McCain is definitely running in 2008

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Feb 20, 2003
At this point, McCain, who lost to Bush in a bitter 2000 Republican primary, is in the early but unmistakable stages of laying the groundwork for another campaign.

In addition to McCain, likely contenders include Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist of Tennessee, Virginia Sen. George Allen, Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney, former New York Mayor Rudolph Giuliani and former House Speaker Newt Gingrich.

The real question - if McCain loses the republican primary, will he then run as an independent? If he does, then whoever the Democrats run will certainly win, and they will run Hillary.
What great choices! All of them solid 2nd Amendment supporters too. Can it get any better than this?
No!!! The Manchurian Canidate and Billery... NO... I don't think there are a lesser of two evils this time around. Looks like socialists on both tickets.

Doesn't matter... I was planning on voting libertarian this time anyway.

Just in case... I need to save up money and get some toys on my list that will be deemed 'evil'.... just let there be a grandfather clause.

How reliable is this, in general? I hear Newsmax is not exactly the best news source ever, but I am not sure.
Newsmax is right-leaning, but reliable.

I don't think McCain can win the republican nomination. He is a RINO's RINO, his backstabbing during the judicial nominations have turned the party activists against him. The real danger is him then running as an independent.

One thing I have never been able to understand is how John McCain was able to 'forgive' The Shrub after all of the dirty tricks and outright lies during the South Carolina primary in 2000. Otherwise, I have great respect for the man.

It is also distressing that George Allen is on that 'prospective' list. As the Virginia governor, he did an abysmal job and left the state in a fiscal crisis. Every time he appears in news clips, it's as some marionette, mindlessly reciting some policy or position from on high. :barf:
The real question - if McCain loses the republican primary, will he then run as an independent? If he does, then whoever the Democrats run will certainly win, and they will run Hillary.

Think again. It's always been fairly difficult to run an independent/third party campaign. Perot, for instance, only managed to get on the ballot in as many states as he did, because he got elections officials to waive ballot access laws for him. But after McCain's own campaign "reform" crusade, running an effective independent campaign is virtually illegal.

I don't think he'll be a factor. He's just trying to stay relevant.
McCain is getting pretty old, and I'm getting the feeling he's looking to build his "legacy", and I think he wants part of that legacy to be a presidential candidate, even if he has no chance of winning. Clearly, his past behavior shows he'll screw the party if it means more exposure for himself.

Perot won the election for Clinton. I think it's entirely possible for history to repeat itself, with McCain as the new Perot, Hillary as Bill, and some hapless shmuck as Bush Sr.
One thing I have never been able to understand is how John McCain was able to 'forgive' The Shrub after all of the dirty tricks and outright lies during the South Carolina primary in 2000. Otherwise, I have great respect for the man.

That's easy. Bush and McCain sealed the deal last fall when McCain was out campaigning for Bush. "You campaign for me, and we'll hand you the nomination in 2008 - don't campaign for me, and we'll pull out dirty tricks you can't even imagine in '08"
The Clinton playbook has a few plays that feature the creation of a third party candidate which is designed to splinter the opposition. Don't have to shave many voters when you are in a 50-50 electorate. If Hillary runs, count on a third party showing somewhere.

McCain's political power is based in his lack of political consistency. You can bet that everytime he acts like a foul ball he or his people or his state is getting something from somewhere. SC's Lindsey Graham is poised to assume McCain's mantle as designated foulball.
If either of the egos could step aside, I bet a McCain/Jesse Ventura ticket could win a three way.
Those are some pretty crappy choices, I guess the best two would be Frist and Gingrich. Bill Frist seems to be pretty good on the RKBA issues, or at least good at not letting anti-RKBA stuff get past him. I don't know Newt's stance on RKBA, but he seems to have some good ideas on controlling illegal immigration and other issues.
we'll hand you the nomination in 2008
I don't believe that, because no one can hand the nomination to anyone. The only way that can happen, is if no other republicans run in the primarys, which is not the case here.

It's the party activists that nominate the candidate, that's true for all parties. Anyone with a lick of sense can see that McCain will never win the republican nomination. I can make a deal that you give me $50, and I'll give you the brooklyn bridge, but it's not such a great deal because the bridge isn't mine to give. Same for the party nomination, and McCain is too canny a politician to think otherwise.
There's a move on to censure McCain at a Republican convention.
United States Senator John McCain will not be in attendance at Saturday’s Arizona Republican Assembly state convention. He would not want to be present, nor would his presence be all that welcomed by Republicans. Among the resolutions to be addressed during Saturday’s annual Arizona Republican Assembly (ARA) convention is an effort to censure Arizona’s senior U.S. senator over his betrayal of the GOP on juidicial filibusters and other important issues.

Traitor to the party. :eek:
It is also distressing that George Allen is on that 'prospective' list. As the Virginia governor, he did an abysmal job and left the state in a fiscal crisis. Every time he appears in news clips, it's as some marionette, mindlessly reciting some policy or position from on high.
Have you been following him in the Senate? He's been doing well; I think he grew up (remember he was awefully young as governor). Another thing to consider is to try to convince the Dems to run Mark Warner for president.
I'd be very surprised if McCain can win the Republican nomination. He didn't have the ability to win it in 2000 and his position with the Republican party base has certainly not gotten stronger.

He could make a run as an independent; but he would be forfeiting an enormous amount of graft opportunity and power since his own campaign finance reform effectively shuts out third parties to a large degree and he would wield more power as a "maverick" Senator in the Republican party than he would as the second coming of Perot.
Why isn't McPain running for the Democratic nomination
I don't think that beyond the realm of possibility. He could easily switch parties and give Hillary a run for her money.
Why would the Democrats want him? (Other than for purely political purposes)

He seems honorable, but what makes him so special?
He seems honorable, but what makes him so special?
His military service was honorable. His political career afterwards, not so much.
Scary thought - McCain/Hillary ticket.
Scary indeed. The only thing that might keep that from happening, is one person might want it to be Hillary/McCain.
Yeah, Hillary/McCain was more what I was thinking. Just got the names backwards.

Probably wouldn't be a bad strategy by the Dems, and it gets McCain a whole lot better chance of getting to the White House.
McCain will remain a Republican as long as that appears key to his reelection to the Senate. Remaining a Senator is just as much a fall back position as it was for other senators who made a primary bid or actually became a nominated candidate. It very much depends upon the voter response in AZ. Are they electing John McCain or are they picking their favorite Republican? A little of both perhaps, but McCain will not take any chances without overwhelming wins in AZ senatorial races.
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