Does Fred Thompson Own a Gun?

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It doesn't really bother me that he didn't tell what guns he owns. I don't always answer a question like that either. Maybe he owns guns, maybe not. I would rather him not answer the question than pretend to own guns if he doesn't. I also don't care if a candidate owns guns or not, as long as they believe that the 2A means what it says, and therfore don't care if I own guns.

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hm, I don't tell my classmates what guns I own, although I am fairly public about my pro-gun stance. I am pretty close about specifics of my guns. I've noticed many people here are as well.

Partly it's security, although less so for me than for those wth valuable collections. Probably not for Fred. Partly it's ordinary reticence. It is just awkward listing one's possession in general. Perhaps Fred owns a couple of outrageously valuable guns? That is information that could conceivably used against him.
Petzal is pretty anti-gun himself. Hasn't he said that everything but his hunting rifles should be banned? Can't find the reference at the moment, but I didn't really look too closely.

Don't know what that implies about Thompson.
Is Fred Thompson still involved in politics or are we just talking about his career as an actor?
I seem to recall that Petzal was a big defender of Zumbo on the issue of "traditional" hunting rifles versus the AR-Platform "terrorist guns" earlier in the year.

I think he felt that Zumbo was being unfairly railroaded by a bunch of shooting extremists.

I have to go back and sort through my files to see what I can find from him on the issue.
As far as Thompson goes, we know his stance on firearms and ownership, who cares if he has gone hunting recently or ever, or owns a firearm. He certainly is not going to get on this forum and tell someone which black rifle he recommends, which semi-auto pistol he recommends, or how to clean one. He deals with larger topics. As mentioned, don't worry about it.

I like Thompson, but I like Mike Huckabee better. I like the way he handles himself. I would have no problem with Thompson as president either. Probably won't happen though.

As far as Petzel goes as mentioned above, If you (the naked prophet) make a statement like that, back it up. If anything he was only defending Jim Zumbo as an employer/supervisor which I have no problem with. Get over it.
Petzal is pretty anti-gun himself.

If you (the naked prophet) make a statement like that, back it up.

Allow me...
Petzal once wrote "an Uzi or an AKM or an AK-47 should be no more generally available than a Claymore mine or a block of C4 explosive."... does that mean he's for a ban?:confused:

As for Thompson, I tend to swing him in back and forth as my favorite, but I agree about the Huckabee comment. He really would be the best 2A defender, but electable against Hillary? Anyway, we can't assume as to why F&S didn't receive that one question's answer. I would have been more concerned had any of the other questions gone unanswered. That question's answer really isn't any of our business.

This should have been posted to the Activism Discussion Forum. My bad. My intention was to share this interview with the THR community.
As Thompson goes his run is already over before it starts. Especially, since he stated that he doesn't think he will win anyway. Not the right attitude to have while running for President.
Well, here's my humble take: If the GOP nominee isn't Fred Thompson or Mike Huckabee then the next President will probably BE another Clinton. I say this because a lot of folks are going to refuse to vote in an election where the outcome is going to be universally to the antigun left.

However, I'm pretty sure that Fred has his own sporting clays MATCH named after him and he's supposed to be a pretty good shotgunner. He didn't waffle an inch after the blood ran at VT and came out with a statement that the massacre might have been averted had there been an armed student or teacher in the building. That's good enough for me.
Off topic. Read the new rules posted by Oleg.

And by the way, I don't think the lawyers pushing the Heller case own any guns either...
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