Top Shot Returns -New Season

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Skoff all you want. My wife and I first saw it the second season, in the waiting room at the car dealer while she was getting her oil changed. She refused to leave when her car was ready until the episode was over. Turned out they were doing a marathon that weekend, so I used my iPhone to set my DVR to record it.

We spent the rest of the weekend watching it, and as a result she expressed a desire to shoot IDPA with me and to shoot in GSSF Glock matches.
I might have to get my cable reconnected for the next couple of months. It may not be a perfect show, but 9mm is right: it exposes people to shooters and shooting in a positive light and we all know we can always use that.
No need for cable. I just buy the season on iTunes.
Top shot has gotten my wife enthused about shooting. She tolerated my hobby until she watched some of the challenges and I built a couple to try in my range. instead of poking holes in paper she got to try some of the mocked up challenges. Now she actually likes shooting and can hold her own on the range.
1. I agree season 4 seems a little early for an all-stars show.
2. I'm glad the show is back, it shows the support and interest that exists in the US for shooting sports. It's a show that can bring in "non shooters". My wife loves it.
3. I like the shooting challenges. A lot! I would like to pay to go with a group of friends to compete against each other on some of them (without the eliminations, just points).
4. The drama part seems silly, I just fast forward past that.
5. It is indeed great to see a "self-taught shooter" beat "special forces sniper" or whoever. I realize a lot of "elite shooters" who are no doubt good at what they do have very little experience outside of it. Whereas average guy shooters often have a broad range of shooting experience.
5. In summary, I like the show and will watch it.
I like the fact that it is a shooting show that portrays guns and shooting in a positive light and brings in a new audience.

That said, I have talked to a number of people who have been on the show or considered being on the show (both pros and non-pros). The feedback from one pro in particular was the following:

-The casting process has VASTLY more to do with "personalities" than shooting skill
-The "competition" is not; much of it is inconsistent and therefore chance plays a large role in the outcome; not attractive to a pro whose JOB it is to win shooting competitions.
-These guys accepted the opportunity to act as "consultation experts" or whatever they are (the shooting experts that do the intros of different guns to the contestants); so they were still involved with the show, just not as contestants themselves.

So, it appears to me to be a reality show first, with guns being a somewhat tangential inclusion. That fact does NOT overshadow the positive in the show for me and I'm glad it is on the air.
I've heard that they're trying to lessen the drama this season. There's no more teams nor nomination sessions. Supposed to be all performance based.

Overall I like the show. I don't like seeing some of the more outlandish bits (to me being a good marksman isn't about seeing who gets lucky when firing a canon or a sling-shot), but its still good.

Top Shot was actually what finally got me into shooting USPSA. Had thought about it before the shot but then it pushed me over the edge. Been doing that for almost 2 years now and still loving it.
I tend to look past the whole "personalities" thing and just watch it for the unique and varied shooting events that they have devised. I do like that with certain events the shooters get to choose what guns (and targets), they'll be using instead of being locked into one specific gun that they may be unfamilar with. Something I can do without is all the non-gun (i.e. knife/tomahawk/etc.), events. Definitely will watch it if they do head-to-head competitions with former all-star competitors instead of the previous team set-up.
ny32182 said:
The casting process has VASTLY more to do with "personalities" than shooting skill
You have to remember that this show was a long shot to get on the air to begin with. They had to appeal to a larger audience than just shooters. They were looking to draw in the age and demographics that aren't normally attracted to shooting...this is good for us.

Personalities are what draw the folks they want to watch the show. Getting the right mix for conflict and camaraderie is what convinces producers to pay for production to start.

Wishoot said:
Get rid of the host and the extra drama and you've got a good show.
Besides what I posted above, non-shooters really like Coby. He is very professional and gives non-shooters information to understand what is happening and keep them he can laugh at how bright his smile is (running joke). His persona is patterned after the host of Survivor
I hope they bring back the golf pro guy. I enjoyed watching him outshoot some of the chest thumping he-men.

I also hope they bring back several of the females...except for Gabby we hardly got the chance to see any of them perform.
Colby is a two-time contestant on survivor. He was always a viewer favorite when he was on the island. My mom startec watching top shot just because Colby was the host and she liked him on survivor.

I think top shot is great for the sport and the producers have done a great job drawing ratings across many demographics. I can do without the drama but if it draws in a tepid shooter I will endure it. It also is a lead by example of shooting safety. I point out the safety practices to my kids.
At 22:00 hours tonight

I will give it another try as the guns listed tonight are pretty cool.

BUT if they start the " reality show " b.s. then I am gone.

I would rather be sleeping, than annoyed.
It's a good show for the pro gun side and that makes it worth watching, I'm sure the anti 2A crowd hates any show showing guns in a positive light.
Get rid of the host and the extra drama and you've got a good show.

Well it IS show business. They need some sort of "drama" to keep it slightly interesting. The host is actually a cool guy IMO. I don't think you can find a better host for this type of show (unless you had someone in mind).

About as reality show based as "the walking Dead".

I don't even know if you are being serious there or just sarcastic. :rolleyes:

The show has no similarities with The Walking Dead, other than both are great shows.
It think it was a great first show.

As many folks have asked for, this one was completely performance based. There was no voting or chance involved, you either shot better or you were first put at risk and then eliminated.

It was good to see that a lot of returnees had upped their game and the Proving Ground...what used to be the Nomination Range...was a great way to see which two shooters should be sent to elimination.

I loved how Kelly from Season 1 has matured, but I do miss seeing Jay (Season 3) or JJ (Season 1)
I like the performance based aspect and I think most who would watch this type of show (gun enthusiasts) will too. With no teams and no nominations for elimination there probably won't be as much drama (maybe?) and perhaps the crowd that just likes reality TV drama may not be as interested. Although, I wonder how many of that sort were even interested in the show to begin with?
Well, gun XXX... I don't care much for the drama, but I admit I watch it for the slow-mo shots of the weapons and projectiles.
My wife and I really enjoyed the new format. She doesn't shoot, but has been following the show since the beginning.
Loved it.
Thanks for starting this thread. I didn't even know about the new season until I read it, in the middle of the first episode. Luckily they ran it again right after so I got to see the whole thing, and set the DVR to record the rest.
Definitely liked the new performance based theme. I feel it aligns better with most shooters' attitudes. Firearms and drama are not the best mix.
Tonight's opening episode was a definite improvement over the previous format. No "Teams" is a great improvement and hopefully will eliminate most of the drama. Hopefully they have also eliminated the BS "Weapons" like the rocks and spears.
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