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Wisconsin shootings

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I find it highly dubious that a gag order would be issued by the mayor that for years had a large sign in the front of his tavern declaring the DNR a, "Jack booted Nazi institution."
No one can leave where they happen to be? Lockdown by the mayor?

Where do these people come from?

What *I* was wondering too, along with the town-wide "gag order." :confused:

And the TIMING of the lockdown - Fox was saying people were stuck at church. Uhm. Shooting was around 3 am. Church takes up around 10 am....???

I highly doubt the Brady people give THIS one much airtime. Well, unless they're more extreme than I thought and want to see the police disarmed too, "for the public good!" :what:
One of the children was 14 years of age. Case and point about it will be a long time before we know what really happened. Until that point, we will continue to see a considerable amount of not much more than emotion.

Case and point about it will be a long time before we know what really happened

Not really. There are several stories that he had just broken up with his 19 year old girlfriend who was at a party with lots of high school kids and this guy decided he just didn't like that. The local news websites are starting to tell a lot more of the story.

Witnesses say Peterson's 19-year-old girlfriend had recently ended their relationship. It appears that she is among the victims, who range in age from 14 to 20. It appears the victims include two current students at Crandon High School and four recent graduates of the school.

Jenna Bradley, 16, said she was told about 10 people were at a party at the ex-girlfriend's apartment at the time of the shooting. She said she was shocked.


A real shame.
Please do not call this a "tragedy." A tragedy is where a car hits a fallen rock on the highway. This appears to have been murder, and the guilty party is hopefully on his way to hell.

As far as a gag order, the mayor might be able to keep the cops from making any statements but he cannot keep others from talking. I'm not sure where people are getting that idea. It's SOP for local governments to keep quiet about incidents involving their own until the lawyers can be brought in and an official statement made. They are covering themselves and are of course worried about civil actions.
I'm betting the Brady Campaign is silent on this one, after all, it was a "police officer" that went on a shooting spree. The Brady's say only the police should have guns, pretty much blow's that theory out of the water. This is a very tragic incident, but it show's the idiocy of the Brady philosophy. Even LEO's are capable of committing heinous crimes.
Cosmoline said:

Please do not call this a "tragedy." A tragedy is where a car hits a fallen rock on the highway. This appears to have been murder

Well stated. This should not be pushed off as "mental". This appears to be evil, pre-planned...murder. What rationale could possibly have existed for killing a 14-year-old girl?

One thought that I would add would be, at what age is it reasonable for a person to be issued a badge? My concern is not the firearm; my concern is that people mature at different rates. Being an officer is a lot of authority. I say authority because the exists a higher legal power. Too many people confuse influence, authority and power.

Inasmuch as we place age limitations onto other professions, I wonder, are the age requirements prudent?

Just thinking aloud.

One thought that I would add would be, at what age is it reasonable for a person to be issued a badge? My concern is not the firearm; my concern is that people mature at different rates. Being an officer is a lot of authority. I say authority because the exists a higher legal power. Too many people confuse influence, authority and power.

18 for soldiers, be tough to go higher for other occupations.

Crazy doesn't usually relate to age......
One thought that I would add would be, at what age is it reasonable for a person to be issued a badge?

I don't think there is a magic number. I still think if guys as young as 18-19 can be sent into war, they should be allowed to drink, smoke, rent a car, etc. etc. etc. I guess I would throw being a LEO in there as well, if they can get hired to do it sure why not?

Hate to sound insensitive but jealousy and revenge are as old as mankind. Guy just lost it.
According to the Minneapolis Police Department's website, you have to be 21 to be a full time police officer in Minneapolis. I don't know if that's a department policy or maybe Minnesota and Wisconsin have different age requirements. I can't remember ever seeing or meeting a LEO that I thought was under 21.
i just saw a preview for the evening news, and they referred to the story as a "sniper" going on a rampage in wisconsin...do they even try anymore?
i just saw a preview for the evening news, and they referred to the story as a "sniper" going on a rampage in wisconsin...do they even try anymore?

They never tried to begin with.
do they even try anymore?

Yes, they try VERY hard. They try to sensationalize everything that happens so you will tune in and they can charge Chevy and Pepsi a little more per minute for the ads.

Aside from that it will be interesting to see what weapons the scumbag used, his duty weapon or some other.
Tyler Peterson was his name. Apparently he was killed by a sniper during a stand-off with police. 20-year-old Sheriff's deputy and part-time Crandon police officer. They, they being the states attorney general's office, have a press conference scheduled tomorrow regarding it.

3 victims were students at Crandon High, and 3 were recent graduates. One more is in critical condition, for a total of 7. The school has a total of 300 students, so pretty much everyone knows everyone else.

I'll be interested in hearing if the rest of what my friends in the area told me is true.
This is frustrating, if you can't protect yourself from someone who is supposed to protect you what do you do?? Maybe this will finally be the situation needed to push CCW through in Wisconsin.

Terrible terrible thing.
It is sad. Not sure of the homeowner but everyone killed who didn't reside at the residence was legally rendered defenseless by Wisconsin law, so if anything it's another good argument for ccw. I still would like to know what a part time officer is?
They are certified just like full time LEOs but because they are not full time they are not entitled to higher pay or benefits. It is very common in WI for smaller cities, villages and town to hire part time officers.

BTW the TV reported the shooter just went thru a "sniper school".
As several have already said...how was he even a cop?

I used to live in Baltimore County MD.

There from 18-20 you are a Cadet (unarmed no arrest powers) mainly clerical and desk work, also used undercover in busting people who sell alcohol and tobacco to minors.

After your 21st birthday you are put into the academy as you cant legally buy or own a handgun until 21

So how does a police dept get around federal law by providing someone under 21 with a gun.
18 for soldiers, be tough to go higher for other occupations.

Crazy doesn't usually relate to age......


I don't like the idea of "minimum age" requirements on jobs. Either you're sane and responsible, and dependable, and capable, or you're NOT.

If you aren't when you're age 20, it's NOT gonna "just happen" when the clock hits 12:01 am on your 21st birthday. And if you're not when you're age 25, why should you be at age 26?

I don't think pushing for "age restrictions" for police officers as a result of this is going to be doing ANYONE a service!
So how does a police dept get around federal law by providing someone under 21 with a gun.

Because that only applies to dealers selling guns to people. Have to be 21 to buy from a dealer, but you can be under 21 and get one through a private sale or a gift. In Vermont, for example, a 16 year old can legally carry a handgun and someone under 16 can do so with parental consent...and I've seen it done too...
I'm betting the Brady Campaign is silent on this one, after all, it was a "police officer" that went on a shooting spree. The Brady's say only the police should have guns, pretty much blow's that theory out of the water. This is a very tragic incident, but it show's the idiocy of the Brady philosophy. Even LEO's are capable of committing heinous crimes.

I was wondering about this too. It is a clear example that a uniform doesn't automatically make a person better or more trustworthy than another person, and it really is irrational to only allow cops to have guns. But I'm afraid this incident will only hurt our cause. This sort of thing sickens everybody, and the people that blame the guns for crime will still have a gun to point to for this one. And then there is the question: Who can you trust with guns if you can't even trust cops with guns?
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