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Would you be concerned about selling to someone like this??

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Who really cares what the guy is doing, ever hear of mind your own business? It's your choice to sell or not. If I had armor to sell and i seen the guy bought full auto stuff, I'd still sell it to him. it's money in the bank, and whatever he does with it is his business and cant have any negative affect on you legally. Why is everyone so concerned about others breaking unconstitutional laws? I would have zero problem if someone was shooting an illegal full auto gun next to me. it's not my butt on the line. again it's your choice. if you decide to not sell it to him, it kinda provokes the fact that you're kinda a wimp. quit living in fear man and enjoy life
I don't care the reason why. Its your gear. If you don't want to sell it to someone, for whatever reason, don't sell it.
Pay attention:

- to yourself.

I have far more regretted doing something thinking I shouldn't than I have regretted not doing what I thought I shouldn't.

It's your body armor. You can sell it to whoever you want - or don't want.
Did you have any clause like "By bidding on this item you are not a fellon, have not committed acts of violence, not planing on breaking any laws and it is legal to own this item in your state / county / town and your wife isn't going to castrate anyone?"

It seams that a line similar to that, even though it probably wouldn't stand up in court, wouldn't be a bad idea.

Anyway, if you can end the auction anyhow, I would if I thought I shoud.
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Selling a car, you may be selling to someone intent on making a car bomb. Selling a knife, you may be selling to a slasher.

If they're legal to own armor, what they do with it is their business.

I completly disagree. i've not sold a bunch of cars and boats to people that I did not think they could handle them.

Recently its been a vintage italian sports car... just about every one that has looked at it wants to give it to thier teen age duaghter. if you get in a wreck with that car, your dead. I don't want that on my conscience. Its been the same with the boats/ other cars. i don't care how much money you have, I'm not selling you something that you could very easliy kill yourself if you don't know about and understand the risks.

That applys to every thing.

me being able to sleep at night is the most important thing.
Your first impressions might be due to vague suspicions, like those of my wife and a few of her musically-trained, moderately liberal, city-dwelling friends.
They found out in the last 16 months or so that, for the first time ever (age 52), I was suddenly buying a few semi-auto, or surplus bolt-action, mil.-styled 'sports utility rifles', and lots of Wolf and Bul. ammo (long before the election, when shipping/commodity costs were increasing). But they could sense in chats etc that I was no kook.

Can you request the potential buyer's phone number, just to hear what he sounds like?
Maybe the buyer wants things which he believes could/will soon be illegal to buy, even as separate components, or much more expensive (?). If he does not already have a few guns and a good heap of ammo gathered over months/years, then maybe Those gun parts combined with armour could be strange for a novice.
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TAB said:
That apples to every thing.

me being able to sleep at night is the most important thing.

Spoken like a true nanny stater TAB. I'm sure that's what Pelosi, Schumer, Feinstein, Obama and Holder think as well. "We can handle it. But you? You can't and we will make that judgment for you." I'm just saying....what goes around, comes around.
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If you think that something about this guy is wrong, like he will manufacture illegal weapons or is some kind of government stooge on a fishing expedition, do you really want to be involved with him? I would go with your gut and pull the auction. If he complains, let him try to sue you, if he can even find your name. Trust your gut here.
Spoken like a true nanny stater TAB. I'm sure that's what Pelosi, Schumer, Feinstein, Obama and Holder think as well. "We can handle it. But you? You can't and we will make that judgment for you." I'm just saying....what goes around, comes around.

yeah so I should just sell a true 100+ mph blown injected flatty to anyone that has 20k? would you want me selling it to your 18 year old son? Or how about some one that has never owned a boat, drinks heavly and boats where you do, do you want him having it?

How about a 600 hp stang? do you want your 16 yo son/ duaghter driving it?

its the old could vs should argument.

Something that is really lacking today... just becuase you can do something, does not mean you should.

If your gut tells you something is not right, listen too it.

how awful would you feel if you knew something was not right, and you turned out to be right?
What about the person that saw you stocking up on an outrageous amount of ammo (3 boxes!)?

Who knows what he is really doing. But what looks ridiculous to you may not be ridiculous to him. We've all said "From my dead hands," yet when someone might actually be stocking up in preparation for that, we have to suspect something bad?

Whether right or wrong, we don't even trust our own people. I love it.
I have never said "from my dead hands" I think it is by far the worst "rallying" phrase the NRA has ever had. It makes all gun owners look like nuts.

What is "one of our people"?

you mean gun owner? lots of people own guns, some of them even legally... owning a object does not make them a good person.
If you were a bartender, would you sell more alcohol to someone who looks intoxicated?? Perhaps the guy is always loud. Would he go out and DUI?? Is it legal since he is >21? Do you know for sure that he is intoxicated??

I don't know about the rest of you, but if I don't feel comfortable doing something, even if it's legal, I'm not gonna do it.

Call me judgemental. I can sleep better knowing that the alcohol (body armor) I sold didn't lead to any harm to anyone else.

If he is legit, and wanted it bad enough, he will get it. It just isn't gonna be from me. Limiting freedom? nonsense, he has he freedom to go buy it from someone else.
WOW ! :eek: - A whole lot of second guessing nanny crap !

Don't ever sell anything to anybody if you have to go through a process of doing background checks, and then speculating on what it all means . Do you have any reason to believe the sale is illegal ? If not , then you should complete your part of the transaction without all the guesswork .

That's my 2 cents !
I'll concur with what's been said about you reserving the right to approve or deny service when you see fit, though how much you're legally bound to sell the item might depend on how far along the auction / bidding is.

You wouldn't be doing anything to limit any of his freedoms, it's not like you're confiscating his property or blacklisting him from society, if you decided not to sell him the armor. I'll +1 to the "trust your gut". Seriously, if I was in that position it'd drive me crazy.

I know some of you think "But, that's how the 'antis' look at us when we start buying up ammo and 'black rifles'!" But this is a sticky situation. To my knowledge FFL dealers also are legally obligated to NOT sell an item if they have any suspicion of illegal activity. And if you seriously have suspicions of that, you might want to get in touch with GB to see about getting proper authorities involved if it comes to it. Don't be too hasty with deciding either way, there's no rush.

When your gut talks, listen well.
I'm surprise to see so many thoughtless "if it's legal, then sell it" or "who are you to judge" comments.

It's his body armor. He will sell it to whoever he wants to with his discretion.

The OP is asking for our opinions but criticizing him for being judmental and comparing his thoughts to Pelosi an Obama is uncalled for IMO.

I actually respect the OP for thinking about this rather than just getting the $$$.
The OP is asking for our opinions but criticizing him for being judmental and comparing his thoughts to Pelosi an Obama is uncalled for IMO.

Yeah, that was probably over the line. I apologize for that TAB. Pre-judgement because the person is "shady" or deemed "irresponsible" is not good reason to stop the sale IMO. Not without evidence of something nefarious at work.

Maybe my 16 year old has been on the JR racing circuit for 4 years and can handle a 600HP Mustang better than most. You don't know.

Maybe this guy is an engineering student and is just very interested in how automatic weapons work. You don't know.
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Thats exactly it, you don't know.

Lets see, find another buyer or worry about some kid killing themself... which would you choose?
S'truth. I'd have had a very hard time indeed getting into motorcycles, sports cars, military memorabilia collecting and shooting if I'd come up against all this nannying second-guessing when I was in my late teens.
"What do you want that pen knife for, sonny?"

Perhaps items such as body armour should be sold face to face? That way you can check whether the buyer comes across as the sort of person that actually deserves to live.

EDIT. From my cold dead hands is the BEST rallying cry the American NRA ever had. It's known throughout the world for an organization that won't take crap lying down. Do you know what the UK NRA's rallying cry is? No? Neither do I and I'm a member (of both). Antis will ALWAYS call pro-gunners nutters regardless of any moto. Pre handgun ban most pistol shooters here weren't a member of any pro-gun organization. The press still labelled us a sinister gun culture manned by dodgy inadequates and freaks. We didn't have a rallying cry. We should have.

TAB - wanna swap passports? I think you might like it here and I'd certainly be up for living Stateside.
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There are probably plenty of non registered full auto weapons around.

There are also enough parts available, that a good machinest with blueprints and equipment can make em full auto on a rainy Saturday afternoon. And then test them in the sound proofed basement were no one can hear.

There are all sorts of people out there (literally out there) that have all sorts of notions and ideas. Whether benign or malevelant, if they are within the law- and they are until it is confirmed they have broken it, no harm no foul.

May be the person is just preparing for the zombie attack.
or am I just being completely irrational?

About as irrational as all the agencies and individuals that turned their back on a bunch of dudes that didn't care about landing while taking flying lessons.
If you were a bartender, would you sell more alcohol to someone who looks intoxicated?? Perhaps the guy is always loud. Would he go out and DUI?? Is it legal since he is >21? Do you know for sure that he is intoxicated??

That's easy. It is illegal in most (I think all) states to serve an obviously intoxicated person. It is legal in most states to buy sell body armor.

I agree with those that call "BS" and "nanny state".

My big questions- Has body armor ever killed someone? Can you kill someone with body armor? Why care?

There are perfectly rational, intelligent people who would take one look at my basement (gun safes, ammunition pile, camping stuff, prep stuff, books,etc.) and make all sorts of wrong ASSumptions about me and my intentions. They are misguided.

If people can make those wrong leaps and assumptions when they see it with their own eyes, image in crap they imagine when they get their tinfoil hat screwed on tight and look at every legal thing I've ever bought online:neener:

Too much ado about assumptions here:banghead:.
Has body armor ever killed someone? Can you kill someone with body armor? Why care?


How would a person kill someone by using body armor? Strike them repeatedly about the face and shoulders?

It's very similar to the reaction to the United States' "Missile Defense Shield" by the Russians:

"Hey, we were going to shoot you! HOW DARE YOU DEFEND YOURSELF! This is completely unfair!"

How can the sale of a completely DEFENSIVE item cause conscience issues?

The analogy of giving a drunk driver another drink is completely erroneous. It should be:

"Would it be wrong for a drunk driver to put on their seat belt?"
I'm sure that Homeland Security and all the various police departments are not the absolute favorite agencies of many THR members, but consider that their mantra is "If you see something, say something."
It's his body armor. He will sell it to whoever he wants to with his discretion.

Then sell it FTF, or list it on a BB such as this. Now the seller is going to look like the A-hole for pulling the auction. Face it, if you're going to look that deeply into things, DON'T SELL ON AN AUCTION SITE.

auc·tion (ôkshn)
1. A public sale in which property or items of merchandise are sold to the highest bidder.
2. Games
a. The bidding in bridge.
b. Auction bridge.
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