Do you train/practice with your spouse strategies????

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Oct 20, 2011
Here is the scenario, Me and the gf went to dinner at a nice restaurant that is in a big parking lot that right next door has one of the worlds largest bookstore chain store. It was still light out when we went over to the book store. Well we stayed in the book store for about 2 hours or so now it is dark outside. No problem I am carrying my ccw kel Tec pf9 it is what I have at the moment. There is about a 100 yards between us and the car and as we get to the back of the book store the parking lights above us go out. Now it isn't pitch black but it is much darker here now. All of the sudden we come around a car to a kid I say kid but let's say 17 ish. He is peering into the window of a car very intently,he see's us and starts towards us in a meancing way. He is muttering some kind of jibbersh i believe he was on drugs he got within a couple of car lengths when I drew my gun and said stop right there. Now the important part my gf took a step behind me and immediately began scanning for anyone else there was no one else. The kid took off running I called the police and went and informed the restaurant and book store that the lights need fixed asap and to watch out for this kid. Now what I'm getting at is do you ever talk to your loved ones on what to do in such a situation???? I asked my gf where did you learn to scan like that she said "I dunno I just thought it was the best thing to do"

So I ask you do you try to train with your loved ones ?????
It was all I could do,,,

It was all I could do,,,
Just to get the wife to walk on my left.

I'm not married anymore,,,
But I do date quite a bit.

One lady likes to hang on my arm as we walk,,,
Again it's all I can do to get her to hang on my left arm.

I do think some amount of forethought would be a good thing,,,
If nothing else than to discuss getting behind me and not hinder my gun arm.

Kudos to your lady,,,
She instinctively did the correct thing.


Thanks Aarond yeah my girl knows to walk on my left unless that is on the outside then I walk on the outside but we don't hold hands or her hold my arm so if need be I can get the gun out as fast as I can
I have one companion convinced to not walk on my right side. She automatically gives me the "door view" when being seated at a restaurant, she knows if my eyes wander I'm not checking out some gal, she now regularly takes note of people and exits, she knows to move away from me and find cover if I draw, she knows if she is the one making the call to 911 to describe me and repeat I'm the good guy and since neither of us smoke if I say "let's step out for a smoke" she knows to quickly and quietly grab her purse and follow me to the nearest/best exit. She also knows that in the event of an event, my first reaction will be to get us to safety and not be a hero.
Yep. All the time. Different places and situations. She's got the idea.
I convinced my wife to attend a 2 day defensive handgun course. Now, she is a bit more into it and amenable to more training. After the course I got a groupon to a local range with lots of video simulators to include a 300 degree one. She had a lot of fun and did really well. On one scenario she smoked a dude trying to flank around behind us with an AK, I didn't see him.
Do you train/practice with your spouse strategies????

Sure.. My wife and I watch Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt movies as training films. Particularly Mr. and Mrs. Smith.

Yes. Our discussions about SA and what to do have centered on a few things, and usually come about during teachable moments, or through sharing habits one or the other of us have long held.

We have a code word that's adaptable for different situations–checkbook. It's use could refer to:
• my weapon ("Honey, do you have your checkbook?"),

• a warning to my spouse preceding the deployment of a weapon (Telling a robber, "Sure, okay, you can have my wallet and my checkbook.")

• a phrase to see if someone is under duress during a phone call ("I forgot to bring my checkbook when I left the house today.")

Helpful to this end is that we neither own a checkbook, nor have either of us written one in years. Obviously the meaning isn't as specific as a set of LE codes, and that's not the point–rather, it's having a word we can use to communicate anything from caution to danger in circumstances where we don't want to alert others.

We lock doors as soon as we're in cars.

She knows my body language when I spot something meriting attention. She knows to walk with a hand on her own weapon in the city at night.

She knows was an OODA loop is, and the advantage to disrupting one.

Things like that. A topic of discussion lately has been about mobility. Medical problems with her shooting hand and other joints mean that running away isn't an option, and that's meant other discussions related to non-gun defensive tools like knives. Those discussions turn pretty serious, since knife fighting doesn't run in either of our blood and we have zero delusions about what it means to "win" to such a fight. A roundabout way of saying that after assessing our situation we've decided that a TDI or similar class is in the near future.
Sure.. My wife and I watch Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt movies as training films. Particularly Mr. and Mrs. Smith.
My wife and I are Mr. & Mrs. Smith. We don't quite have the same level gun collection (working on that), but we have the name. :D

Seriously, though, ...
We've both studied martial arts for many years - over 50 years combined - and both share a good sense of situational awareness. We frequently discuss "what ifs" and potential courses of action. She even suggested a couple of weeks ago that she would like to enroll in some female-centric defensive firearms courses.
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