I'm so tactical that...

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I'm so tactical I only date girls that sizes match my calibers...30-06, 30-30...
I'm so tactical...Washington DC will ban me cause I pack 10 toes, and 10 fingers....yea, boooooo!
I'm so tactical my truck gets 200 mpg (maimings per gallon).

I'm so tactical my dress shoes have Vibram soles.

I'm so tactical that my toilet has to be lead-lined.

I'm so tactical my steak knives are handmade by Kevin McClung.
When I cross enemy lines without my pants on the government calls it 'shock and awe!'
I'm so tactical I went back in time and halted the JFK assassination by deflecting Oswald's bullets off of my beard stubble, unfortunately Kennedy's head exploded out of shear amazement as he was a weak minded liberal!

I'm so tactical I don't read books, I stare them down until I get the information I want out of them.

I'm so tactical I killed two stones with one bird!

I'm so tactical I destroyed the periodic table of elements because the only element I recognize is the element of surprise.

When Chuck Norris jumps into a pool of water, Chuck Norris doesn't get wet, rather the water gets Chuck Norris. Then when Chuck Norris gets out of the pool covered in freshly Chuck Norris'ed water, he sees me and cries like Nancy Kerrigan because he knows his roundhouse kick is no match for my tactical beard!

I'm so tactical the bogeyman checks his closet for me before he goes to bed every night!
I have load bearing undergarments.
tie my shoes with paracord
work at the mall
have a friend who is a navy seal
have the same gun as military snipers
have an all plastic Glock
have more than one method of "clearing" a room
esmith said:
This thread is so stupid. I personally believe its gone to far.


Well, it should be locked. It was funny for the first 5 or so pages, now its like, okay...
I'm so tactical, that I'll allow esmith to have his opinion. But I'm so tactical that I'll disregard it.


Did I mention that this is my daily breakfast?


I'm so tactical... yeah, I posted it twice!

I'm so tactical that I have recoil buffers instead of joints.
I'm so tactical that every time I go to the eye-doctor, the current generation of NVG's become obsolete.
I'm so tactical that my primary language is NATO phonetic.
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