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Help for a big guy...

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Jul 31, 2010
At the Buffet
Alright guys, I'm a little heavy. Well I'm really heavy, but I still like to stay tactically prepared at all times. I carry my XD 40 IWB at 1 o' clock, and my glock 17 IWB at 5' o' clock. I have spare mags for both in my cargo pockets. The problem I'm having is I just can't seem to consistently keep from having to pull my pants up, I know the weight of the firearms is an issue, but I just can't find any sort of tactical pants that will keep from falling down. Now mind you I have to wear my pants a little lower than some of you smaller fellas. I know there has to be a solution to this problem, can any of you bigger guys recommend any sort of tactical cargo pants, or jeans that will fix the situation I am currently having?
suspenders, lighter (single) gun, treadmill. You are carrying more than 6 pounds, remove a gun and ad an extra mag. Being overweight means you are shaped like a V. Lose weight and your pants will have something to grab on to. I know, been there, fixing that.
Ok i am going to ream you out a bit, please forgive me as you seem too big a man to have angry at me. Why in hell do you need to walk around with 2 guns? Unless you are on America's most wanted,1 should be more than enough. I have been carrying for 37 years and can tell you that from personel experience, that unless you are an undercover narc, doing buy and bust, ops in urban environments. You are over prepared. the next step is moving into a bomb shelter. There is no outfit that will hide what you are carrying other than the emporers new clothes. Carry one gun maybe a G19, an extra mag "maybe" and you will be more than adequetely prepared for anything other than a violent overthrow of the government. Please take this in the loving context it was meant to be, "this guy is really big", Dude no one in their right mind is going to mess with you unless they are on mucho crack to begin with. Train with your carry weapon once a week and you will be fine. If you feel the need for a backup, just get a 38 or 380 with an ankle holster.
definitly suspenders i havent got my ccw yet but carrying around wallet full of crap keys surefire knife cellphone leatherman and more crap drags my pants down its much more comforable with them the only problem is you need to wear an undershirt.
Ok i am going to ream you out a bit, please forgive me as you seem too big a man to have angry at me. Why in hell do you need to walk around with 2 guns? Unless you are on America's most wanted,1 should be more than enough. I have been carrying for 37 years and can tell you that from personel experience, that unless you are an undercover narc, doing buy and bust, ops in urban environments. You are over prepared. the next step is moving into a bomb shelter. There is no outfit that will hide what you are carrying other than the emporers new clothes. Carry one gun maybe a G19, an extra mag "maybe" and you will be more than adequetely prepared for anything other than a violent overthrow of the government. Please take this in the loving context it was meant to be, "this guy is really big", Dude no one in their right mind is going to mess with you unless they are on mucho crack to begin with. Train with your carry weapon once a week and you will be fine. If you feel the need for a backup, just get a 38 or 380 with an ankle holster.

Thank you for your advice, I understand not "needing" to have to carry two guns, but I just like to stay as tactically prepared for any situation as possible. You inquired about my job, I am currently a cook at Golden Carrol, hence why I have some weight issues. I have begun to address those issues by diet Dr. Pepper, instead of my usual Dr. Pepper, and drinking whiskey instead of beer. I also use the stairs to get to my second floor apartment, instead of my usual elevator ride. Either way, think you for your suggestions, and all of you that have chimed in to give me a little advice.
with all due respect.....(and I mean that)
you are tactically preparing yourself for a heart attack or stroke. you cannot defend yourself from that with 4 guns hanging from your belt.
After realizing that the fat guy in the family pictures was me...I went on a quest to lose 50#. have lost 40# so far. It has been an adventure. I have made lots of sacrifices. It has been well worth it. My pants stay up now....even with my iwb ccw.
good luck my friend
If you ever need help in getting into shape I wouldn't mind at all. After owning a world gym and being athletic most of my life I wold enjoy helping you overcome the weight issue if you ever decide that you choose to go that route. That mobility that you gain may help you. Feel free to emil or PM me. I am retired now and don't mind helping a fellow forum member, I can give you a diet and exercise regimen that won't turn you off to following through.
Kudos to gym for the offer. TacticallyFat, my compliments on your honest, front-and-center approach.

Predictably, you´ve received the "lose weight" and "you´re carrying too much hardware" advice.

Mine is (if you are not doing it already, that is) to practice with that primary. Practice a lot, then practice more. Sleep with it, take it apart and put it together blindfolded, all that old school stuff. It works.

Welcome to THR, big man!
A couple guys asked for some help, and as I said i will agree to help whoever needs it, just give me a day or two to come up with some basic requirements and eating habits, I know enough to understand that overloading people, with a lot of unnecessary things is just a recipie for failure, give me some time to design something tht is easy to stick to and dosen't require you to change your lifestyle 180 degrees, 'that stuff is short term and never works". Most programs require so much from the person that it becomes a recipie for failure. and as you know even if the goal gets reached the yo yo syndrome kicks in, it has to become a lifstyle that you can live with to work. So bear with me while I try to come up with a program that you can stick with that dosen't require you to cmpletely change your lifestyle. In the meantime please let me know if you have any exercise/cardio equiptment available for use by you without spending any money to join gyms or any such thing. This can be done without you spending money. I grew up with guys who were professional Boxers and didn't have the specialized equiptment and shoes etc it's just diet and cardio, the weights are just 1/3 of the equation ,and are not really necesary in the beginning. It's just intake of fat vs expended energy. If you even just"walk" which is free, you can shed 10-15 pound per month with proper diet.If you have access to a "Y" or a fitness center in your development, thats even better, so I'll get back to you guys soon.
gym, I appreciate your kindness. When you are making the diet please remember that I have to have my daily intake of bacon or I can't sleep right at night. So please account for that in the diet and exercise routine. I don't mind doing an extra push up or two, I just got 2 1/2 pushes when I tried, so maybe if I wait a little bit I can get another one in. Again thank you for your kindness, my XD40 and Glock 17 will be happy.
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uhhh.. pass on the laser lipo, you can only do repetitive surgery just so many times, ask Micheal Jackson
belt and suspenders can be done without total embarassment, even with cargo shorts
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Ok this is for Bird, but can be used as a general guide untill I can get around to each guy who emailed me. I don't want to aggravate the mods so if you want me to keep this in emails I will, but I hav gotten a half dozen members who asked for help, so I'll put this basic instruction list up and then I will deal with each member individually, if that's ok.

Ok let’s take this slow
The carbs and fat content are what’s messing up your diet. The cardio and diet is 2/3 of the fitness training and lifestyle regimen. You can run 5 miles and the peanut butter will screw the entire thing up. Although one of the top ten healthy foods it has one of the highest percentage of fat grams in it. You need to stick with fish chicken and meat with little sauce or gravy. Baked potatoes are a good way to fill up with either some fat free sour cream or that butter substitute that’s fat free, a few companies make it, start reading the labels on what you buy, you will be shocked at the differences in things like “fat grams and sodium content” you want low sodium and low potassium products with low fat and calorie counts. It can still taste good with all of the products available today it gets confusing and the difference between a successful diet and one that doesn’t work can be as simple as reading labels on what you buy. Also cardio is key, the weights will bulk you up, but then most guys think they can eat anything because they just worked out with heavy weights, That is unfortunately not the case. When guys I trained were about to do a show, on top of diet they would do 2 hours of cardio a day for 2-3 weeks prior, now that’s insane for the normal guy, and you aren’t training for a body building competition, so you want to still do 30 -45 minutes of cardio every day along with keeping your caloric intake as low as possible, not knowing your vitals I would be guessing, but cottage cheese, “low fat” turkey, chicken, fish, no fried foods, no deserts unless it’s just fruit or low fat diet desserts, is where you need to be, I know you have to have some pleasures in life so I say do what you want on weekends, but 5 days a week you need to be on a program like this, Cereal like bran and egg-beaters for breakfast, turkey or chicken or tuna “no mayo” or diet mayo for lunch, and meat fish or foul with a baked potato for dinner. And don’t worry about eating too much you can eat 5 small meals a day, your body will metabolize faster like that anyway. But if you get lazy with the cardio you are removing 1/3 of the equation and it will affect the other 2/3, Also do less reps and go heavier for strength, and more reps and lighter for definition and weight loss. Rule of thumb is if you can do 10 reps that’s the right weight times 2 to 4 sets, once you go over 12 reps raise the weight “it’s too light”. If you want to get bigger do less reps and more weight like 7 instead of ten. Don’t wait more than 30-60 seconds between sets. Break it down to either 3 days or 5 days a week, if you train every day you do split routines where you do chest and triceps one day and back and biceps another, then legs the third and throw shoulders in on the fifth day.
This is just a rough idea I will need more specifics but this is a “plan” to get you going. There are no shortcuts, the more you cheat the less you will accomplish, “everyone cheats once in a while” but It becomes a lifestyle because of the way you will start to feel. You won’t want to go back to feeling like you did before. I hope this helps I am going to put this up just as a basic guide for some of the guys that asked me for a program. It is what you put into it. But it varies for everyone. Slight tweaks need to be made for individual goals, age etc. and don’t forget that one beer or one drink just blew a half hour on the treadmill, I am not preaching just want you guys to realize the reasons that most times people fail with this stuff. Until your body gets accustomed to it, it can be difficult, That’s why I say let the weekend slide. Do whatever you want so you can have something to look forward to, good luck and let me know what you need, if it’s an exercise routine I will write it out for you.
Why not carry two Glock's or two Xd's instead of one each?
At least two guns of the same brand would cut down on the number of spare mags you have to carry.

Or an XD and a Kel-Tec P3AT back-up?

I seriously doubt most any of us need to carry two full-size guns to be prepaired anyway.
If it's that dangerous where you live, I'd move.

Not being a big person, I don't know how well it would work for you, but consider a shoulder holster rig. Moreover, I agree that one gun is plenty for self-defense purposes.
I'm not against two guns, but a Glock 17/22 and a 26/27 would make more sense. With a G17/22 mag for a spare that would work in either.

Or the XD/XD compact.
Why not carry two Glock's or two Xd's instead of one each?

Honestly I can see your point and I have debated that with friends of mine for years. In all seriousness, I know some of you will laugh, but that's fine I'm just trying to be honest with the fellas question. I am a true believer in zombies, and I trust my glock more, than my XD, even though my XD is my favorite gun. So hopefully it will never happen, but if I was ever to encounter a zombie I would reach for the Glock. Please don't think I'm crazy, I'm sure plenty of you believe in ghosts, aliens, and things of this sort; I just am truly scared of a zombie attack, and choose to be prepared and have options. Again, please no foul comments, we all have different out looks, and while I do believe in ghosts and zombies, I don't believe in aliens. Either way, I don't want to get this thread off topic because you guys have given me some excellent advice, and a special thank you to gym for that write up
Walk. I'm no expert, but Gym has some good diet suggestions , I think. I hope he doesn't mind me swiping them.

But walking is good exercise, and won't beat you up too much.

That, and consider studying a martial art or other activity that appeals to you. Anything to keep you moving.
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