offenders too :eek: But, for many, they come here to learn something & there is a dead line or there are times that if you don't choose the right search words, you can't find what you need. Sometimes it's just easier to ask an overasked question and get those few replies you need to confirm a deal, confirm the quality of a gun or just looking for a friendly welcome...not really a big deal, is it?
No.... not really.....

And most boards are definitely more about chewing the fat than being a resource... although it's nice when it can perform in that role.... :)
I agree with the person who started this thread.

I try to give enough information in the header so people can quickly choose to read it or move on and yes, I like the fact I can use my cursor to get more info. If I have a question I use the question symbol and say something like...Question about buying a .38 Special revolver.
"FNH 5.7 USG....Opinions?"

As far as I'm concerned, this is a much better title than,

"What do you guys think of the new FNH 5.7 USG?"

Brevity in titles has always been the norm in any forum I've participated in. I didn't know this was a problem.:scrutiny:
I like and prefer clear concise titles to threads. When I look at one that's titles something like "Is it legal?" or "What do you think?" My first thought is to say something like Yes or No, as little as possible, or something along those lines.

My beef is people who do not have at least the state they live in who post and you have no idea about how to answer withoug digging. For example, Is a FFL dealer required to handle the sale of a handgun? Not in PA. Depends where you live? Depends on the circumstances...
Uh, oh, I’m at odds with Springmom.

The preview feature is only of help if the opening sentence is helpful. All too often a poorly written title is compounded by useless introductory drivel.

Now please pardon me while I see if that AR-10 vs. M-14/M1A thread can still be edited…
"FNH 5.7 USG....Opinions?"

As far as I'm concerned, this is a much better title than,

"What do you guys think of the new FNH 5.7 USG?"

Oh, no doubt. Brevity is good. What you're saying is at the opposite of what I'm complaining about.

I like your title, what I don't like is "Should I buy this?" as the title, followed by a paragraph of blather and then "Anyway, my point is, what do y'all think of the FNH 5.7 USG?"

Even worse is "What do you think of the..." and then opening with "... the FNH 5.7 USG?" It's like a cutesy joke that's not funny. Like when you play blackjack and someone pretends to punch you when you say "hit me". The joke is so obvious and juvenile that it just fills you with loathing for the perpatrator.

Not to read too much into this. Main point: I and many others appreciate clear titles and believe that they make life easier on everyone. The brief and succinct titles you propose are also great.

I agree, and have long noted the same problem.

Thread titles should provide sufficient information that the viewer can tell what's at issue.

The idea that a vague title is a "hook/cliffhanger" is erroneous. I simply won't look if the title expresses no clear subject or issue.
Those who do are bored or compulsive.
This is a good gun forum. Which gun was we talking about ??
Maybe we need the gotta gripe section. Then I will not have to waste time reading about titles and spelling and grammer !!!!!! I just enjoy reading and learning about guns and pics are always nice
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