Gun Haters

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They have NO CLUE as to the cause; they believe - in this instance - that blaming the tool and not the person is the answer......Why? Because Bloomberg, Soros, Pelosi, et al tell them so............... The majority of these snowflakes can't name all 50 states, let alone their capitals (like I had to know in the 5th grade), have no clue what "civics" mean, let along studying them and just want to be "liked" by "friends" they have never met on their social media sites....
I don’t disagree with you. But saying they don’t care about the victims and mass murders makes us look like idiots.
They care about children and mass murder...just like we do. They just have a misguided notion of the cause.
No, they DON'T.

Democrat former mayor of NYC called for gun control... in response to a STABBING.

This isn't about stopping crime.

This isn't about protecting kids.

This is about creating a government monopoly on the means of armed force... wielded by a government THEY control.
Safe spaces. This more than anything is the problem with the current generation. Why would they even conceive needing a gun when they feel like they should just by nature be safe everywhere they go.

The current generation is so disconnected with reality they don't understand everyday real world dangers. They could jaywalk while on the phone and blame the bus that hit them for not being more careful.

There is simply no hope for these people. You can't even talk logically to them, forget about guns. They feed off of whatever the MSM tells them, even if they're getting hit by a bus while reading it.
No, they DON'T.

Democrat former mayor of NYC called for gun control... in response to a STABBING.

This isn't about stopping crime.

This isn't about protecting kids.

This is about creating a government monopoly on the means of armed force... wielded by a government THEY control.
The same argument could be made about us. We don’t care about kids...all we care about it our guns.

Just because they have a warped agenda that we strongly disagree with doesn’t mean they are some kind of inhunane monsters. Saying they are only makes us look foolish and weakens our position.

You’re’s an excuse to call for gun control. But that doesn’t mean they don’t care about children and they don’t care about mass murder.
I don’t disagree with you. But saying they don’t care about the victims and mass murders makes us look like idiots.

You got to be careful with the words you use with these people. They value feels, use words to make them feel bad.

Something like

Wow, you are passionate about guns, but very callous about the poor youth that committed this crime. Do you not care about how hopeless and powerless he must have felt. Society failed him, you are failing him now. How can you be so unfeeling?

Try it it works
All this talk about the antis and Democrats reminds me of an old joke.

"Two Bedouin sheiks are sitting in front of one of their tents and relaxing. The older sheik tells the younger sheik that he has something important to tell him. With a sidelong glance over at the tent housing his harem, the older sheik warns the younger one to be careful with his harem. When the younger asks why, the older glances back at his women, then leans close to the younger and quietly tells him "Damn sand gets in everything!" ;)

Democrats/liberals and antis are like that. They get in everywhere and gum up the works. :evil:
The same argument could be made about us. We don’t care about kids...all we care about it our guns.

Just because they have a warped agenda that we strongly disagree with doesn’t mean they are some kind of inhunane monsters. Saying they are only makes us look foolish and weakens our position.

You’re’s an excuse to call for gun control. But that doesn’t mean they don’t care about children and they don’t care about mass murder.
I've been dealing with those creatures for 40+ years.

Those of us who actually support the 2nd Amendment want to preserve EVERYBODY'S rights.

Those want to impose invidiously racist gun controls want POWER.

It's been that way from before my grandmother was born.
Funny I posted almost the exact same thread and it was closed, seems to happen to most of my threads though lately.....
It is remarkably easy to see that the causes are breakdown of morals/values along with easy access to firearms and ammunition. In the end the only affordable option open to politicians will be reduction of easy access to guns and ammunition.

Since this is a firearms forum my advice to all is to be good Americans by accepting mass murder to defend an individual right to bear arms in the name of personal freedom.

Whatever. Two seconds on google.

A few post mention education. Obviously a good choice for most problems.
The same argument could be made about us. We don’t care about kids...all we care about it our guns.

Just because they have a warped agenda that we strongly disagree with doesn’t mean they are some kind of inhunane monsters. Saying they are only makes us look foolish and weakens our position.

You’re’s an excuse to call for gun control. But that doesn’t mean they don’t care about children and they don’t care about mass murder.
The vast majority of anti-gun people do care about kids, theirs and others, very much. But the people mentioned earlier
Bloomberg, Soros, Pelosi, et al
don't. Their kids are protected by private security. Bloomberg and Pelosi and such are tools for the Soros' and others that deliberately stay out of the limelight. The politicians believe they will control an unarmed populace in a blissninny state of Utopia, and Soros and his ilk believe they will run the government like Crassus, behind the scenes. Both are very wrong. The only positive thing that can be said for the situation is we can be glad the military hasn't thrown it's hat in the ring, as it did in Rome.
The vast majority of anti-gun people do care about kids, theirs and others, very much. But the people mentioned earlier
don't. Their kids are protected by private security. Bloomberg and Pelosi and such are tools for the Soros' and others that deliberately stay out of the limelight. The politicians believe they will control an unarmed populace in a blissninny state of Utopia, and Soros and his ilk believe they will run the government like Crassus, behind the scenes. Both are very wrong. The only positive thing that can be said for the situation is we can be glad the military hasn't thrown it's hat in the ring, as it did in Rome.
You can believe what you want. I'm not going to claim that Pelosi or all her friends are some kind of child hating monsters. Yes, they have backwards agendas in many areas. But that doesn't make them somehow evil child hating people.
Unless that child has an AR-15. Keep in mind that the Govt. considers one a child until 26 in some ways.
Believe what you want. I'd rather use my energy to debate this issue with them using logical arguments rather than assumptions like this.
You can believe what you want. I'm not going to claim that Pelosi or all her friends are some kind of child hating monsters. Yes, they have backwards agendas in many areas. But that doesn't make them somehow evil child hating people.
They're evil nihilists who wish to create a governmental monopoly on the means of armed force. Of course that government would be controlled by THEM.
The same argument could be made about us. We don’t care about kids...all we care about it our guns.

Just because they have a warped agenda that we strongly disagree with doesn’t mean they are some kind of inhunane monsters. Saying they are only makes us look foolish and weakens our position.

You’re’s an excuse to call for gun control. But that doesn’t mean they don’t care about children and they don’t care about mass murder.
They only seem to care when they can make headlines with it. Where is Sharpton, Jackson, Pelosi, et al when hundreds of ghetto drug dealers in Chicago kill each other and innocent bystanders? Nowhere to be seen..................
Outside of Mormon families, it's just not very common for people that have their **** together to have four or five kids these days.
Uhhhh. how about Catholics? Johovah's Witnesses? The Amish ? There are a lot more. The Catholics alone are a pretty large group!
Uhhhh. how about Catholics? Johovah's Witnesses? The Amish ? There are a lot more. The Catholics alone are a pretty large group!

Middle and upper class Catholics in 2018 aren't really having large families anymore outside of Hispanic Catholics which heavily lean left and are also projected as making up well over half of all Catholic Americans in less than 20 years.

The Amish don't vote. Their turnouts are typically less than 15%
The Jehovah's witness communities aren't much more reliable and they typically remain politically neutral. Add to this that these are groups that make up a tiny fraction of the U.S. population.

The majority of people having lots of babies in this country are and have been systematically targeted by the Democratic party. All they have to do is get them to vote and it becomes a numbers game in less than a generation.

I hate to be so Debbie Downer, but my mom talks about my Great Grandma who was a retired nurse that lived most of her life in CA talking about this 50 years ago when she was getting ready to retire. My great grandma used to say that you could just look at who was having children and predict where CA was going. My mom said that my great grandma's prediction of what would eventually happen in CA has been so spot on that it's scary. She predicted CA would eventually have a very left leaning one party system. Fast forward 50 years to today and what my great grandma was witnessing in CA in the 60's and 70's is now happening in places like Oregon, Washington, Colorado etc. These places are headed toward a one party system, and when they do, there will be sweeping gun control along with RULES RULES and more RULES.

It's a numbers game.
Nothing more, nothing less.
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With the level of attention being lavished on these issues, this is no time to be lax and think we can't make a difference. These people are using the death of innocent children to further their cause, and the AR 15 is numero uno on their hit list.
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