Chicago Priest's death threats to be on Fox News tonight

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Apr 22, 2006
Chicago Catholic Priest Wants to Snuff Out Gun Shop Owner

Catholic Priest Michael Pfleger during a May 26th protest outside Chuck's Gun Shop in Riverdale IL. said he wanted to snuff out the owner and all legislators that support gun rights in Illinois. The Illinois State Rifle Assoc. has the audio of the "good" Father on there website - - scroll down a little and you'll find it. Also, there are some pictures of his buddy in protest the Rev. Jackson and his rent a mob.

Kudos to the gun rights counter protesters for their work.

Notes of scorn can be sent to the Archbishop of Chicago at:

Francis Cardinal George, O.M.I.
Archdiocese of Chicago
155 E. Superior Street
Chicago, IL 60611
actually what needs to be done is someone file charges of inciting to riot and terroristic threats from a Federal Civil Rights standpoint, that will get it away from Cook County criminal association, led by Mayor Daley.
During an address at an anti-gun rally in front of Chuck's, Rev. Michael Pfleger, pastor of St. Sabina's Church, exhorted the crowd to "drag" shop owner, John Riggio, from his shop "like a rat" and "snuff" him. Rev. Pfleger went on to tell the crowd that legislators that vote against gun control legislation should be "snuffed" as well. As many know, "snuff" is slang for especially violent murder.

Well now, isn't that awfully "Christian" of him? Personally, it makes me glad I'm an atheist.
What I'd like to say is not vert high road.
It's a shame that people think violence on their part will stop the violent acts of others. :evil:
I think charging the clergyman with whatever sticks might help, we need to let people know that they are not above the law. If I went and protested the brady campaign and called for the murder of a certain individual I would probably get a nice all expense paid vacation ;)
Guys, activism is for activism. No commentary please, stick with the mission.
Just got this alert from the ISRA:

May 31, 2007:
Last Saturday's Protest at Chuck's Gun Shop on Fox News Channel Tonight at 8:00 CDT

This is a quick note to our members and other readers:

If you've been following the fallout from Jesse Jackson's protest at Chuck's Gun Shop last Saturday, especially Father Michael Pfleger's inflammatory threats leveled at John Riggio and pro-gun legislators, then you might want to tune into the Hannity & Colmes show tonight on the Fox News Channel.

This show is transmitted via cable, satellite, certain broadcast affiliate TV and radio stations at 8:00 pm CDT. If you don't have the Fox News Channel, or don't have a TV, you might be able to listen to a live webcast at


Why is it that the higher up the ladder of power a person climbs, the stupider they become and think they can get away with murder?
I'm surprised this hasn't been covered by Bill O'reilly. He is a devout catholic and loves to hold priests accountable for their wrongdoings.
I dont see anything coming of this. Standard politics. If a politician or political figure, of any party, both Democrat and Republican says something it is going to be on the news for a few days then quietly pushed aside.
Anybody see this? I just got home and didn't know it was being discussed on a national show.

The Priest is a longtime moonbat lefty. He loves controversy and press.
I saw it.

Alan Colmes is an idiot. I get so pissed off with his never ending apologies and excuses defending the left when they are called on to be held accountable for their words or actions.

Alan Colmes actually tried to brush Pfleger's remarks aside saying that it should be obvious to everyone the "snuff out" meant "expose wrong doing" and that this is just conservatives deliberately taking Pflager our of context in order attack the left.

Just like Rosie O’Donnell’s temper tantrum after being criticized for calling the troops “terrorists,” this is just the same old tired lefty tactic of doing or saying something distasteful and then crying “vast right wing conspiracy” or “personal attack” when called to answer for what was said or done. Imagine that, the left attacking the right in one breath then crying victim or the right with the next breath. What hypocrites.
"Father" Michael Pfleger needs to get back to his marxist roots, exfiltrate the Church, and join his fellow change agents in a journey to a homeland of their own where they belong. Never to return.
I guess I am used to nasty speech coming from both sides of the spectrum in today's political discourse that it is hard to get too worked up about it. If I went to that church, I would complain to the bishop and probably go elsewhere. I'd also buy a gun from that shop to show my support.
I'm always astounded at the conundrum.
Many anti's fear and hate the gunnies, they say it's due to our inherently dangerous and supposedly violent nature. We can't be trusted, we have no self control (according to them).


Apparently they aren't so afraid after all and think we have some sort of self control since they'll just walk right up to a group of armed men and start making death threats.

I mean seriously, if you are really afraid of somebody do you get right in their face and threaten them? The "logic" just doesn't hold up.

Pfleger is actually claiming now that he thought the word "snuff" meant "to expose?"

Seriously? That's your defense? Good luck with that. We're supposed to think Father Pfleger is the only person in America who doesn't know what that word means? And the only Catholic priest in America who's never heard anyone talk about "snuffing out" candles? Or did he think they wanted to expose the candles?
Wrong place to protest

Heard a caller on WLS radio this morning make a lot of sense. He asked why Michael Pfleger and Jessie Jackson don't contact the Gang Unit at the Chicago Police Dept. and find out where the local gang leaders live and go by there and stage a protest.

Why doesn't Michael Pfleger get on the bull horn and yell that the gang leaders need to be dragged out of their homes and snuffed out?

Yeah right, I think we don't have to wonder why they don't. It is safer and easier to yell and protest at law abiding citizens conducting legal business.
Wrong place to protest


Heard a caller on WLS radio this morning make a lot of sense. He asked why Michael Pfleger and Jessie Jackson don't contact the Gang Unit at the Chicago Police Dept. and find out where the local gang leaders live and go by there and stage a protest.

Why doesn't Michael Pfleger get on the bull horn and yell that the gang leaders need to be dragged out of their homes and snuffed out?

Yeah right, I think we don't have to wonder why they don't. It is safer and easier to yell and protest at law abiding citizens conducting legal business.
While admittedly, I haven't lived in Chicago since '86, I can supply Father Pfleger and Jessie with some helpful hints on where to look for gang members. When I was a kid in the '60s, the Blackstone Rangers (later the Black P-Stone Nation, now the El Rukns) used to own the big white highrise next to the Dan Ryan, I believe, near 63rd and State.

I'm sure that the inheritors of Jeff Fort's empire would gladly entertain any requests those two might submit. After all, Jeff and Co, offered the same courtesy to the Black Panthers in the '60s when they made noises about interfering in the local phamaceutical trade. The Rangers listened politely, then backed up by several Class III collectors with Thompson submachineguns, explained that that wasn't going to be possible, and that in future the Panthers should confine their activities to passing out newspapers and getting shot by the Chicago PD. The Panthers complied.

I'm sure that the El Rukns will know what the good Father means when he threatens to "snuff" them, and act accordingly...
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