California does it again: passed the ammo bill.

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Edited to add for clarity: I'm not upset at y'all because the legislation passed. I'm upset at y'all because not one of you saw fit to scream about it on either of the two busiest gun boards I know, before it passed.


Some of remain busy outside of the world of web forums -gun or otherwise.

Please don't blame the victims for this. It hinders rather than helps our common cause.
Are the blue areas suppose to represent population centers?

They are the counties where the Dems got more votes. (you've heard of "red state, blue state?"). It's not much of a coincidence that most of them do indeed happen to be urban areas.
Yep, it's not NOCAL versus SOCAL, it's LA, SF and most coastal communities versus the rest of the state -- Urban vs Rural.
Oh, okay. Thanks. I was just confused because the largest blue area on that map in the southern end of California is out around El Centro - not San Diego as I would have expected. Upon closer examination, I can see that San Diego is represented by a tiny spot of blue also.
That blue area in Idaho is up around Sun Valley and Ketchum. That doesn't surprise me. The is a lot of southern California leftest freak movie people who have houses there.
They are the counties where the Dems got more votes. (you've heard of "red state, blue state?"). It's not much of a coincidence that most of them do indeed happen to be urban areas.

It's not that, though, that I was illustrating.

If you're familiar with California geography, you'll see that the only populated county in the South with a Democrat majority is Los Angeles. Ventura, Orange, San Diego, Riverside, and San Bernardino Counties are Red.

Nearly every populated county in the northern half, however, vote Democrat.

Some Democrats have libertarian tendencies, but not in this state. Our Democrats are hardcore authoritarians. So here, Democrat = Socialist, and Republican can mean anything from Religious Right to Goldwater libertarian.
One reply at least:

I am opposed to AB 352. Thank you for writing and standing up for our
second amendment rights.

Sharon Runner
36th District
I can see that San Diego is represented by a tiny spot of blue also.

No it's not.

The Imperial Valley to the east went Democrat, but it's sparsely populated. There aren't that many votes out there.
pax said:
Isn't there a single gunowner in that entire overcrowded state ... just one person ... who is willing to keep an alert and dedicated eye on what the critters in Sac are up to?

It only takes one person to sound the alarm about something like this.

Apparently there's not even one gunowner in the entire state who cares enough to do the work it would take.

Without such work, freedom dies.

I say this will all due respect, but you can take your self rightous attitude and dunk it in a bottle of Hoppes. California gun owners have to deal with ridiculous gun laws, hoardes of gun friendly people leaving the state, and ridicule from those that live elsewhere. What we don't need is to be chastized by someone who doesn't have to live under our conditions.

How small minded are you that you think because people dont post on thehighroad that we aren't doing anything to fight this legislation. What good does it do to run to a place where 1) you are preaching to the choir and 2) less than 10% of the members are actually from california.

In the future I would ask that you do as my mother has suggested over and over again, and not say anything at all unless you have something nice to say.

Post Script: I am neither fat or lazy. Your choice of words, especially in light of the fact that you are a moderator are certainly not the "high road".
"Look at this map, consider where the population centers are."

Sorry ArmedBear. Maybe it's my eyes or this computer screen, but it appears to me there's a tiny spot of blue where San Diego is - not San Diego County, just the city itself.
Yeah, I know Imperial Valley is sparsely populated. That's what led to my original confusion when you posted that map and stated to concider where the population centers are.
Post script: If arnold signs this thing, look for the next thing to be serial numbering on the inside of each chamber of revolvers. So that when a fired case expands, it to will have a history.

Two things. One, I know what the vote was in my city, because I checked at the time. Two, the map only goes by county, so there is nothing to indicate whether any city voted one way or another, except coincidentally SF, which is actually "The City and County of San Francisco."

San Diego's demographic makeup is quite different from LA and SF. Each city has a distinct "feel" and a distinct culture.

The upshot? California should not be one state. The Bay Area folks don't want to be held back by our remaining "reactionary" impulses, either. I think each area should be able to get what it thinks it wants, and see how it comes out in the wash.

But Lupinus shows his complete ignorance about the place if he thinks that he wants to keep the northern half, except for hunting and backpacking.
I know there's a reason i live here, but i forget what it is

I just emailed our extremely large governor and urged him to veto this POS. Even if the technology works and the police find brass at the scene, and identify it, seems to me the most likely scenario is that the pistol in question will show up as reported stolen anyway!

i plan to move...
I did not mean to offend you ArmedBear. And I sure didn't hint that you don't know what the vote was in your own city. I wrote that on MY computer screen with MY eyes it looks like there's a blue spot on that map where San Diego, the city, is. If you say San Diego County didn't vote democratic in the last national election, okay. I believe you.
I was confused because you indicated when you posted that map that it had something to do with population centers. Yes, I agree - it does. But it also shows that major population centers don't always vote democratic. San Diego County is obviously a prime example. In my own state, Idaho, the Boise Valley consisting of Ada and Canyon Counties, is the population center. And they didn't vote democratic either.
Never-the-less, I think that large population centers usually go to the Democrats. I also agree that San Diego's demographic makeup is different than LA or SF. My wife was born and raised in San Diego. We visit there often and I have to say her family and friends are nothing like the freak show I read about in San Francisco.
It might be productive if you boycott all products made in California, or at least as many as possible, and inform California's legislature and Governor that you were doing so. You can say, briefly, that California's increasing limitations on the right of ordinary people to defend themselve make you unwilling to spend your money in ways that will keep those politicians in power.

I've just noticed, for example, that we have a container of Sun-Maid Raisins, which are labeled as from sunny California. Raisins aren't an essential. Neither are California wines. E-mail the Governor and the legislators that you won't be purchasing California products.

If a large number of gun owners were to boycott California itself by refusing to spend money on its products because of the politicians' behavior, and if there were ongoing publicity about that boycott, California's voters might come to realize that their pocketbooks will be affected. Economic boycotts work.
Well, seeing as how my Assemblyperson (Leland Yee) co-authored the bill, I emailed Arnold directly to urge a veto. We shall see what goes down.
In the meantime here's the Governator's contact page:

Whether you live California or not, it might be helpful to let him know what you think of this particular brand of social engineering. Please keep it clear, civilized and worthy of the High Road.

Stage 2 ~

If the shoe doesn't fit, don't wear it.

My complaint was about the LAZY, SELFISH, and/or DISINTERESTED gun owners in California who did nothing to either fight this legislation themselves, or to alert others that the battle needed to be fought. This doesn't slam every gun owner in the state -- only the LAZY, SELFISH and APATHETIC ones ... of which there are plainly too many.

The LAZY gunowners are the largest group. They think other people will do the boring and slightly embarrassing work of fighting stuff like this.

Then there are the SELFISH ones. Perfectly represented by a young man who posted on here awhile back, "The reason I said I didn't think autos should be made public is because I don't really want one..." For these guys, it's all about their guns. If they like rifles, they won't fight handgun battles. If they're duck hunters, they won't lift a finger to help the riflemen.

And finally there are the DISINTERESTED or APATHETIC types, the ones who just don't care. Some of them might be overwhelmed or discouraged because they used to care. Some of them never cared. But what they have in common is that they just don't care anymore. Fighting stuff like this is too darn much work, and they aren't going to bother.

If none of these shoes fit, please don't wear them! I complained about gunowners who hadn't done anything to publicize this dastardly legislation, and hadn't fought it. If you did either of those things, I wasn't talking about you or to you.

What did you, personally, do to fight this thing?

This Is A Phenomenon Particular To California

It is called the "California of Common Sense Syndrome". Anyone lacking a good solid sense of values and logic is susceptible to CCSS. The main problem with the syndrome is the effect it has upon those of us WITH values and logic - WE are the ones who suffer! Anyone with CCSS is oblivious to their disorder. :fire:

We can only hope they continue to procreate slower than we do. A recent study shows conservatives are procreating significantly faster than liberals. Since liberals appear to be the only segment of society susceptible to CCSS, I think time is on our side!:neener:


To be liberal is to live in a cloud of delusion fraught with fantasy, and a disregard for the law and fair play. Alas; clear fact, unambiguous consensus, scrutiny, and researched reason does prevail and keeps me in touch with who is who, what is what, and why I am conservative. B.E.Wood
This passed in the Senate, it still has to pass the Assembly, and be signed. Even NRA was blindsided on this, their alert came out today. Sneaky deceitful, slimy demoncratic scum... oh my, there I go being redundant.
How about an official petition from THR to either the CA Assembly or the Governator? We can each choose or not choose to sign it. If we're non residents we can pledge to not visit California, thus depriving them of tourist dollars. If members of THR are Cali residents they can pledge to vote against the Gov or the Assembly members who vote for it. They can also pledge to vote with their feet and move. I doubt it will make much of a difference but it's something. At least I would feel like i am doing something to help out gun owners 3000 miles away from me.
Arnold has vetoed every gun control bill to hit his desk, with the exception of AB50. There is a good chance he will veto this one if enough people speak out against it.
In reply to my one-click email to the CA Assembly, so far I've received a bunch of form letter responses ("thank you for writing" with no position statement, since they're auto-responder emails) and one real response:
Thank you for writing. I am opposed to AB 352 or any piece of legislation that would infringe on our right to bear arms.

Sharon Runner


36th District
pax said:
My complaint was about the LAZY, SELFISH, and/or DISINTERESTED gun owners in California who did nothing to either fight this legislation themselves, or to alert others that the battle needed to be fought. This doesn't slam every gun owner in the state -- only the LAZY, SELFISH and APATHETIC ones ... of which there are plainly too many.

And the irony about this is that even if every single gun owner in the state was politically active we probably still wouldn't have the political clout to changs things back to normal. Why? Well, it probably has to do with the fact that every time someone posts about california, 99.9% of people here tell them to leave and join "free america", hurl insults at my state and make wonderful generalizations based on what they read on the news and what they see on TV.

What might be lazy to you might just be pragmatic to others.

What did you, personally, do to fight this thing?

Um... met with several state senators as well as a couple of assemblymen, written hundreds of emails, wrote editorials and law review articles, donated hundreds of dollars to organizations fighting this B.S., and encouraged sane people who may not as yet be gun owners to "help the cause". And you know what the sad part is... I don't even currently live in California. Work has sent me on hiatus for a little over a year.

So let me ask you a question. If I can do all this from another state, how come no one on this board is doing the same. Maybe its because they are lazy and apathetic? I mean it's not their problem since it doesn't involve their freedoms right?:rolleyes:

Post Script: Have you ever lived in Cali?
I'm sure that Pax has battles to fight in her own state of Washington. She has a life to lead, is a moderator on this board, and a quick look at her website will show that she is a busy lady. While help from out of state is always appreciated, our battles are our own here in CA.

So far.

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