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Wisconsin shootings

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Police ARE civilians. They are not part of the DoD or U.S. Coast Guard. Police are recognized as non-military civilians by international law and U.S. law.

Thank you.
Police rifle/Assault rifle.....tragedy/atrocity.... it doesn't matter. A bunch of kids are dead for no good reason. God weeps. And so do I.

We all do.

I care very much about the words used to describe this nightmare because I do not want it to happen again. Or I at least want to stop us from following the pattern we always follow when an evil idiot commits murder.

As a society, we need to place blame on the bad guy, shame him and discourage anyone from ever doing such a thing.

Instead, we give him a heroic-sounding title, blame the weapon and act as if this is some natural occurance like a tornado.

This obsession with making a celebrity out of criminals must stop. I could not care less what his name was, why he did it, what gun he used or what he did for a living. I am just glad he is gone and I grieve for that whole town.
The price for that statement is/was harsh.


But folks have been killed for a lot less then that, in gangbanger USA.

This time it was a young LEO who should not have been given that type of power.

It amazes me after all these years, the anger that many of our young folks are showing, if they would keep their comments to themselves it would be a better situation. The N word is prohibited except in a certain group, pig is used towards this young man and he kill's because of it.

The lesson is one that will be spoken again and again I'd hope.

The old story of sticks and stones may break my bones but names will never hurt me, apparantly not. Guess it needs to be looked at again.
This time it was a young LEO who should not have been given that type of power.
Irrelevant, he could have legally owned the firearm as a private citizen anyway.

It sounds to me like someone at the party was a pretty good judge of character.
Expressing that judgement as he did cost him his life too.

I don't think a 20 year old should be an LEO.
I agree, 25 is a good age to allow people to apply, before that, it's sketchy IMO. Sure there are some mature enough pre-25 year olds, but by no means are they the majority. I have a neice who is 25 and just returned from Afghanistan. Can't say the military made her grow up any, I was hoping, but this summer has proved otherwise. Heck, I've got a BIL that's older than me that I won't let step foot in my house, and I'm almost 40.
Harley Quinn said:
Seems that most LEO are going to have a handgun of sorts, and issued a long gun if in the woods, along with a shot gun if working in urban areas, pretty much covers all the basics, for LEO.

We could go further and get some heavy duty stuff but then it would be only obtainable if you worked SWAT..
Special weapons units are where the exotics are.

our local news babe yesterday reported that officer peterson had recently completed SWAT training
What is particularly disturbing to me is the Kegley's (house that the shooter went to) called 911 more than 20 times, and tried to hand the shooter over peacefully, but they surrounded the property and when shooter tried to leave shot him.

All this while Kegley's son and some of his employees were on site.

Nice police work there. Mr Kegley has a right to be very upset.
Originally Posted by Harley Quinn
Seems that most LEO are going to have a handgun of sorts, and issued a long gun if in the woods, along with a shot gun if working in urban areas, pretty much covers all the basics, for LEO.

There was an multiple homicide in northern NH ~6 years ago where a guy went loco with an AR and wacked the local mayor, newspaper editor and two state troopers, before he was brought down.

Police reviews determined that officers armed with a shotgun and side arm were easilly out gunned by one AR and they started outfitting all troopers with AR's in their patrol cars.

The lessons learned crossed state lines and my state trooper BIL was issued an AR-15.

I'm no expert, but I think it's becoming more and more common.
I think maturity could be considered in degrees. Forget about chronological maturity.
There is intellectual, emotional, and maybe spiritual. And those are just the basics.
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The police don't seem to be talking.

This whole thing is pretty odd.

He was holed up somewhere most of the day and no one answered 911 calls? 20 calls to 911 to turn the guy in and no answer yet the mayor issues orders for everyone in the whole town to stay where they are for safety?

Why do I see the Keystone Cops in my mind when I think about how this played out......
what I dont understand is how a WHOLE town can be put under a gag order, what about freedom of the press, what about the first amendment, and how can a gag order be issued before an issue is brought to court???
In times of crisis, public officials often do and say things that exceed their authority. If the public accepts it as a necessary measure, all is good. If the public rejects it, then the official has to decide whether to back down or insist on sterner measures that far exceed their authority to do so.

He was a very dangerous person in the eyes of the folks that came to arrest him or kill him.

Had weapons on him, was calm and cool, dangerous combination for the LEO coming after him.

No one but the perp died after the incident, went good I'd say.
This whole thing is pretty odd.

This happened in the middle of nowhere, Wisconsin. I'm sure the majority of the crimes the LEOs there face are domestic assault problems down at the local trailer park. I won't even get into how much area they each have to cover.

I'd daresay they weren't trained to deal with such a situation, because the SWAT training a cop from Crandon, Wisconsin, is probably going to be a tad different than what they'd receive in L.A. or New York. I don't think the cops had any ulterior motive here.

Why do I see the Keystone Cops in my mind when I think about how this played out......

I'm sure that's nearly how it did play out, except in the end somebody murdered a bunch of kids and a cop had to put down the wet-behind-the-ears new guy that they were all teasing the week before.

I'm sure that poor sob doesn't feel like much of a hero.
I don't know, but something seems very wrong here. Multiple calls to 911 over an extended period; no visible response? We haven't heard everything.

My heart goes out to the victims' families.
All this while Kegley's son and some of his employees were on site.

Nice police work there. Mr Kegley has a right to be very upset

Yet none of them left, despite having several hours in which to do so.
kfranz said:
Yet none of them left, despite having several hours in which to do so

Good point. The whole story seems very odd to me. Why would any dad in his right mind leave his sone with someone like that? Something just doesn't smell right about all of this.

I just feel so sorry for the young men and women that were killed and their families.

I hunt 20 miles from there, so it all hits a little to close to home for me.
My predictions on the repurcussions are:

- The antis will use this incident to demand a complete ban on "assault rifles" and "high capacity" magazines.

- They will also demand that the exemption for LEOs be revoked (which they will call the LEO loophole), and that LEOs be required to return their weapons to the armory at the end of each shift.
doubt really ccw would have helped in this sit
teenage party probably drink involved so no guns readily available alcohol and firearms do not mix.
perp known to people completely irrational act would be other before anybody knew what happened :(
My predictions are that nothing at all will come of this.

It doesn't fit well into the anti's arguments since it was a cop with a duty rifle and the last thing they want is to have the few Police agencies that side with them currently jump ship.

Only the incidents that line up with their argument are used. The others they just pretend never happened.
This is a situation where others were at the perps mercy, he just cold blooded killed his friends and one he was in love with off and on.

This is a case where it ended well and all are safe. It could have gone very bad with the family he was talking to. I am sure we will find out later, but right now I'd say it went very good and he was stopped.

He talked to his mother and grandmother, he talked to the family and he had a hostage in all of them. He was taken out at the right time I'd say, it was handled very well at the end.

Forget about all the "chicken little" stories, and watch it unfold.

The young man that survived lived down the road from a place I used to own. I have heard he survived by playing dead. The area he lives in is in the same county as the LE worked in. I have a feeling that being an officer in the same area you grow up and have friends in is not a wise idea. Maybe the insults at the party were an ongoing item. just a thought. Sad day for the good people that live there.
I'm sorry but the BS is piling up so thick on this one it's unreal.

Here's the latest from Fox News....

CRANDON, Wis. — An off-duty deputy who killed six people likely shot and killed himself, Attorney General J.B. Van Hollen said Tuesday.

Tyler Peterson, 20, was shot four times, Van Hollen said. He was shot once in the left biceps from a distance and then three times in the head from a gun at close range. Two shots went in under Peterson's chin, while the third fatal shot entered through the right side of head, he said.

He repeatedly shot himself in the head...... Mmmmm Kay.......
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