The THR Walker Club

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Yes and he did a great job the cylinder looks massive with them itty bitty 36 caliber holes in it. Not even a clue yet how much powder it will hold but even with a 9"!barrel I'm thinking I will get some unburied out the end
My new Uberti Walker arrived today. I lucked out: the wood grips are very nice. The ones on my other Walker are plain, no character to the wood. The new Uberti is the one I'm going to have engraved. I was planning on making another fancier wood grip but this one is just right - looks better than the photo. I might refinish it, the Uberti finish is kinda red.

I also notice that the new Walker has a smoother action out of the box than my first one.

UPDATE: The new Walker is like night and day compared to my first one. I still have to strike the wedge and loading lever with a rubber mallet to disassemble the first one. I just took the second one apart and re-assembled it with my bare hands. I had to smack the barrel once with my hand to seat the receiver to the frame.



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This revolver has been a very pleasant surprise all around. As much as I've enjoyed my first Walker, I think this one will be more of a pleasure to shoot and handle. I'll be deblueing the cylinder this weekend, I'll post a picture afterwards.
I deblued the cylinder today using Birchwood Casey's Blue and Rust Remover. I really like how the gun looks with the cylinder in the white, I think I'll deblue the cylinder and spare cylinder of my other Walker.


That looks great! There is a lot going on there with the grips, color on the frame and loading lever, white cylinder and the blued barrel. Lots to look at.:cool:
Yes, I really lucked out with this one. Here is the engraving pattern I'm thinking of getting on it:


Maybe with gold high lights like this one (but without the big eagle on the receiver), depends on cost:

If anyone has an interest in this thing I've got it listed for sale on gunbroker. I don't know if I'm breaking the highroad rules by mentioning this or not. If so the mods can pull this down. Thanks

Well Gents, I have to sell my rig. It is up for sale at item number #431194584
everything included except the wood box I made for it, because of shipping cost. there is a picture on GB. the cross draw holster is included.
It was made by Bigbad,
I really hate to sell it but need the money.
Thanks for letting me be a member all there years.

I had just taken it to the range for the first time and it dropped the ram everytime. So I decided on the old school method of wraping the barrel with a leather loop, but added a little flair at the last minute to go with the whole Texas theme.
Sign me up!

Just received this beauty in the mail. Would have been cool if the mail would have come by horse to make the occasion even more special but the mail truck will have to do!

BNIB from a gentleman in New Mexico for a nice deal.

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