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  1. R

    has anyone ever been hit by a bullet ricochet?

    Yeah, I bounced a .357 slug off of a target (I was too close, but being new to shooting, I didn't know I was too close). The bullet hit me in the abdomen - softly; I wasn't injured - and it took me a moment to figure out what had happened. I bent down and picked up the bullet and suddenly...
  2. R

    ACLU's updated stance on 2nd amendment rights

    Yeah, so far it's a long list (including me) saying, "Say goodbye to our money." I realize it's only 90 or so people thus far, so in real terms it's a small amount of money. But it's worth commenting just to keep saying to them: "You are wrong, and we're taking away your cookies."
  3. R

    FBI Chief Faults Heller Ruling

    "I believe" confers authority to a statement that has none. He's an Important Person(TM), so what he believes is good solid believable stuff right there, man. You can take it to the bank. After all, he directs the FBI, right?
  4. R

    Is There Anyone Here Who DOESN'T carry?

    Can't carry at work, which means I pretty much don't carry at all - I spend very little time anywhere except home and work, and I'm often on the move between 'em, real opportunities to carry.
  5. R

    The Big Heller Decision Discussion Thread - AFFIRMED 2ND AS INDIVIDUAL RIGHT

    And seriously, how often can the gun-owners of the country ever say that? :)
  6. R

    The Big Heller Decision Discussion Thread - AFFIRMED 2ND AS INDIVIDUAL RIGHT

    Because it's a step. MG's were never on the table, as far as I was concerned...oral arguments seemed to indicate an attempt to expand the question into MG-land, where it would have then been easier to reverse the lower court. At least, that's how i understood the discussions way back when...
  7. R

    The Big Heller Decision Discussion Thread - AFFIRMED 2ND AS INDIVIDUAL RIGHT

    Arthur, I took that to mean "arms" is a perfectly valid word to use for weapons not designed directly for military service; in other words, you don't have to be a soldier for your gun to be an "arm." Of course, i could be way off base.
  8. R

    The Big Heller Decision Discussion Thread - AFFIRMED 2ND AS INDIVIDUAL RIGHT

    Hm, it seems I did not read in detail enough - they don't explicitly state a level of scrutiny, but they refute Breyer's attempt to create a new "interest-balancing scrutiny" level. A good quote!
  9. R

    The Big Heller Decision Discussion Thread - AFFIRMED 2ND AS INDIVIDUAL RIGHT

    No explicit decision on scrutiny, from my first skim. I believe they say something like "we are criticized by [one of the dissenters; Stevens I think] for not establishing a basis of scrutiny for 2A challenges"
  10. R

    The Big Heller Decision Discussion Thread - AFFIRMED 2ND AS INDIVIDUAL RIGHT

    I demand the opinion, blogpushers! :D
  11. R

    In a public restroom with your CCW

    Find the stall with the baby-change station, fold it out, and lay the gun there. Barring that, I tend to rest it on any stable surface inside the stall. Alternatively, cradle it in your hands and whisper to it feverishly, beads of sweat dripping from your temples. Okay, just kidding about...
  12. R

    you are 43 times more likely....

    The overall message I got from the statistics was "You are far more likely to die in your home than you are to kill someone invading it." I am grateful to Kellerman for that profound insight.
  13. R

    Siderlock Glock safety

    You might consider a different carry method - IWB holster, for instance - to separate the pistol from other materials that might be in the same pack.
  14. R

    Cedar Rapids; officer with drawn gun

    It is possible that the resident in the truck did not stop (was inching forward, or something). The police officer is in front of the truck (or so it seems), so maybe he is making the universal "don't run me over" gesture. No idea what really went on there, but it's one dramatic picture.
  15. R

    Well, Tomorrow is the 1st Monday....

    Well, if they released two Big News(TM) opinions at once, CNN's poor "breaking news" banner would be overloaded. :D Maybe Monday.
  16. R

    Which of Oleg's Images Need to Be on Shirts?

    Oh, I realize it was intentional, it just didn't work for me. However, figuring the lower text more strongly might be all it took. Or condensing it to something like "Imagine a world without guns... ...where the strong rule the weak and women belong to men for safety. Is that what you...
  17. R

    Which of Oleg's Images Need to Be on Shirts?

    I would avoid the "imagine a world without guns" because the image doesn't convey to me "strong vs. weak." In fact, it conveys "without guns, everyone will be friendly and tradin' fist-bumps." I realize the approach is intentional, but it takes too much work to put the irony together for a...
  18. R

    What's the longest length of time you've gone without shooting?

    If you don't count 1975-2005 (the time between my birth and the first time I ever shot a gun, ever), it's been a few months since the last time I was out. I've been too busy, and there are too many other things to spend money on.
  19. R

    Multi state CCW W/O class?

    PA Resident permits seem to vary a bit - I got mine in 3 days; my wife had hers before she left the sheriff's office. They have some leeway in the law (I think it's like 45 days or something, but I don't remember what the application says) but it's generally very quick and painless. I don't know...
  20. R

    Movies Where Guns Weren't Used Effectively

    I just saw that too. I noted that if you were among the Ragtag Band of Survivors(TM), the size of one's gun directly corresponded with how long you lived - if you had a pistol, you bought it ASAP; if you had a rifle, you might make it to the end.