Me, my gun & mom.

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Nov 30, 2005
I need help. I love guns. My mother is the exact oposite. I've tried to explain things to her but she just can't understand. Or she doesn't want to. I love her very much. Legally, I can buy as many long guns as I wish, but I don't want her to hate me. What do think I should do?
If you don't live in her house, stop worrying about what she'll think and live your own life. Parents do not always agree with the actions of their offspring, but such is life and there is not thing one they can do once the kids are adults and on their own.
Try using the philosophy of "tolerance" upon which this country was founded (though the practice seems to have been forgotten). There are many kinds of people doing many kinds of legal things, most of which we, as individuals, may not approve.

Further explain that (i'm assuming) you're considered an adult in the eyes of the law and no longer her responsibility. She did her job raising you and now is the time for you to put those teachings to use. Don't get defensive/combative, though.

Unless you still live with her, in which case, get a haircut and a job, you hippie. ;)

I'm sure that, no matter the outcome, she will always love you. She's your mom.

Thanks for the advice folks. I don't live with my parents exactly. I have my own apartment. It just happens to be located beneath their house.
Continue to love her very much. Come to the realization that despite the fact that she brought you into this world, she is a flawed human being. Some are more flawed than others. If she hates you because you own guns, she is of the more flawed variety.

Just read your reply. Get your own place that isn't connected to theirs.
She's a mom, and she's always going to worry about her baby. It's not an easy sell, maybe even impossible depending on how against guns she is. My mother was very anti-gun when she was younger. She supported a person's right to own one and believed Big Brother should stay away from a citizen's right to own one, but she wanted nothing to do with a gun, personally.

She did eventually come around and now owns 3. There was no specific catalyst that converted her, it was just a lot of things over a period of time. I'd say it began with reading NRA material. Learning that there's more to owning a gun than simply "gettin all liquored up and goin shootin!!" And she may even subscribe to the "If you own a gun, you're probably going to shoot one of your own family members instead of an attacker" (ugh, I hate that!). Get some reading material, and discuss it with her. She may not convert, but she may be a bit more comfortable.
Do what a lot of us have done up here--move 3,000 miles away from any family members. It solves an astonishing number of problems in one fell swoop :D
Berek said:
Unless you still live with her, in which case, get a haircut and a job, you hippie. ;)

:D He's only 17. Probably too young to know what a hippie is. :D
You've heard "Uneasy Rider". They don't take kindly to hippies down south.

V4, Everything else Berek said is good advice. Show that you're responsible and able to put up a rational argument for firearm ownership.
I have a 16-year-old myself. Yea, its hard for a parent to let go sometimes so they can make their own decisions.

Best of luck to ya.
V4Vendetta....I wish you luck.

But it really sounds like you need, and I do mean NEED, to get a new apartment somewhere else.

You can call it "my apartment" but it's still in your parents' house.

Get out, get a place that is not physically connected to your parents' house, and then get all the guns you can afford, if you wish.

V4Vendetta said:
Thanks for the advice folks. I don't live with my parents exactly. I have my own apartment. It just happens to be located beneath their house.
It's STILL their house / their rules.
Cut the umbilical, kid.
"He's only 17. Probably too young to know what a hippie is.
You've heard "Uneasy Rider". They don't take kindly to hippies down south."

Actually, I do know what a hippie is. My older brother is one. He's a unreliable bum. I'm not. I'll try talking to my mom again. I can't really afford to move out. I have my own store & most of my money is tied up in it. I don't really even get a paycheck yet. What I make goes back into the store.
ha ha

Cosmoline said:
Do what a lot of us have done up here--move 3,000 miles away from any family members. It solves an astonishing number of problems in one fell swoop :D

That's what my kid brother did - left VA at 19 and moved to Anchorage!:evil:

But I should have gone with him when I had the chance . . . :uhoh:
Distract your mom.

Have a female teacher twice your age stay over a night or two. Your mom won't be concerned about guns after that.
V4Vendetta said:
To the guy earlier who said that I might have a say if I pay rent, I do.

Nope. It's still their property. They can set conditions of tenancy on their property. In your case that may mean "no guns."

Don't want to abide by their rules? Move. Otherwise, live with it.
V4Vendetta said:
Actually, I do know what a hippie is. My older brother is one. He's a unreliable bum.

Quite actually, that does not define a "Hippie". A true hippie is one who tries to invoke change through non-violent means. In some cases, it meant unemployment and bad hygiene, but many were able to be counted on, at least by those that mattered to them.

I was not trying to call you anything (hence the smiley face). I was trying to use levity to explain that you may need to seek an apartment outside of your parents' domain. As they own the building, even if you do pay rent, they still have the right to lay an anti-gun rule on anyone living there. Whether it's you or some stranger. It's their right as landlord to restrict what they deem as hazardous instruments within their property.

Relax. Reason will always prevail. It just may take time.

Get a lease that spells out what can and cannot be done. Leases protest the lessor and lessee. Renting from family has many of the pitfalls of lending or borrowing money to/from family.
V4Vendetta said:
Thanks for the advice folks. I don't live with my parents exactly. I have my own apartment. It just happens to be located beneath their house.

You've probably got some wiggle room.

Try printing out in book form (a 1/2" 3-ring binder or some document clamps will do fine) and bringing some post-its along. Ask for a rational reason why you're being denied, then proceed to cite references supporting your position. She won't cave, but you'll start to wear down her prejudices, if that's what they are.

And for God's sake, post what works! :D
A lot of people who are against guns are just afraid of them.
Maybe if you buy a gun safe so you can show your Mom that they are safely stored away from children and thieves she will feel better.
Also, since you live under her maybe she is worried about accidents. Have you taken a safty course? This might help convince her that you won't be accidently firing thru her floor.
Why in the world would you keep 10 loaded magazines for a Mark II?

World's worst rat infestation?:rolleyes:
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