Online Fiction

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OP2 to CP, come in over?

Howdy Halffast, Braz here. Been gone for the last few months and haven't been online. One of the 1st things I did when I got back on was to update my reading of LO. It's just as satisfying now as it was when I started! Keep writing my bro, life will catch up to any project sooner or later. You have given many readers many hours of pleasure with this story. As others have said, I will repay your kindness and hard work by buying this book asap.

Like Cpt. Taggert sez in Galaxy Quest...

Never give up, never surrender! ;)

Keep pounding those keys,
Your fan, Braz
OMG - my last chapter was #64 - I am out of touch .. Yikes!

I was depending on Obi's PDF's to stay up to date .. seems I have to get in catch-up mode. Without checking back - are there PDF's for #65, 66 and 67? Anyone?

Good to see you David - been awhile. :)
P95 - Click on the link in Half's signature. I had missed chapter 66 somehow myself.

I just read the last two chapters and man what a great yarn... great stuff.... As usual I will wait for the next set with baited breath.

Great job Mr. H!

(Love the little twists and turns the story is taking.)
Your book is great

Once I started rading I couldn't put it down (turn the computer off). I 'll buy a copy when its printed
Come'on Halffast,couldn't you take a couple of months off work so you can finish this thing.You're killin me :evil: This is a great read and very insightful too. I love it!!! I'l be waiting for more.
Sorry for the long wait. It really is getting harder and harder to write as I get close to the end. I was pretty much finished with the next chapter when I realized it wasn't good enough. I had to start over and I'm about a third finished with it. With any luck, I may have it in a week or two. Thanks to all of you for being patient with me.

No no no thank YOU for not only providing such an imaginative diversion, but also for putting up with all the begging, whining, pleading, wheedling for more.
In case you found the premise of this book to be far fetched, see:

"Statements out of North Korea and Iran last week confront the United
States and other freedom-loving nations with a frightening prospect: Two
of the world's most dangerous regimes are determined to wield nuclear
weapons. North Korea's claim already to have 'nukes' came on the heels
of an announcement by the Iranian mullahocracy that nothing will prevent
it from realizing Iran's nuclear ambitions. Should we be worried? The
short answer is absolutely. After all, these are two governments whose
state policy is hatred for America. Nuclear weapons in the hands of
megalomaniacal tyrannies who are animated by this hatred and who are
armed with ballistic missiles poses a unique -- and intolerable --
threat. The danger is not simply the prospect one or more of these rogue
states' nuclear weapons could be used to destroy an American city --
or perhaps an allied capital in the Mideast or Europe. Such an attack
could be conducted by other means, with more prosaic delivery means such
as trucks, ships or aircraft. A blue-ribbon, congressionally mandated
commission recently described an altogether different sort of nuclear
attack, one made possible by the detonation high above the United States
of a ballistic missile-delivered weapon. The panel was charged with
'assessing the threat to the United States from an electromagnetic pulse
(EMP) attack.' It concluded that the EMP effects of such an attack at
altitudes between 40 and 400 miles above this country could so severely
disrupt, both directly and indirectly, electronics and electrical
systems as to create a 'damage level...sufficient to be catastrophic
to the Nation.' Worse yet, the commission concluded that 'our current
vulnerability invites attack'."
--Center for Security Policy

If they're gonna EMP us, I hope they wait until after Halffast finishes writing. It would be enitirely too dissapointing for the end of the world to happen before I find out how his story ends.
Amen! This statement should go on the book's cover.
This has to be the most viewed and most posted on thread on the board. :p So, yes, when will we be getting an update? We can only wait so long before taking up arms to get what we want! :evil:
We can only wait so long before taking up arms to get what we want!

jobu07 - Please send a picture of the firearm you wish to trade me for a chapter. If it is to my liking, I will send you my FFL's address and on receipt of the gun, will post your chapter. I want to thank you for kind offer. ;) :neener:

Seriously, I am still working to get it right. I hope to have it ready soon. Thanks to all of you for the kind words.

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