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Woman screaming for help last night

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club wise go to a truck stop and buy a tire thumper, it will look exactly like a billy club, and most have a lead plug in the end for added weight.

the tire thumper I have in my truck has never thumped a tire but has caused a few of the more aggressive truck stop bums to back off and is actually legal to carry in a commercial truck as long as the wrist strap is there.

Why does the wrist strap have to be there.
There have been cases where a pitbull jaw had to be cut off of it's dead body to release what it was holding.

really? bee around dogs a couple years had a few cared for quite a few more and never seen that nor has anyone i've talked to actually seen that

and then theres this
You did a good deed, above and beyond your obligations ... so first off, good job on resolving the screaming-neighbor issue and not panicking.

1. I need a flashlight available.
2. I still don't know what to do with a loaded gun and no holster.
3. A stout stick or bat would be a good tool to add to the list of weapons available. Sorting through the garden tools is okay but not ideal.
4. I am glad that I kept my head and didn't kill the pit bull even though it seemed to be the best solution at the time.
1 - Well, yes, you do. And one small enough that you won't ever have a reason to leave it behind, AND something bigger for the nightstand.
2 - Get a damn holster and a decent belt, no more excuses. Handguns without holsters are range toys, working guns get a holster dedicated to them.
3 - Another recommendation for a tee bat, I like aluminum myself
4 - Yes, you did well

Side note - If you had a holster, you could keep a round in the pipe more safely, and not have to wonder how to chamber a round with a pit-bull hanging off your left hand.
About the holster. . .

Actually, I do have a holster for the gun. I just didn't have it with me at the time. My carry gun is a Walther P99c and the nightstand gun is a Walther P99. The carry gun was in the safe in the holster where it goes when I am in bed. When I first went to check things out, I had some gym shorts on - the elastic waist type. That is not conducive to a holster/belt and so I just went with what I had since time seemed to be rather important.

Next time, I will simply put on my pants first and that will solve pretty much all of my problems since I have a small flashlight in the pocket (I learned my lesson there), my knife is always clipped on, the belt is ready to go, and I can simply get the holster/gun out of the safe.

I appreciate all of the suggestions. I really didn't know about that water trick and that may come in handy some time in the future.
really? been around dogs a couple years had a few cared for quite a few more and never seen that nor has anyone i've talked to actually seen that

and then theres this
I didn't say their jaws actually lock.

Regardless, the fact remains that pitbulls are very, very, tenacious, and inflicting pain on them, even breaking bones, is not an effective way to break up a fight. There is a reason they make and use breaking sticks with pitbulls, it's because it is the only known effective way to separate them.
i can't find any claims or even rebuttals to claims about the
cases where a pitbull jaw had to be cut off of it's dead body to release what it was holding.
and all the folks i know and the pit rescue folks either laughed or said something uncharitable. since there are "cases" plural could you direct us where to look? always eager to expand my knowledge base
if you bend or break it they'll send you a new one. Two tools in one light and club.

It's been a few moons since I bought a Maglite, but the paperwork that came with the last one had something to the effect of "Use of this instrument as an impact weapon shall void the terms of this warranty."

Jus' Sayin... :)
since there are "cases" plural could you direct us where to look? always eager to expand my knowledge base
That is really quite irrelevant to this conversation. I've heard of cases, but since it is irrelevant here, I really have no interest in doing that kind of research.

If you don't believe me that pit bulls are highly tenacious and much less likely than other dogs to release a grip on something, I'm sure I can find something for you. However, that seems to be pretty common knowledge, as well as the fact that breaking sticks are designed for just that purpose.

"MYTH: American Pit Bull Terriers lock their jaws.

Dr. Brisbin: "The few studies which have been conducted of the structure of the skulls, mandibles and teeth of pit bulls show that, in proportion to their size, their jaw structure and thus its inferred functional morphology, is no different than that of any breed of dog.

There is absolutely no evidence for the existence of any kind of "locking mechanism" unique to the structure of the jaw and/or teeth of the American Pit Bull Terrier. "

The short answer is: They don't let go very easily, but not because their jaws lock. It is because they have been trained and bred not to.
and the nonsense about having to cut them loose after death is.... well nonsense. as factual as folks killed by a 50bmg slug passing near em.
What difference does it make what you kill the dog with? I am trying to find some sort of logic in that....

It didn't seem "appropriate" to shoot, so instead I will beat it to death with a hammer?!?

Does you gun have an accessory rail? I gun mounted light might solve your lighting problem.
Guns and more said:
Gee, a negligent pit bull owner, now there's a shocker.

Plenty of pitbull owners are responsible owners. It's kind of like guns, the media likes to demonize them, thugs like to give them a bad name, but for the most part, they are a good thing.
Again, lot of dogs will just shrug the stuff off if they are going after something.
this is why one should own a can of pepperspray or CS+OC spray (if legal in your jurisdiction of course). A good blast of that will have the pit worrying about it's own hide instead of chomping on another dog's hide.
Or not, depending on the dog...

I wonder if some of you have ever actually owned dogs?
I have 3 observations on this whole deal...

#1... the OP did great in the situation...

#2, if there was so much time passed by that you heard screaming, got up, got clothed, went out back to look through the fence, rambled the garage, finally found the gate, then got to the incicent... I dont think the "pitt" would have needed NEARLY that much time to kill a JR if it really wanted to.

#3, we have an Standard American Bulldog, and she is NOT a pit... Pit's are actually one of 3 different breeds of terriers... I'm just sayin...
I'm surprised this hasn't been mentioned yet:

Ladies, if you are reading this, save the bloody horror-movie level screams for actual danger, like the OP.

Men, tell the women in your lives to do the same.

Over the years, I have responded (mostly while CC'ing) probably a dozen times to women screaming bloody murder in my vicinity. Sometimes it's a neighbor's house, and sometimes it's been across the street in a restaurant. Every last one of them was a false alarm.

It is always some immature teenager reacting to the tickling of her bimbo friend, or a middle-aged woman who has evidently never seen a cockroach before.

There were screams coming from the apartment complex adjacent to me a few nights ago. I didn't respond at all. Maybe I should have, but it doesn't appear that anything happened.

When I say "respond" - it's not with gun drawn. But it is with real concern. I'm tired of being treated like an idiot by the people who draw that attention to themselves.

So, to everyone: don't go crying wolf when there is no wolf. The good townspeople may stop coming to check on you.
OP, you did well to show restraint, you probably saved yourself some legal trouble over the neighbor's mutt, even if justified in shooting the dog. I do find it strange that she doesn't believe in killing the dog if it is trying to kill her's, I'll never understand pacifism.

There are some essentials besides the gun that I carry with me during night time investigation. I always bring my compact bedside flashlight, usually a holster and sometimes a spare mag. I keep an OWB and IWB holster on my book shelf. The IWB is what I use for the occasional suspicious stranger that I want to approach without being threatening. The OWB is for all other situations.
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