still no news from eric holder

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He's too busy to respond.....he has a new investigation going on to find out who is leaking top secret information from the White House.
This is just one tiny illustration of where we are heading, unless different people get voted into office.

I cannot comprehend our country lasting four more years at the current rate we are going in relation to EVERYTHING.
This is just one tiny illustration of where we are heading, unless different people get voted into office.
"Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it."

Apparently voting in someone different didn't make enough of a difference.

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I listed to an interesting interview today on a political talk show about Obama, Holder, Axelrod and Rahm Emanual.

Eric Holder is an ideologue and considered to be not very politically astute. As Holder started making statements in meetings and publicly early on in Obama’s term – things like closing Guantanomo, and trying Khalid Shaikh Mohammed in the NY civilian court versus a military trial – Rahm Emanual began to become more and more opposed to Holder.

Rahm felt that Holder’s ideas jeopardized Obama’s re-election chances. Closing Guantanamo was unpopular. Trying Khalid Shaikh Mohammed in a non-military trial was very risky. There were other things, but the two basically grew to hate each other. The two got in many heated verbal exchanges where the both of them would use the F-word. One exchange in particular grew so heated that Valerie Jarrett stepped in before the two physically went after each other. They were close to coming to blows according to witnesses before Jarrett stepped in between them and the F-word was every other word out of their mouths.

Generally speaking, Rahm warned President Obama that Holder represented a danger to him, that Holder didn’t have political “antennae”, he didn’t have a good feel for what would be political beneficial or politically disastrous. And Rahm was right.

Holder ended up jeopardizing the presidency, and he certainly hasn’t helped Obama’s re-election chances.

Axelrod is a pure politician, if he’d have known about F&F he would have had it cancelled. Axelrod would have been able to see that it was a situation with nearly no payoff politically, almost no upside potential but with tremendous downside potential.

I think though that Holder at some point did confide in Obama directly about Fast & Furious.

IMO, the biggest thing that is going to hurt Holder is the fact that there are good people in DOJ, FBI & ATF that aren’t going to let this cover-up succeed. Holder has some serious leaks. Holder can go after the leaks but I don’t think he can stop them.

I think there is evidence out there to prove that Holder perjured himself before congress and I think there is evidence to show that Janet Napolitano perjured herself before congress also.
I think there is evidence out there to prove that Holder perjured himself before congress and I think there is evidence to show that Janet Napolitano perjured herself before congress also.
And yet neither one has been indicted nor impeached. Republicans don't even have the cajones to cite Holder for contempt, and the Democrats will rally around one of their own no matter how dirty he is.

Issa needs to quit stalling and bring it to a vote even if it fails -- so we can see who the rats are.
IMO: This one is easy; Issa does not have the votes.

There are 17 Democrats on that committee along with 23 Republicans. Issa needs 21 votes to recommend indictment for contempt. None of the Democrats will vote to cite Holder for contempt. 16 Republican members of the committee want to cite Holder for contempt. Two are seriously waffling and five will not commit.
I know that. Bring it to a vote anyway to uncover the scoundrels. If he's never going to do anything, what is the point of the hearings, just to pander to us?

I agree that Boehner is likely the main problem.
It seems that sometimes gun owners think of Issa as their NRA representative in the U.S. Congress. When he doesn’t do what we want him to do the way we want him to do it – we get angry.

There are times when the GOP’s interests and the NRA’s interest coincide concerning the investigation into Fast & Furious. But they shouldn’t be confused. I believe the NRA primarily wants the information so they can show that BATFE walked guns to cartels as part of a plan to create the foundation for a case for new stricter gun control laws. Getting a person in the White House who is less hostile to the Second Amendment and guns is secondary. The GOP primarily wants to use Fast & Furious to hurt President Obama’s re-election chances, and damage as many dems as they can in the process, and IMO everything else is secondary.

Why would Issa do an end-run around John Boehner? What motivation would he have to do that? And if you think it through – it would have tremendous negative consequences for Issa to take such action. Also the fact that the senior GOP leaders are not supporting Issa in an action like that would embolden the Democrats. It wouldn’t accomplish much.
The odds are against the AG getting away with this.

History shows that the executive branch usually does turn over information in one way or another…
I think quite a few people here read my columns over on, (Seattle Gun Rights Examiner), and now the CCRKBA has unleashed a video that goes after Holder on Fast and Furious.

I've been covering F&F for 18 months. What a travesty.

But that's just me talking and I think the contempt threat may jar a few people who didn't think Issa and Boehner had the gonads to actually do it.

Ah, well.
""Considering" and actually doing anything are two entirely different things."

They've scheduled a meeting. How do you consider charges until you schedule a meeting and then meet? Do you actually have any idea about Congressional procedures?
The democrates claim he is being hammered for political reasons.

Holder claimed it was because those nasty Republicans are all racist crackers. Here he is, quoted by the New York Times:

...Holder contended that many of his other critics — not only elected Republicans but also a broader universe of conservative commentators and bloggers — were instead playing “Washington gotcha” games, portraying them as frequently “conflating things, conveniently leaving some stuff out, construing things to make it seem not quite what it was” to paint him and other department figures in the worst possible light.

Of that group of critics, Mr. Holder said he believed that a few — the “more extreme segment” — were motivated by animus against Mr. Obama and that he served as a stand-in for him. “This is a way to get at the president because of the way I can be identified with him,” he said, “both due to the nature of our relationship and, you know, the fact that we’re both African-American.”​
Holder claimed it was because those nasty Republicans are all racist crackers. Here he is, quoted by the New York Times:

...Holder contended that many of his other critics — not only elected Republicans but also a broader universe of conservative commentators and bloggers — were instead playing “Washington gotcha” games, portraying them as frequently “conflating things, conveniently leaving some stuff out, construing things to make it seem not quite what it was” to paint him and other department figures in the worst possible light.

Of that group of critics, Mr. Holder said he believed that a few — the “more extreme segment” — were motivated by animus against Mr. Obama and that he served as a stand-in for him. “This is a way to get at the president because of the way I can be identified with him,” he said, “both due to the nature of our relationship and, you know, the fact that we’re both African-American.”​
Holder claimed it was because some nasty Republicans are racist crackers. Reread what you just quoted.

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I have been astounded at how the Democrats march in lockstep politically. That was a time when some of them had brains and backbone. It appears that Nancy Pelosi neutered whatever remained of principle in the Democrat party.

The Republicans are scared to stand up, fearing it will cost them votes. Holder has lied and obfuscated. That is plain. He and President Obama are the two most arrogant federal government officials/elected that I have ever seen. Nixon at his worst was a Boy Scout next to these guys!
Apparently Holder is turning over the emails and plans to meet with Issa.

But who knows, the emails may spawn the next evolution of the Birther movement.

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